Commit be07b400 authored by Aleksei Kanash's avatar Aleksei Kanash

Fixed resizing items by right bottom resizer.

parent c57beb74
......@@ -588,7 +588,13 @@ void UBGraphicsDelegateFrame::mouseMoveEvent(QGraphicsSceneMouseEvent *event)
mCurrentTool = ResizeLeft;
mCurrentTool = ResizeRight;
move = QLineF(event->lastScenePos(), event->scenePos());
moveX = move.length() * cos((move.angle() - mAngle) * PI / 180);
moveY = -move.length() * sin((move.angle() - mAngle) * PI / 180);
mFixedPoint = getFixedPointFromPos();
incH = resizeDelegate(moveX, moveY);
mOriginalSize -= incV;
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