Commit ee5ad4a1 authored by Craig Watson's avatar Craig Watson

Better calculation of angle between stroke points

parent dd10e240
......@@ -246,7 +246,7 @@ UBGraphicsStroke* UBGraphicsStroke::simplify()
QList<strokePoint>::iterator b_it(it+1);
while (b_it+1 != points.end()) {
qreal angle = qFabs(QLineF(it->first, b_it->first).angle() - QLineF(b_it->first, (b_it+1)->first).angle());
qreal angle = qFabs(180-(UBGeometryUtils::angle(it->first, b_it->first, (b_it+1)->first)));
qreal widthRatio = qMax(it->second, b_it->second)/qMin(it->second, b_it->second);
if (widthRatio > thresholdWidthDifference)
qDebug() << "Width ratio: " << widthRatio;
......@@ -282,7 +282,6 @@ UBGraphicsStroke* UBGraphicsStroke::simplify()
if (hasAlpha()) {
if (newStrokePoints.size() > 1 && i < points.size() - 1) {
qreal angle = qFabs(UBGeometryUtils::angle(points[i-1].first, points[i].first, points[i+1].first));
qDebug() << "Angle: " << angle;
if (angle > 40 && angle < 320)
drawCurve = true;
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