Commit 767b00e9 authored by Claudio Valerio's avatar Claudio Valerio

found a workaround for the crossplaform font problem

parent 0a839511
......@@ -2268,50 +2268,22 @@ void UBSvgSubsetAdaptor::UBSvgSubsetWriter::textItemToSvg(UBGraphicsTextItem* it
, "fill-on-light-background",;
//for new documents from version 4.5.0
if (true) {
mXmlWriter.writeEndElement(); //itemTextContent
//tracking for back capability with older versions
} else if (false) {
mXmlWriter.writeStartElement(nsXHtml, "body");
mXmlWriter.writeStartElement(nsXHtml, "div");
mXmlWriter.writeStartElement(nsXHtml, "font");
QFont font = item->font();
QFontInfo fi(font);
int pixelSize = fi.pixelSize();
mXmlWriter.writeAttribute("style", sFontSizePrefix + QString(" %1").arg(pixelSize) + sPixelUnit + "; " +
sFontWeightPrefix + " " + (fi.bold() ? "bold" : "normal") + "; " +
sFontStylePrefix + " " + (fi.italic() ? "italic" : "normal") + ";");
mXmlWriter.writeAttribute("color", item->defaultTextColor().name());
QString text = item->toPlainText();
QStringList lines = text.split("\n");
for (int i = 0; i < lines.length() ; i++)
if (i < lines.length() - 1)
mXmlWriter.writeEmptyElement(nsXHtml, "br");
mXmlWriter.writeEndElement(); //font
mXmlWriter.writeEndElement(); //div
mXmlWriter.writeEndElement(); //body
// This is only a workaround that works quite well. The font sizes are expressed on
// px instead of pt because px is less sensitive to the physicalDPI of the Os. The
// main problem in fact appears when the file is used on another platform than the
// one used to create it.
// But a different solution has to be implemented to avoid some annoying case that
// are already present with this hack.
QString htmlString = item->toHtml();
QRegExp regExp("font-size:([0-9]{,3})pt");
htmlString = htmlString.replace(regExp,"font-size:\\1px");
mXmlWriter.writeEndElement(); //itemTextContent
mXmlWriter.writeEndElement(); //foreignObject
// QtLogger::start("/home/ilia/Documents/tmp/10/log.log");
// QtLogger::appendl(item->toHtml());
// QtLogger::finish();
UBGraphicsTextItem* UBSvgSubsetAdaptor::UBSvgSubsetReader::textItemFromSvg()
......@@ -2361,7 +2333,6 @@ UBGraphicsTextItem* UBSvgSubsetAdaptor::UBSvgSubsetReader::textItemFromSvg()
text = mXmlReader.readElementText();
textItem->resize(width, height);
if (textItem->toPlainText().isEmpty()) {
delete textItem;
textItem = 0;
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