• Craig Watson's avatar
    Correct screen indexing in some cases · 6d35a5a3
    Craig Watson authored
    Several issues remain with multi-screen mode on Linux. The behavior is
    inconsistent from one desktop evironment to the next, making it hard to
    work around these problems. Among the known issues at this stage:
    On Ubuntu 14.04, a call to QWidget::setGeometry requires the widget to
    be hidden on KDE, but visible on MATE, for the geometry changes to take
    Despite the widget's geometry being updated by this call, the windows
    aren't necessarily moved. Meaning that the control and display widgets
    will tend to be displayed on the same monitor, even though their
    positions are correctly set to different areas on the extended screen.
    In the current state, this behavior is observed on MATE. Unity works
    fine and KDE only has transient positioning issues (for example,
    swapping control and display windows in multi-screen mode leads to both
    windows being placed on the same monitor, until multi-screen mode is
    turned off then on again).
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    # On branch dev
    # Your branch is ahead of 'origin/dev' by 29 commits.
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    # Changes to be committed:
    #	modified:   src/core/UBApplicationController.cpp
    #	modified:   src/core/UBDisplayManager.cpp
    #	modified:   src/core/UBDisplayManager.h
    # Changes not staged for commit:
    #	modified:   release_scripts/linux/build.sh
    #	modified:   release_scripts/linux/package.sh
    # Untracked files:
    #	release_scripts/linux/generateDependencies.sh
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