Commit d966a6c9 authored by Anatoly Mihalchenko's avatar Anatoly Mihalchenko

Sankore-204 pdf loading doesn't scele scene any more

parent 02a515b3
......@@ -31,7 +31,8 @@
UBImportPDF::UBImportPDF(QObject *parent)
: UBImportAdaptor(parent)
QDesktopWidget* desktop = UBApplication::desktop();
this->dpi = (desktop->physicalDpiX() + desktop->physicalDpiY()) / 2;
......@@ -68,6 +69,7 @@ bool UBImportPDF::addFileToDocument(UBDocumentProxy* pDocument, const QFile& pFi
UBApplication::showMessage(tr("PDF import failed."));
return false;
int documentPageCount = pDocument->pageCount();
......@@ -33,6 +33,9 @@ class UBImportPDF : public UBImportAdaptor
virtual QString importFileFilter();
virtual bool addFileToDocument(UBDocumentProxy* pDocument, const QFile& pFile);
int dpi;
#endif /* UBIMPORTPDF_H_ */
......@@ -23,6 +23,9 @@
QMap< QUuid, QPointer<PDFRenderer> > PDFRenderer::sRenderers;
PDFRenderer::PDFRenderer() : dpiForRendering(96)
......@@ -50,6 +50,8 @@ class PDFRenderer : public QObject
QUuid fileUuid() const { return mFileUuid; }
QByteArray fileData() const { return mFileData; }
void setDPI(int desiredDPI) { this->dpiForRendering = desiredDPI; }
public slots:
virtual void render(QPainter *p, int pageNumber, const QRectF &bounds = QRectF()) = 0;
......@@ -63,6 +65,10 @@ class PDFRenderer : public QObject
void setFileUuid(const QUuid &fileUuid);
static QMap< QUuid, QPointer<PDFRenderer> > sRenderers;
int dpiForRendering;
......@@ -39,8 +39,6 @@ XPDFRenderer::XPDFRenderer(const QString &filename, bool importingFile)
mDocument = new PDFDoc(new GString(filename.toUtf8().data()), 0, 0, 0); // the filename GString is deleted on PDFDoc desctruction
mScaleX = 0.0;
mScaleY = 0.0;
......@@ -114,16 +112,17 @@ QSizeF XPDFRenderer::pageSizeF(int pageNumber) const
int rotate = mDocument->getPageRotate(pageNumber);
cropWidth = mDocument->getPageCropWidth(pageNumber);
cropHeight = mDocument->getPageCropHeight(pageNumber);
cropWidth = mDocument->getPageCropWidth(pageNumber) * this->dpiForRendering / 72.0;
cropHeight = mDocument->getPageCropHeight(pageNumber) * this->dpiForRendering / 72.0;
if ((rotate == 90) || (rotate == 270))
if (rotate == 90 || rotate == 270)
cropWidth = mDocument->getPageCropHeight(pageNumber);
cropHeight = mDocument->getPageCropWidth(pageNumber);
//switching width and height
qreal tmpVar = cropWidth;
cropWidth = cropHeight;
cropHeight = tmpVar;
return QSizeF(cropWidth, cropHeight);
......@@ -142,14 +141,6 @@ void XPDFRenderer::render(QPainter *p, int pageNumber, const QRectF &bounds)
qreal xscale = p->worldTransform().m11();
qreal yscale = p->worldTransform().m22();
bool bZoomChanged = false;
if(fabs(mScaleX - xscale) > 0.1 || fabs(mScaleY - yscale) > 0.1)
mScaleX = xscale;
mScaleY = yscale;
bZoomChanged = true;
QImage *pdfImage = createPDFImage(pageNumber, xscale, yscale, bounds);
QTransform savedTransform = p->worldTransform();
......@@ -162,7 +153,6 @@ void XPDFRenderer::render(QPainter *p, int pageNumber, const QRectF &bounds)
QImage* XPDFRenderer::createPDFImage(int pageNumber, const qreal xscale, const qreal yscale, const QRectF &bounds)
QImage* img = new QImage();
if (isValid())
SplashColor paperColor = {0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF}; // white
......@@ -170,36 +160,30 @@ QImage* XPDFRenderer::createPDFImage(int pageNumber, const qreal xscale, const q
delete mSplash;
mSplash = new SplashOutputDev(splashModeRGB8, 1, gFalse, paperColor);
int hResolution = 72;
int vResolution = 72;
int rotation = 0; // in degrees (get it from the worldTransform if we want to support rotation)
GBool useMediaBox = gFalse;
GBool crop = gTrue;
GBool printing = gFalse;
const qreal xScale = xscale;
const qreal yScale = yscale;
mSliceX = 0.;
mSliceY = 0.;
if (bounds.isNull())
mDocument->displayPage(mSplash, pageNumber, hResolution * xScale, vResolution * yScale,
mDocument->displayPage(mSplash, pageNumber, this->dpiForRendering, this->dpiForRendering,
rotation, useMediaBox, crop, printing);
mSliceX = bounds.x() * xScale;
mSliceY = bounds.y() * yScale;
qreal sliceW = bounds.width() * xScale;
qreal sliceH = bounds.height() * yScale;
mSliceX = bounds.x() * xscale;
mSliceY = bounds.y() * yscale;
qreal sliceW = bounds.width() * xscale;
qreal sliceH = bounds.height() * yscale;
mDocument->displayPageSlice(mSplash, pageNumber, hResolution * xScale, vResolution * yScale,
mDocument->displayPageSlice(mSplash, pageNumber, this->dpiForRendering, this->dpiForRendering,
rotation, useMediaBox, crop, printing, mSliceX, mSliceY, sliceW, sliceH);
mpSplashBitmap = mSplash->getBitmap();
delete img;
img = new QImage(mpSplashBitmap->getDataPtr(), mpSplashBitmap->getWidth(), mpSplashBitmap->getHeight(), mpSplashBitmap->getWidth() * 3, QImage::Format_RGB888);
return img;
return new QImage(mpSplashBitmap->getDataPtr(), mpSplashBitmap->getWidth(), mpSplashBitmap->getHeight(), mpSplashBitmap->getWidth() * 3, QImage::Format_RGB888);
......@@ -57,8 +57,6 @@ class XPDFRenderer : public PDFRenderer
SplashBitmap* mpSplashBitmap;
SplashOutputDev* mSplash;
qreal mScaleX;
qreal mScaleY;
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