Commit 9efb2695 authored by Claudio Valerio's avatar Claudio Valerio

bad fix for b9. to be reworked

parent 6b262cd8
......@@ -735,7 +735,7 @@ UBFeature UBFeaturesController::getDestinationFeatureForUrl( const QUrl &url )
return audiosElement;
if ( mimetype.contains("video") )
return moviesElement;
else if ( mimetype.contains("image") )
else if ( mimetype.contains("image") || mimetype.isEmpty())
return picturesElement;
else if ( mimetype.contains("application") )
......@@ -751,13 +751,32 @@ void UBFeaturesController::addDownloadedFile(const QUrl &sourceUrl, const QByteA
UBFeature dest = getDestinationFeatureForUrl(sourceUrl);
//TODO:claudio check this
if (dest == UBFeature())
QString fileName = QFileInfo( sourceUrl.toString() ).fileName();
QString filePath = dest.getFullPath().toLocalFile() + "/" + fileName;
QString fileName("");
QString filePath("");
if(UBFileSystemUtils::mimeTypeFromFileName( sourceUrl.toString() ).isEmpty()){
fileName = tr("ImportedImage") + "-" + QDateTime::currentDateTime().toString("dd-MM-yyyy hh-mm-ss")+ ".jpg";
filePath = dest.getFullPath().toLocalFile() + "/" + fileName;
UBFeature downloadedFeature = UBFeature(dest.getFullVirtualPath() + "/" + fileName, getIcon( filePath, fileTypeFromUrl(filePath)),
fileName, QUrl::fromLocalFile(filePath), FEATURE_ITEM);
if (downloadedFeature != UBFeature()) {
fileName = QFileInfo( sourceUrl.toString() ).fileName();
filePath = dest.getFullPath().toLocalFile() + "/" + fileName;
QFile file( filePath );
QFile file( filePath );
if ( ))
......@@ -769,6 +788,7 @@ void UBFeaturesController::addDownloadedFile(const QUrl &sourceUrl, const QByteA
......@@ -231,8 +231,8 @@ void UBFeaturesWidget::onDisplayMetadata( QMap<QString,QString> metadata )
QString previewImageUrl = ":images/libpalette/notFound.png";
QString widgetsUrl = metadata.value("Url", QString());
QString widgetsThumbsUrl = metadata.value("thumbnailUrl", QString());
QString widgetsUrl = QUrl::fromEncoded(metadata["Url"].toAscii()).toString()/*metadata.value("Url", QString())*/;
QString widgetsThumbsUrl = QUrl::fromEncoded(metadata["thumbnailUrl"].toAscii()).toString();
bool isLocal = QFileInfo(widgetsUrl).exists();
......@@ -269,8 +269,11 @@ void UBFeaturesWidget::onDisplayMetadata( QMap<QString,QString> metadata )
// We send here the request and store its reply in order to be able to cancel it if needed
imageGatherer->get(QUrl(widgetsThumbsUrl), QPoint(0,0), QSize(), false);
QString tmp = QUrl::fromEncoded(metadata["Url"].toAscii()).toString();
qDebug() << tmp;
UBFeature feature( "/root", QImage(previewImageUrl), QString(), metadata["Url"], FEATURE_ITEM );
UBFeature feature( "/root", QImage(previewImageUrl), QString(), tmp/*metadata["Url"]*/, FEATURE_ITEM );
feature.setMetadata( metadata );
centralWidget->showElement(feature, UBFeaturesCentralWidget::FeaturePropertiesList);
......@@ -299,8 +302,8 @@ void UBFeaturesWidget::onPreviewLoaded(int id, bool pSuccess, QUrl sourceUrl, QU
void UBFeaturesWidget::onAddDownloadedFileToLibrary(bool pSuccess, QUrl sourceUrl, QString pContentHeader, QByteArray pData)
if (pSuccess) {
qDebug() << pData.length();
controller->addDownloadedFile(sourceUrl, pData);
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