1. 20 Dec, 2017 2 commits
  2. 19 Dec, 2017 2 commits
  3. 11 Dec, 2017 1 commit
  4. 13 Nov, 2017 1 commit
  5. 03 Nov, 2017 1 commit
  6. 10 Oct, 2017 1 commit
  7. 25 Sep, 2017 1 commit
  8. 24 Sep, 2017 1 commit
  9. 23 Sep, 2017 1 commit
  10. 09 Sep, 2017 2 commits
    • Craig Watson's avatar
      Moved bezier calculations to UBGeometryUtils · 1a075c05
      Craig Watson authored
      -> also deleted obsolete UBInterpolator classes
    • Craig Watson's avatar
      Improved drawing of end of current stroke · 123ebf1d
      Craig Watson authored
      Distance between the last drawn point and the current point is
      calculated to be able to discard very short stroke segments (i.e we only
      add to the current stroke if the input device has moved more than a
      certain distance since the last drawn point).
      This commit moves this code from the stroke to the scene, which allows
      to calculate distance more accurately: it is now calculated as the
      total, absolute distance traveled since the last point, rather than simply the
      length of a line between the last point and current one.
  11. 15 May, 2017 1 commit
    • Craig Watson's avatar
      Fix saving of strokes that were partially erased · bec0dc00
      Craig Watson authored
      This ensures that when part of a line is erased,
      `UBGraphicsStroke::isNominalLine` will no longer return true. This was
      problematic as `UBSvgSubsetAdaptor` uses this to know whether or not to
      save a stroke as polyline.
      If it saves the stroke as a polyline, then the erased portions of the stroke
      reappear after saving.
      Therefore, we now force saving of the stroke as a group of polygons when it
      has been partially erased.
  12. 30 Apr, 2017 1 commit
  13. 23 Apr, 2017 1 commit
    • Craig Watson's avatar
      Fix for copy/paste issues · fc81e27b
      Craig Watson authored
      This fixes two related issues:
      1) When taking a partial screenshot of the desktop, then copying it
      (Ctrl-C) and pasting it in a new document, it was not saved
      2) When a page of one document was copied into another (in document
      mode, by dragging the page onto another document), media files
      disappeared from the new page.
  14. 09 Apr, 2017 1 commit
  15. 11 Feb, 2017 1 commit
    • Craig Watson's avatar
      Fix saving of groups' positions · 14849cf5
      Craig Watson authored
      Previously, only transforms were saved -- not positions (which are set
      if a group is moved by dragging it directly; if dragged by its frame,
      its transform is updated instead).
      Issue observed was that a group that had been moved would lose its new
      position when the document was saved then loaded. (All other transforms
      were kept, however).
      Now, when duplicating a group before saving a document, position is
      included in the group's transform.
  16. 25 Jan, 2017 1 commit
  17. 14 Jan, 2017 1 commit
  18. 13 Nov, 2016 1 commit
    • Craig Watson's avatar
      Background cross color is now a setting in the config file · 2fd0cc87
      Craig Watson authored
      This allows users to change the color of the background grid e.g if they
      are using a projector or other low-contrast display.
      The settings are in the `Board` category and are named `CrossColorDarkBackground`
      and `CrossColorLightBackground`. They take strings representing the
      color in any of the following formats:
      - #RGB (Hexadecimal digits)
      - #RRGGBB
      - #AARRGGBB
      - #RRRGGGBBB
      - Any SVG color keyword name (as defined by W3C)
  19. 06 Nov, 2016 1 commit
  20. 16 Oct, 2016 3 commits
  21. 15 Oct, 2016 1 commit
    • Craig Watson's avatar
      Added stroke simplification algorithm · df71f158
      Craig Watson authored
      If enabled in the preferences menu, pen and marker strokes will be
      replaced by a simplified stroke after they are drawn.
      The algorithm is very basic (for now): if three points are almost lined
      up (the threshold angle can be specified in the config file), then the
      middle one is removed. This is repeated over the whole stroke; new
      polygons are then generated based on the simplified stroke points.
      This typically cuts down on number of points and polygons by a factor of
      about 10, while having minimal visual impact.
  22. 24 Sep, 2016 1 commit
  23. 03 Sep, 2016 1 commit
  24. 02 Sep, 2016 1 commit
    • Craig Watson's avatar
      User-resizable background grid: · 081dbee1
      Craig Watson authored
      - The background selection palette now includes a slider to change the
      size of the background grid. Default min/max values are 16 and 64px,
      defined in UBSettings. Grid resizes dynamically as the slider is moved.
      - Measuring tools' (ruler, triangle) markers follow grid size: 1 square
      of the background grid corresponds to 1cm
      - Grid size can be different for each page of a document
      - Grid size is saved in the .svg
      - Documents with a background grid but no specified grid size follow the
      default size defined in UBSettings.
      Previously, grid size was calculated based on DPI, which can vary from
      one OS, computer or display to the next. This new setting allows
      documents to be migrated from one machine to another with no unexpected
      changes in grid size happening. It also makes it easy to correct any
      problems importing old documents (whose grid size might be smaller or
      larger than expected when imported on a new version of OpenBoard).
  25. 22 Jun, 2016 1 commit
    • Craig Watson's avatar
      Fix PDF export of documents containing both PDFs and tools · b323f2f9
      Craig Watson authored
      In some cases, the PDF background of a document could be scaled badly
      when tools such as the ruler, compass etc. were present on the page.
      This happened with PDFs of version <= 1.4, and when the tools were
      outside of / larger than the page.
  26. 13 May, 2016 1 commit
  27. 09 May, 2016 5 commits
  28. 26 Apr, 2016 1 commit
  29. 09 Mar, 2016 3 commits