Commit a9eb37ce authored by Ivan Ilin's avatar Ivan Ilin

Dnd finished Sankore 354

parent b8060d03
......@@ -470,36 +470,6 @@ void UBWidgetUniboardAPI::enableDropOnWidget()
QString UBWidgetUniboardAPI::downloadUrl(const QString &objectUrl, const QString &extention)
QString result;
QUrl widgetUrl = mGraphicsWidget->getOwnFolder();
QString destFileName =widgetUrl.toLocalFile() + "/objects/" + QUuid::createUuid().toString() + extention;
if (UBFileSystemUtils::copyFile(objectUrl, destFileName)) {
result = destFileName.remove(widgetUrl.toLocalFile());
} else {
qDebug() << "can't copy from " << widgetUrl << "to" << destFileName;
result = QString();
return result;
QString UBWidgetUniboardAPI::downloadWeb(const QString &objectUrl)
// When we fall there, it means that we are dropping something from the web to the board
sDownloadFileDesc desc;
desc.dest = sDownloadFileDesc::graphicsWidget;
desc.modal = true;
desc.url = objectUrl;
desc.currentSize = 0; = QFileInfo(objectUrl).fileName();
desc.totalSize = 0; // The total size will be retrieved during the download
return QString();
void UBWidgetUniboardAPI::ProcessDropEvent(QDropEvent *event)
const QMimeData *pMimeData = event->mimeData();
......@@ -541,7 +511,6 @@ void UBWidgetUniboardAPI::ProcessDropEvent(QDropEvent *event)
// return;
} else if (pMimeData->hasUrls()) { //Local file processing
......@@ -554,7 +523,7 @@ void UBWidgetUniboardAPI::ProcessDropEvent(QDropEvent *event)
contentType = UBFileSystemUtils::mimeTypeFromFileName(fileName);
if (supportedTypeHeader(contentType)) {
destFileName = getObjDir() + QUuid::createUuid().toString() + extention;
destFileName = getObjDir() + QUuid::createUuid().toString() + "." + extention;
if (!UBFileSystemUtils::copyFile(fileName, destFileName)) {
qDebug() << "can't copy from" << fileName << "to" << destFileName;
......@@ -625,8 +594,8 @@ void UBWidgetUniboardAPI::onDownloadFinished(bool pSuccess, sDownloadFileDesc de
//To make js interpreter accept drop event we need to generate move event first.
QDragMoveEvent readmove(dropPoint, desc.dropActions, &dropMimeData, desc.dropMouseButtons, desc.dropModifiers);
QDragMoveEvent pseudoMove(dropPoint, desc.dropActions, &dropMimeData, desc.dropMouseButtons, desc.dropModifiers);
QDropEvent readyEvent(dropPoint, desc.dropActions, &dropMimeData, desc.dropMouseButtons, desc.dropModifiers);
//sending event to destination either it had been downloaded or not
......@@ -680,6 +649,25 @@ bool UBWidgetUniboardAPI::takeIDWidget(int id)
return false;
bool UBWidgetUniboardAPI::isDropableData(const QMimeData *pMimeData) const
QString fileName = QString();
if (pMimeData->hasHtml()) {
fileName = UBApplication::urlFromHtml(pMimeData->html());
if (fileName.isEmpty())
return false;
} else if (pMimeData->hasUrls()) {
fileName = pMimeData->urls().at(0).toLocalFile();
if (fileName.isEmpty())
return false;
if (supportedTypeHeader(UBFileSystemUtils::mimeTypeFromFileName(fileName)))
return true;
return false;
UBDocumentDatastoreAPI::UBDocumentDatastoreAPI(UBGraphicsW3CWidgetItem *graphicsWidget)
: UBW3CWebStorage(graphicsWidget)
......@@ -246,9 +246,8 @@ class UBWidgetUniboardAPI : public QObject
* When an object is dropped on a widget, this one send us the informations to download it locally.
* this method download the object on the widget directory and return the path of the downloaded object
QString downloadUrl(const QString &objectUrl, const QString &extention = "");
QString downloadWeb(const QString &objectUrl);
void ProcessDropEvent(QDropEvent *);
bool isDropableData(const QMimeData *pMimeData) const;
private slots:
void onDownloadFinished(bool pSuccess, sDownloadFileDesc desc, QByteArray pData);
......@@ -257,6 +256,7 @@ private:
inline void registerIDWidget(int id){webDownloadIds.append(id);}
inline bool takeIDWidget(int id);
QString uuid();
......@@ -52,18 +52,6 @@
#include "core/memcheck.h"
//Known extentions for files, add if you know more supported
const QString audioExtentions = ".mp3.wma.ogg";
const QString videoExtentions = ".avi.flv";
const QString imageExtentions = ".png.jpg.tif.bmp.tga";
const QString htmlExtentions = ".htm.html.xhtml";
//Allways use aliases instead of const char* itself
const QString imageAlias = "image";
const QString videoAlias = "video";
const QString audioAlias = "audio";
const QString htmlAlias = "html";
UBBoardView::UBBoardView (UBBoardController* pController, QWidget* pParent)
: QGraphicsView (pParent)
, mController (pController)
......@@ -724,11 +712,11 @@ UBBoardView::drawItems (QPainter *painter, int numItems,
void UBBoardView::dragEnterEvent (QDragEnterEvent *event)
// TODO UB 4.x be smarter with drag accept code .... we cannot handle everything ...
event->acceptProposedAction ();
//void UBBoardView::dragEnterEvent (QDragEnterEvent *event)
// // TODO UB 4.x be smarter with drag accept code .... we cannot handle everything ...
// event->acceptProposedAction ();
void UBBoardView::dragMoveEvent (QDragMoveEvent *event)
......@@ -738,7 +726,7 @@ void UBBoardView::dragMoveEvent (QDragMoveEvent *event)
if (graphicsWidget) {
if (graphicsWidget->acceptDrops()) {
if (!mOkOnWidget) {
if (!isDropableData(event->mimeData())) {
if (!graphicsWidget->isDropableData(event->mimeData())) {
mOkOnWidget = false;
......@@ -759,48 +747,6 @@ void UBBoardView::dragMoveEvent (QDragMoveEvent *event)
QString UBBoardView::fileExtention(const QString &filename) const
int pos = filename.lastIndexOf(".");
if (pos != -1)
return filename.right(filename.size() - pos);
return QString();
QString UBBoardView::typeForExtention(const QString &extention) const
if (extention.isEmpty())
return QString();
QString result = QString();
if (audioExtentions.contains(extention)) {
result = audioAlias;
} else if (videoExtentions.contains(extention)) {
result = videoAlias;
} else if (imageExtentions.contains(extention)) {
result = imageAlias;
// } else if (htmlExtentions.contains(extention)) {
// result = htmlAlias;
return result;
bool UBBoardView::isDropableData(const QMimeData *pMimeData) const
if (pMimeData->hasHtml()) {
return true;
if (pMimeData->hasUrls()) {
if (!typeForExtention(fileExtention(pMimeData->urls().at(0).toLocalFile())).isNull()) {
return true;
return false;
void UBBoardView::dropEvent (QDropEvent *event)
mOkOnWidget = false;
......@@ -65,7 +65,7 @@ class UBBoardView : public QGraphicsView
QGraphicsItem *items[],
const QStyleOptionGraphicsItem options[]);
virtual void dragEnterEvent(QDragEnterEvent * event);
// virtual void dragEnterEvent(QDragEnterEvent * event);
virtual void dropEvent(QDropEvent *event);
virtual void dragMoveEvent(QDragMoveEvent *event);
......@@ -88,8 +88,6 @@ class UBBoardView : public QGraphicsView
QList<QUrl> processMimeData(const QMimeData* pMimeData);
QString processMimeData(const QMimeData *pMimeData, UBGraphicsWidgetItem *widget);
bool isDropableData(const QMimeData *pMimeData) const;
UBBoardController* mController;
......@@ -118,9 +116,6 @@ class UBBoardView : public QGraphicsView
bool mVirtualKeyboardActive;
bool mOkOnWidget;
QString typeForExtention(const QString &extention) const;
QString fileExtention(const QString &filename) const;
private slots:
void settingChanged(QVariant newValue);
......@@ -278,18 +278,14 @@ void UBGraphicsWidgetItem::clearSource()
QString UBGraphicsWidgetItem::downloadUrl(const QString &fileUrl, const QString &extention)
return mUniboardAPI->downloadUrl(fileUrl, extention);
QString UBGraphicsWidgetItem::downloadWeb(const QString &fileUrl)
return mUniboardAPI->downloadWeb(fileUrl);
void UBGraphicsWidgetItem::processDropEvent(QDropEvent *event)
return mUniboardAPI->ProcessDropEvent(event);
bool UBGraphicsWidgetItem::isDropableData(const QMimeData *data) const
return mUniboardAPI->isDropableData(data);
UBGraphicsAppleWidgetItem::UBGraphicsAppleWidgetItem(const QUrl& pWidgetUrl, QGraphicsItem *parent)
: UBGraphicsWidgetItem(parent)
......@@ -70,6 +70,7 @@ class UBGraphicsWidgetItem : public UBGraphicsProxyWidget
QString downloadUrl(const QString &fileUrl, const QString &extention);
QString downloadWeb(const QString &fileUrl);
void processDropEvent(QDropEvent *event);
bool isDropableData(const QMimeData *data) const;
virtual void setOwnFolder(const QUrl &newFolder) {ownFolder = newFolder;}
virtual QUrl getOwnFolder() const {return ownFolder;}
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