- 06 Nov, 2016 1 commit
Craig Watson authored
- 16 Oct, 2016 3 commits
Craig Watson authored
Craig Watson authored
Craig Watson authored
- 15 Oct, 2016 1 commit
Craig Watson authored
If enabled in the preferences menu, pen and marker strokes will be replaced by a simplified stroke after they are drawn. The algorithm is very basic (for now): if three points are almost lined up (the threshold angle can be specified in the config file), then the middle one is removed. This is repeated over the whole stroke; new polygons are then generated based on the simplified stroke points. This typically cuts down on number of points and polygons by a factor of about 10, while having minimal visual impact.
- 24 Sep, 2016 1 commit
Craig Watson authored
- 03 Sep, 2016 1 commit
Craig Watson authored
- 02 Sep, 2016 1 commit
Craig Watson authored
- The background selection palette now includes a slider to change the size of the background grid. Default min/max values are 16 and 64px, defined in UBSettings. Grid resizes dynamically as the slider is moved. - Measuring tools' (ruler, triangle) markers follow grid size: 1 square of the background grid corresponds to 1cm - Grid size can be different for each page of a document - Grid size is saved in the .svg - Documents with a background grid but no specified grid size follow the default size defined in UBSettings. Previously, grid size was calculated based on DPI, which can vary from one OS, computer or display to the next. This new setting allows documents to be migrated from one machine to another with no unexpected changes in grid size happening. It also makes it easy to correct any problems importing old documents (whose grid size might be smaller or larger than expected when imported on a new version of OpenBoard).
- 22 Jun, 2016 1 commit
Craig Watson authored
In some cases, the PDF background of a document could be scaled badly when tools such as the ruler, compass etc. were present on the page. This happened with PDFs of version <= 1.4, and when the tools were outside of / larger than the page.
- 13 May, 2016 1 commit
Craig Watson authored
- 09 May, 2016 5 commits
Craig Watson authored
Also, clarified the difference between received and drawn points in UBGraphicsStroke
Craig Watson authored
Craig Watson authored
Craig Watson authored
- Added a curveToPolygon function that creates a curved polygon, eliminating the need to generate lots of small ones to make a curve look smooth. - Cleaned up the rest of the code a bit
Craig Watson authored
- UBGraphicsScene calls UBGraphicsStroke::addPoint, which returns a list of points that can be drawn. It may be none (e.g we discard very small segments), one (if we do no interpolation) or several. - Added a UBInterpolator base, abstract class. Various interpolation methods can be added easily. - Current methods: Basic spline (custom), Catmull-Rom spline (based on alglib), and Bézier - Added a setting to toggle interpolation. Added this to the UI as well
- 09 Mar, 2016 5 commits
Craig Watson authored
- Sort by Z before duplicating a selection (so that relative Z's are kept) - in UBZLayerController, iterate only through UBGraphicsScene's fast access items, not QGraphicsScene::items
Craig Watson authored
Craig Watson authored
- Defined constants in UBSettings for highlighter preview circle colors - Switch between light and dark colors when changing backgrounds - For eraser: use color settings that were defined in UBSettings (they were ignored since the preview circle was added)
Craig Watson authored
Craig Watson authored
- 07 Mar, 2016 1 commit
Craig Watson authored
+ clean-up in a few places
- 01 Mar, 2016 2 commits
Craig Watson authored
- Removed inheritance of UBGraphicsProxyWidget; cleaned up related code - Added two children classes: UBGraphicsVideoItem and UBGraphicsAudioItem. UBGraphicsMediaItem is now an abstract class. - Better encapsulation; the Scene and other external classes no longer access the mediaObject directly There is now less distinction between audio and video items to outside code: apart from the UBSvgSubsetAdaptor, there is no need to know whether a media item holds a video or audio file. Creation is handled through the static function `UBGraphicsMediaItem::createMediaItem(URL, parent)`
Craig Watson authored
- zValue is correctly initialized when duplicating an object - Duplicated objects are translated correctly
- 29 Feb, 2016 1 commit
Craig Watson authored
- Added a graphical display of stroke z level - Enabled BSP tree use in the graphicsScene
- 16 Feb, 2016 1 commit
Craig Watson authored
- 11 Dec, 2015 1 commit
Craig Watson authored
Previously, duplication did not copy the transformation matrices of group members correctly. This made grouped objects move away when saving and re-opening a document. This should now be fixed.
- 09 Dec, 2015 1 commit
Craig Watson authored
- 03 Dec, 2015 1 commit
Craig Watson authored
QVideoWidget had to be abandoned in favour of QGraphicsVideoItem. This is because UBGraphicsMediaItem, i.e the class representing a media (audio or video) object on the board, is a QGraphicsProxyWidget, and is used to embed a QWidget into the Scene. With Phonon's video widget, it was possible to embed the video widget in this ProxyWidget. This is no longer possible (except on Windows, for some reason), so this commit is a workaround, to use a QGraphicsVideoItem instead of a QVideoWidget while modifying the rest of the class hierarchy as little as possible. Ultimately, a cleaner solution (not making UBGraphicsMediaItem inherit QGraphicsProxyWidget, for example) may be desirable.
- 09 Nov, 2015 1 commit
Craig Watson authored
- 06 Nov, 2015 1 commit
Craig Watson authored
- 14 Oct, 2014 1 commit
Claudio Valerio authored
- 13 May, 2014 3 commits
Claudio Valerio authored
Claudio Valerio authored
Claudio Valerio authored
- 28 Apr, 2014 1 commit
Claudio Valerio authored
- 25 Apr, 2014 1 commit
Claudio Valerio authored
- 16 Apr, 2014 1 commit
Claudio Valerio authored
- 26 Mar, 2014 1 commit
Claudio Valerio authored
- 03 Mar, 2014 1 commit
Claudio Valerio authored
- 28 Feb, 2014 1 commit
Claudio Valerio authored