Commit e8f05c99 authored by Claudio Valerio's avatar Claudio Valerio

fixed url issue

parent 3146be4c
......@@ -270,9 +270,7 @@ void UBFeaturesWidget::onDisplayMetadata( QMap<QString,QString> metadata )
imageGatherer->get(QUrl(widgetsThumbsUrl), QPoint(0,0), QSize(), false);
QString tmp = QUrl::fromEncoded(metadata["Url"].toAscii()).toString();
UBFeature feature( "/root", QImage(previewImageUrl), QString(), widgetsThumbsUrl, FEATURE_ITEM );
UBFeature feature( "/root", QImage(previewImageUrl), QString(), widgetsUrl, FEATURE_ITEM );
feature.setMetadata( metadata );
centralWidget->showElement(feature, UBFeaturesCentralWidget::FeaturePropertiesList);
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