Commit d6768f35 authored by Claudio Valerio's avatar Claudio Valerio

removed debug log

parent 8d4be60b
......@@ -516,7 +516,6 @@ void UBPersistenceManager::duplicateDocumentScene(UBDocumentProxy* proxy, int in
QUuid newUUid = QUuid::createUuid();
QString newUUidString = newUUid.toString().remove("{").remove("}");
QString actualUuidString = widget->uuid().toString().remove("{").remove("}");
qDebug() << actualUuidString;
QString widgetSourcePath = proxy->persistencePath() + "/" + UBPersistenceManager::widgetDirectory + "/{" + actualUuidString + "}.wgt";
QString screenshotSourcePath = proxy->persistencePath() + "/" + UBPersistenceManager::widgetDirectory + "/" + actualUuidString + ".png";
......@@ -526,12 +525,6 @@ void UBPersistenceManager::duplicateDocumentScene(UBDocumentProxy* proxy, int in
QString screenshotDestinationPath = screenshotSourcePath;
screenshotDestinationPath = screenshotDestinationPath.replace(actualUuidString,newUUidString);
qDebug() << "widgetSourcePath " << widgetSourcePath;
qDebug() << "widgetDestinationPath " << widgetDestinationPath;
qDebug() << "screenshotSourcePath " << screenshotSourcePath;
qDebug() << "screenshotDestinationPath " << screenshotDestinationPath;
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