1. 15 Jan, 2017 2 commits
  2. 14 Jan, 2017 3 commits
  3. 08 Jan, 2017 3 commits
    • Craig Watson's avatar
      Adjust text item size upon loading to account for platform-to-platform variability · ae380e4e
      Craig Watson authored
      The same font, in the same point size, can be displayed differently
      depending on platform (this is a Qt limitation). This can lead to text
      items being the wrong size when importing a document created on a
      different computer.
      As a workaround, when saving a text item to SVG, the size of 1pt in
      pixels is calculated and saved. Upon loading, this value is calculated
      again and, if it is different from the saved value, the text item is
      scaled accordingly.
      Thus, any document created from this version onward will have
      correctly-scaled text boxes. If an old document (not containing a
      pixel-per-point attribute for text items) is loaded, the scene is marked
      as modified to make sure that all text items are then saved with the
      pixels-per-point value (even if the document is not edited). This allows
      old documents to be "fixed" by simply opening them once from a new
      version of OpenBoard.
      save text item font size in pixels, and scale it on load
      fixed loading of text item pixel height
      Save and load pixels-per-point rather than text pixel height
      Upon loading a text item from SVG, make sure that it will be saved with a pixel-per-point value
    • Craig Watson's avatar
      When loading a scene that is about to be deleted, don't cache the previous and next scenes. · 4cff8473
      Craig Watson authored
      This prevents crashes that may occur when deleting multiple pages from a document.
    • Craig Watson's avatar
  4. 27 Nov, 2016 1 commit
  5. 26 Nov, 2016 1 commit
  6. 15 Nov, 2016 1 commit
  7. 14 Nov, 2016 1 commit
  8. 13 Nov, 2016 1 commit
    • Craig Watson's avatar
      Background cross color is now a setting in the config file · 2fd0cc87
      Craig Watson authored
      This allows users to change the color of the background grid e.g if they
      are using a projector or other low-contrast display.
      The settings are in the `Board` category and are named `CrossColorDarkBackground`
      and `CrossColorLightBackground`. They take strings representing the
      color in any of the following formats:
      - #RGB (Hexadecimal digits)
      - #RRGGBB
      - #AARRGGBB
      - #RRRGGGBBB
      - Any SVG color keyword name (as defined by W3C)
  9. 05 Nov, 2016 1 commit
  10. 24 Sep, 2016 2 commits
  11. 18 Sep, 2016 2 commits
    • Craig Watson's avatar
      Bumped version to 1.3.4 · 2263c46d
      Craig Watson authored
    • Craig Watson's avatar
      Correct screen indexing in some cases · 6d35a5a3
      Craig Watson authored
      Several issues remain with multi-screen mode on Linux. The behavior is
      inconsistent from one desktop evironment to the next, making it hard to
      work around these problems. Among the known issues at this stage:
      On Ubuntu 14.04, a call to QWidget::setGeometry requires the widget to
      be hidden on KDE, but visible on MATE, for the geometry changes to take
      Despite the widget's geometry being updated by this call, the windows
      aren't necessarily moved. Meaning that the control and display widgets
      will tend to be displayed on the same monitor, even though their
      positions are correctly set to different areas on the extended screen.
      In the current state, this behavior is observed on MATE. Unity works
      fine and KDE only has transient positioning issues (for example,
      swapping control and display windows in multi-screen mode leads to both
      windows being placed on the same monitor, until multi-screen mode is
      turned off then on again).
      # Please enter the commit message for your changes. Lines starting
      # with '#' will be ignored, and an empty message aborts the commit.
      # On branch dev
      # Your branch is ahead of 'origin/dev' by 29 commits.
      #   (use "git push" to publish your local commits)
      # Changes to be committed:
      #	modified:   src/core/UBApplicationController.cpp
      #	modified:   src/core/UBDisplayManager.cpp
      #	modified:   src/core/UBDisplayManager.h
      # Changes not staged for commit:
      #	modified:   release_scripts/linux/build.sh
      #	modified:   release_scripts/linux/package.sh
      # Untracked files:
      #	release_scripts/linux/generateDependencies.sh
  12. 11 Sep, 2016 3 commits
  13. 10 Sep, 2016 1 commit
  14. 08 Sep, 2016 2 commits
  15. 06 Sep, 2016 4 commits
  16. 05 Sep, 2016 3 commits
  17. 04 Sep, 2016 2 commits
  18. 03 Sep, 2016 1 commit
  19. 27 Jun, 2016 2 commits
    • Craig Watson's avatar
      Bumped version to 1.3.3 · 3a7c2945
      Craig Watson authored
    • Craig Watson's avatar
      Fixes to import and export of files containing PDFs · 3abf154d
      Craig Watson authored
      The scale of PDF items was sometimes badly calculated when opening a
      document made with a previous version of OpenBoard or made on another
      Specifically, this solves the following issues:
      - PDF scale calculation in documents that did not specify the pageDPI
      used to render the PDF (happened with documents created with some old
      versions of OpenBoard)
      - PDF scale calculation in multi-page documents (it was set correctly
      for the first page, but not the following ones)
  20. 22 Jun, 2016 3 commits
  21. 13 Jun, 2016 1 commit