Commit 77f51fd1 authored by Claudio Valerio's avatar Claudio Valerio

fixed desktop mode

parent ac468994
......@@ -80,41 +80,23 @@ void UBScreenMirror::timerEvent(QTimerEvent *event)
void UBScreenMirror::grabPixmap()
// if (mSourceWidget)
// {
// QPoint topLeft = mSourceWidget->mapToGlobal(mSourceWidget->geometry().topLeft());
// QPoint bottomRight = mSourceWidget->mapToGlobal(mSourceWidget->geometry().bottomRight());
// mRect.setTopLeft(topLeft);
// mRect.setBottomRight(bottomRight);
// }
// // get image of desktop
// WId windowID = qApp->desktop()->screen(mScreenIndex)->winId();
// qDebug() << windowID;
//#if defined(Q_WS_MAC)
// TODO: bad mac fix. On dual screen mac os x and let web mode for more than one minute and it crashed
// NSAutorelease pull should avoid this.
// // Available in Mac OS X v10.6 and later.
// CGRect grabRect;
// grabRect.origin.x = mRect.x();
// grabRect.origin.y = mRect.y();
// grabRect.size.width = mRect.width();
// grabRect.size.height = mRect.height();
// CGImageRef windowImage = CGWindowListCreateImage(grabRect
// ,kCGWindowListOptionOnScreenOnly
// ,windowID
// ,kCGWindowImageDefault);
// mLastPixmap = QPixmap::fromMacCGImageRef(windowImage);
// mLastPixmap = QPixmap::grabWindow(windowID, mRect.x(), mRect.y(), mRect.width(), mRect.height());
mLastPixmap = QPixmap::grabWidget(mSourceWidget);
if (mSourceWidget)
QPoint topLeft = mSourceWidget->mapToGlobal(mSourceWidget->geometry().topLeft());
QPoint bottomRight = mSourceWidget->mapToGlobal(mSourceWidget->geometry().bottomRight());
mLastPixmap = QPixmap::grabWidget(mSourceWidget);
// this is the case we are showing the desktop but the is no widget and we use the last widget rectagle to know
// what we have to grab. Not very good way of doing
WId windowID = qApp->desktop()->screen(mScreenIndex)->winId();
mLastPixmap = QPixmap::grabWindow(windowID, mRect.x(), mRect.y(), mRect.width(), mRect.height());
mLastPixmap = mLastPixmap.scaled(width(), height(), Qt::KeepAspectRatio, Qt::SmoothTransformation);
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