Commit c1e26367 authored by Ilia Ryabokon's avatar Ilia Ryabokon

Sankore 1224 z-layer reordering amended Delegate button progressbar added...

Sankore 1224 z-layer reordering amended Delegate button progressbar added retrieving data from the internet
parent 65dfcec7
......@@ -251,7 +251,14 @@ bool UBFeature::operator !=( const UBFeature &f )const
bool UBFeature::isFolder() const
return elementType == FEATURE_CATEGORY || elementType == FEATURE_TRASH || elementType == FEATURE_FAVORITE
|| elementType == FEATURE_FOLDER;
|| elementType == FEATURE_FOLDER || elementType == FEATURE_SEARCH;
bool UBFeature::allowedCopy() const
return isFolder()
&& elementType != FEATURE_CATEGORY
&& elementType != FEATURE_SEARCH;
bool UBFeature::isDeletable() const
......@@ -106,6 +106,7 @@ public:
UBFeatureElementType getType() const { return elementType; }
bool isFolder() const;
bool allowedCopy() const;
bool isDeletable() const;
bool inTrash() const;
bool operator ==( const UBFeature &f )const;
......@@ -54,6 +54,10 @@ DelegateButton::DelegateButton(const QString & fileName, QGraphicsItem* pDelegat
: QGraphicsSvgItem(fileName, parent)
, mDelegated(pDelegated)
, mIsTransparentToMouseEvent(false)
, mIsPressed(false)
, mProgressTimerId(-1)
, mPressProgres(0)
, mShowProgressIndicator(false)
, mButtonAlignmentSection(section)
......@@ -71,26 +75,75 @@ void DelegateButton::setFileName(const QString & fileName)
QGraphicsSvgItem::setSharedRenderer(new QSvgRenderer (fileName, this));
void DelegateButton::mousePressEvent(QGraphicsSceneMouseEvent *event)
if (mShowProgressIndicator) {
QTimer::singleShot(300, this, SLOT(startShowProgress()));
mIsPressed = true;
// make sure delegate is selected, to avoid control being hidden
mPressedTime = QTime::currentTime();
void DelegateButton::mouseReleaseEvent(QGraphicsSceneMouseEvent *event)
if (mShowProgressIndicator && mProgressTimerId != -1) {
mPressProgres = 0;
mIsPressed = false;
int timeto = qAbs(QTime::currentTime().msecsTo(mPressedTime));
if (timeto < UBSettings::longClickInterval) {
emit clicked();
qDebug() << "clicked";
} else {
emit longClicked();
qDebug() << "longClicked";
void DelegateButton::paint(QPainter *painter, const QStyleOptionGraphicsItem *option, QWidget *widget)
QGraphicsSvgItem::paint(painter, option, widget);
if (mIsPressed && mShowProgressIndicator) {
QPen pen;
int spanAngle = qMin(mPressProgres, UBSettings::longClickInterval) * 360 / UBSettings::longClickInterval;
painter->drawArc(option->rect.adjusted(pen.width(), pen.width(), -pen.width(), -pen.width()), 16 * 90, -16 * spanAngle);
void DelegateButton::timerEvent(QTimerEvent *event)
if (event->timerId() == mProgressTimerId) {
mPressProgres = qAbs(QTime::currentTime().msecsTo(mPressedTime));
void DelegateButton::startShowProgress()
if (mIsPressed) {
mProgressTimerId = startTimer(37);
UBGraphicsItemDelegate::UBGraphicsItemDelegate(QGraphicsItem* pDelegated, QObject * parent, bool respectRatio, bool canRotate, bool useToolBar)
......@@ -139,11 +192,13 @@ void UBGraphicsItemDelegate::init()
mButtons << mMenuButton;
mZOrderUpButton = new DelegateButton(":/images/z_layer_up.svg", mDelegated, mFrame, Qt::BottomLeftSection);
connect(mZOrderUpButton, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(increaseZLevelUp()));
connect(mZOrderUpButton, SIGNAL(longClicked()), this, SLOT(increaseZlevelTop()));
mButtons << mZOrderUpButton;
mZOrderDownButton = new DelegateButton(":/images/z_layer_down.svg", mDelegated, mFrame, Qt::BottomLeftSection);
connect(mZOrderDownButton, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(increaseZLevelDown()));
connect(mZOrderDownButton, SIGNAL(longClicked()), this, SLOT(increaseZlevelBottom()));
mButtons << mZOrderDownButton;
......@@ -50,6 +50,9 @@ class DelegateButton: public QGraphicsSvgItem
void setFileName(const QString & fileName);
void setShowProgressIndicator(bool pShow) {mShowProgressIndicator = pShow;}
bool testShowProgresIndicator() const {return mShowProgressIndicator;}
void setSection(Qt::WindowFrameSection section) {mButtonAlignmentSection = section;}
Qt::WindowFrameSection getSection() const {return mButtonAlignmentSection;}
......@@ -57,15 +60,24 @@ class DelegateButton: public QGraphicsSvgItem
virtual void mousePressEvent(QGraphicsSceneMouseEvent *event);
virtual void mouseReleaseEvent(QGraphicsSceneMouseEvent *event);
virtual void paint(QPainter *painter, const QStyleOptionGraphicsItem *option, QWidget *widget);
void timerEvent(QTimerEvent *event);
void modified();
private slots:
void startShowProgress();
QGraphicsItem* mDelegated;
QTime mPressedTime;
bool mIsTransparentToMouseEvent;
bool mIsPressed;
int mProgressTimerId;
int mPressProgres;
bool mShowProgressIndicator;
Qt::WindowFrameSection mButtonAlignmentSection;
......@@ -190,7 +190,6 @@ qreal UBZLayerController::changeZLevelTo(QGraphicsItem *item, moveDestination de
if (iCurElement.findPrevious(item)) {
if (iCurElement.hasPrevious()) {
// qreal oldz = iCurElement.peekPrevious().value()->data(UBGraphicsItemData::ItemOwnZValue).toReal();
qreal oldz = item->data(UBGraphicsItemData::ItemOwnZValue).toReal();
qreal nextZ =>data(UBGraphicsItemData::ItemOwnZValue).toReal();
......@@ -199,11 +198,12 @@ qreal UBZLayerController::changeZLevelTo(QGraphicsItem *item, moveDestination de
//if we have some free space between lowest graphics item and layer's bottom bound,
//insert element close to first element in layer
if (nextZ >= curItemLayerTypeData.bottomLimit + curItemLayerTypeData.incStep) {
if (nextZ > curItemLayerTypeData.bottomLimit + curItemLayerTypeData.incStep) {
qreal result = nextZ - curItemLayerTypeData.incStep;
UBGraphicsItem::assignZValue(item, result);
} else {
UBGraphicsItem::assignZValue(item, nextZ);
bool doubleGap = false; //to detect if we can finish rundown since we can insert item to the free space
while (iCurElement.peekNext().value() != item) {
......@@ -214,7 +214,8 @@ qreal UBZLayerController::changeZLevelTo(QGraphicsItem *item, moveDestination de
doubleGap = true;
} else {
UBGraphicsItem::assignZValue(iCurElement.value(), curNextZ);;
if (!doubleGap) {
......@@ -237,6 +238,7 @@ qreal UBZLayerController::changeZLevelTo(QGraphicsItem *item, moveDestination de
//Return new z value assigned to item
return item->data(UBGraphicsItemData::ItemOwnZValue).toReal();
itemLayerType::Enum UBZLayerController::typeForData(QGraphicsItem *item) const
......@@ -297,7 +299,7 @@ UBGraphicsScene::UBGraphicsScene(UBDocumentProxy* parent, bool enableUndoRedoSta
// Just for debug. Do not delete please
// connect(this, SIGNAL(selectionChanged()), this, SLOT(selectionChangedProcessing()));
connect(this, SIGNAL(selectionChanged()), this, SLOT(selectionChangedProcessing()));
connect(this, SIGNAL(selectionChanged()), this, SLOT(updateGroupButtonState()));
......@@ -315,10 +317,9 @@ UBGraphicsScene::~UBGraphicsScene()
void UBGraphicsScene::selectionChangedProcessing()
if (selectedItems().count()){
// UBApplication::showMessage("ZValue is " + QString::number(selectedItems().first()->zValue(), 'f') + "own z value is "
// + QString::number(selectedItems().first()->data(UBGraphicsItemData::ItemOwnZValue).toReal(), 'f'));
qDebug() << "flippable" << selectedItems().first()->data(UBGraphicsItemData::ItemFlippable).toBool() << endl
<< "rotatable" << selectedItems().first()->data(UBGraphicsItemData::ItemRotatable).toBool();
UBApplication::showMessage("ZValue is " + QString::number(selectedItems().first()->zValue(), 'f') + "own z value is "
+ QString::number(selectedItems().first()->data(UBGraphicsItemData::ItemOwnZValue).toReal(), 'f'));
......@@ -121,18 +121,27 @@ void UBFeaturesWidget::currentSelected(const QModelIndex &current)
if ( feature.getType() == FEATURE_FAVORITE ) {
mActionBar->setCurrentState( IN_FAVORITE );
} else if ( feature.getType() == FEATURE_CATEGORY && feature.getName() == "root" ) {
} else if ( feature.getType() == FEATURE_CATEGORY && feature.getName() == "root" ) {
mActionBar->setCurrentState( IN_ROOT );
} else if (feature.getType() == FEATURE_TRASH) {
} else {
} else if (feature.getType() == FEATURE_SEARCH) {
//The search feature behavior is not standard. If features list clicked - show empty element
//else show existing saved features search QWebView
if (sender()->objectName() == objNameFeatureList) {
centralWidget->showElement(feature, UBFeaturesCentralWidget::FeaturesWebView);
} else if (sender()->objectName() == objNamePathList) {
} else {
} else if (feature.getType() == FEATURE_SEARCH) {
centralWidget->showElement(feature, UBFeaturesCentralWidget::FeaturesWebView);
// } else if (feature.getType() == FEATURE_SEARCH) {
// centralWidget->showElement(feature, UBFeaturesCentralWidget::FeaturesWebView);
} else {
centralWidget->showElement(feature, UBFeaturesCentralWidget::FeaturePropertiesList);
......@@ -1067,7 +1076,15 @@ void UBFeatureProperties::onAddToLib() = mpElement->getMetadata().value("Title", QString());
qDebug() <<;
desc.srcUrl = mpElement->getFullPath().toString();
qDebug() << desc.srcUrl;
QString str1 = mpElement->getFullPath().toString().normalized(QString::NormalizationForm_C);
QString str2 = mpElement->getFullPath().toString().normalized(QString::NormalizationForm_D);
QString str3 = mpElement->getFullPath().toString().normalized(QString::NormalizationForm_KC);
QString str4 = mpElement->getFullPath().toString().normalized(QString::NormalizationForm_KD);
qDebug() << desc.srcUrl << endl
<< "str1" << str1 << endl
<< "str2" << str2 << endl
<< "str3" << str3 << endl
<< "str4" << str4 << endl;
......@@ -1411,7 +1428,7 @@ bool UBFeaturesPathProxyModel::filterAcceptsRow( int sourceRow, const QModelInde
QModelIndex index = sourceModel()->index(sourceRow, 0, sourceParent);
UBFeature feature = sourceModel()->data(index, Qt::UserRole + 1).value<UBFeature>();
return feature.isFolder() && path.startsWith( feature.getFullVirtualPath() );
return feature.isFolder() && path.startsWith( feature.getFullVirtualPath()) ;
QString UBFeaturesItemDelegate::displayText ( const QVariant & value, const QLocale & locale ) const
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