Commit 75b7fd56 authored by Claudio Valerio's avatar Claudio Valerio

handling the documents without zero page when using a program set to handle zero pages

parent c601a639
......@@ -45,7 +45,6 @@ QList<QPixmap> UBThumbnailAdaptor::load(UBDocumentProxy* proxy)
int existingPageCount = proxy->pageCount();
QString thumbFileName = proxy->persistencePath() + UBFileSystemUtils::digitFileFormat("/page%1.thumbnail.jpg", existingPageCount);
QFile thumbFile(thumbFileName);
if (!thumbFile.exists())
......@@ -67,6 +66,16 @@ QList<QPixmap> UBThumbnailAdaptor::load(UBDocumentProxy* proxy)
persistScene(proxy->persistencePath(), scene, i);
// we are working a document without zero page but on a system that enable it
// we have to create an empty zero scene
scene = new UBGraphicsScene(proxy);
if (displayMessage && thumbCount > 0)
......@@ -12,128 +12,140 @@
#include <QUrl>
#include <QByteArray>
//#include "UBDockPaletteWidget.h"
enum UBFeatureElementType
class UBFeature
UBFeature() {;}
//UBFeature(const UBFeature &f);
UBFeature(const QString &url, const QPixmap &icon, const QString &name, const QString &realPath, UBFeatureElementType type = FEATURE_CATEGORY);
virtual ~UBFeature() {;}
QString getName() const { return mName; }
QPixmap getThumbnail() const {return mThumbnail;}
QString getUrl() const { return virtualPath; }
//QString getPath() const { return mPath; };
QString getFullPath() const { return mPath; }
QString getVirtualPath() const { return virtualPath + "/" + mName; }
UBFeatureElementType getType() const { return elementType; }
bool isFolder() const;
bool isDeletable() const;
bool operator ==( const UBFeature &f )const;
bool operator !=( const UBFeature &f )const;
QString virtualPath;
QPixmap mThumbnail;
QString mName;
QString mPath;
UBFeatureElementType elementType;
UBFeature() {;}
//UBFeature(const UBFeature &f);
UBFeature(const QString &url, const QPixmap &icon, const QString &name, const QUrl &realPath, UBFeatureElementType type = FEATURE_CATEGORY);
virtual ~UBFeature() {;}
QString getName() const { return mName; }
QPixmap getThumbnail() const {return mThumbnail;}
QString getVirtualPath() const { return virtualPath; }
//QString getPath() const { return mPath; };
QUrl getFullPath() const { return mPath; }
QString getFullVirtualPath() const { return virtualPath + "/" + mName; }
QString getUrl() const;
UBFeatureElementType getType() const { return elementType; }
bool isFolder() const;
bool isDeletable() const;
bool operator ==( const UBFeature &f )const;
bool operator !=( const UBFeature &f )const;
const QMap<QString,QString> & getMetadata() const { return metadata; }
void setMetadata( const QMap<QString,QString> &data ) { metadata = data; }
QString virtualPath;
QPixmap mThumbnail;
QString mName;
QUrl mPath;
UBFeatureElementType elementType;
QMap<QString,QString> metadata;
class UBFeaturesController : public QObject
UBFeaturesController(QWidget *parentWidget);
virtual ~UBFeaturesController();
QList <UBFeature>* getFeatures()const { return featuresList; }
const QString& getRootPath()const { return rootPath; }
void addItemToPage(const UBFeature &item);
const UBFeature& getCurrentElement()const { return currentElement; }
void setCurrentElement( const UBFeature &elem ) { currentElement = elem; }
const UBFeature & getTrashElement () const { return trashElement; }
UBFeature moveItemToFolder( const QUrl &url, const UBFeature &destination );
UBFeature copyItemToFolder( const QUrl &url, const UBFeature &destination );
void deleteItem( const QUrl &url );
bool isTrash( const QUrl &url );
UBFeature newFolder( const QString &name );
UBFeature addToFavorite( const QUrl &path );
void removeFromFavorite( const QUrl &path );
static QString fileNameFromUrl( const QUrl &url );
static QPixmap thumbnailForFile( const QString &path );
static bool isDeletable( const QUrl &url );
void initDirectoryTree();
void fileSystemScan(const QString &currPath, const QString & currVirtualPath);
static QPixmap createThumbnail(const QString &path);
//void addImageToCurrentPage( const QString &path );
void loadFavoriteList();
void saveFavoriteList();
UBFeature getDestinationForItem( const QUrl &url );
static UBFeatureElementType fileTypeFromUrl( const QString &path );
QList <UBFeature> *featuresList;
UBFeature *rootElement;
QString mUserAudioDirectoryPath;
QString mUserVideoDirectoryPath;
QString mUserPicturesDirectoryPath;
QString mUserInteractiveDirectoryPath;
QString mUserAnimationDirectoryPath;
QString libraryPath;
QString mLibAudioDirectoryPath;
QString mLibVideoDirectoryPath;
QString mLibPicturesDirectoryPath;
QString mLibInteractiveDirectoryPath;
QString mLibAnimationDirectoryPath;
QString mLibApplicationsDirectoryPath;
QString mLibShapesDirectoryPath;
QString trashDirectoryPath;
QString mLibSearchDirectoryPath;
QString rootPath;
QString audiosPath;
QString moviesPath;
QString picturesPath;
QString appPath;
QString flashPath;
QString shapesPath;
QString interactPath;
QString trashPath;
QString favoritePath;
int mLastItemOffsetIndex;
UBFeature currentElement;
UBFeature trashElement;
UBFeature favoriteElement;
UBFeature audiosElement;
UBFeature moviesElement;
UBFeature picturesElement;
UBFeature interactElement;
UBFeature flashElement;
UBFeature shapesElement;
UBFeature searchElement;
QSet <QString> *favoriteSet;
UBFeaturesController(QWidget *parentWidget);
virtual ~UBFeaturesController();
QList <UBFeature>* getFeatures()const { return featuresList; }
const QString& getRootPath()const { return rootPath; }
void addItemToPage( const UBFeature &item );
void addItemAsBackground( const UBFeature &item );
const UBFeature& getCurrentElement()const { return currentElement; }
void setCurrentElement( const UBFeature &elem ) { currentElement = elem; }
const UBFeature & getTrashElement () const { return trashElement; }
UBFeature addDownloadedFile( const QUrl &sourceUrl, const QByteArray &pData );
UBFeature moveItemToFolder( const QUrl &url, const UBFeature &destination );
UBFeature copyItemToFolder( const QUrl &url, const UBFeature &destination );
void deleteItem( const QUrl &url );
bool isTrash( const QUrl &url );
UBFeature newFolder( const QString &name );
UBFeature addToFavorite( const QUrl &path );
void removeFromFavorite( const QUrl &path );
UBFeature importImage( const QImage &image, const UBFeature &destination );
static QString fileNameFromUrl( const QUrl &url );
static QPixmap thumbnailForFile( const QString &path );
static bool isDeletable( const QUrl &url );
void initDirectoryTree();
void fileSystemScan(const QUrl &currPath, const QString & currVirtualPath);
static QPixmap createThumbnail(const QString &path);
//void addImageToCurrentPage( const QString &path );
void loadFavoriteList();
void saveFavoriteList();
UBFeature getDestinationForItem( const QUrl &url );
static UBFeatureElementType fileTypeFromUrl( const QString &path );
QList <UBFeature> *featuresList;
UBFeature *rootElement;
QUrl mUserAudioDirectoryPath;
QUrl mUserVideoDirectoryPath;
QUrl mUserPicturesDirectoryPath;
QUrl mUserInteractiveDirectoryPath;
QUrl mUserAnimationDirectoryPath;
QString libraryPath;
QUrl mLibAudioDirectoryPath;
QUrl mLibVideoDirectoryPath;
QUrl mLibPicturesDirectoryPath;
QUrl mLibInteractiveDirectoryPath;
QUrl mLibAnimationDirectoryPath;
QUrl mLibApplicationsDirectoryPath;
QUrl mLibShapesDirectoryPath;
QUrl trashDirectoryPath;
QUrl mLibSearchDirectoryPath;
QString rootPath;
QString audiosPath;
QString moviesPath;
QString picturesPath;
QString appPath;
QString flashPath;
QString shapesPath;
QString interactPath;
QString trashPath;
QString favoritePath;
int mLastItemOffsetIndex;
UBFeature currentElement;
UBFeature trashElement;
UBFeature favoriteElement;
UBFeature audiosElement;
UBFeature moviesElement;
UBFeature picturesElement;
UBFeature interactElement;
UBFeature flashElement;
UBFeature shapesElement;
UBFeature webSearchElement;
QSet <QUrl> *favoriteSet;
......@@ -670,6 +670,7 @@ int UBPersistenceManager::sceneCountInDir(const QString& pPath)
int pageIndex = 0;
bool moreToProcess = true;
bool addedMissingZeroPage = false;
while (moreToProcess)
......@@ -683,10 +684,24 @@ int UBPersistenceManager::sceneCountInDir(const QString& pPath)
moreToProcess = false;
if(UBSettings::settings()->teacherGuidePageZeroActivated && pageIndex == 0){
// the document has no zero file but doesn't means that it hasn't any file
// at all. Just importing a document without the first page using a configuartion
// that enables zero page.
addedMissingZeroPage = true;
moreToProcess = false;
if(pageIndex == 1 && addedMissingZeroPage){
// increment is done only to check if there are other pages than the missing zero page
// This situation means -> no pages on the document
return 0;
return pageIndex;
......@@ -168,7 +168,6 @@ void UBDocumentController::selectDocument(UBDocumentProxy* proxy, bool setAsCurr
mDocumentThumbs = UBThumbnailAdaptor::load(selectedDocumentProxy());
qDebug() << mDocumentThumbs.size();
mSelectionType = Document;
......@@ -291,9 +290,9 @@ void UBDocumentController::refreshDocumentThumbnailsView()
items << pixmapItem;
labels << tr("Page %1").arg(i + 1);
labels << tr("Page %1").arg(UBApplication::boardController->pageFromSceneIndex(i));
itemsPath.append(QUrl::fromLocalFile(proxy->persistencePath() + QString("/pages/%1").arg(i + 1)));
itemsPath.append(QUrl::fromLocalFile(proxy->persistencePath() + QString("/pages/%1").arg(UBApplication::boardController->pageFromSceneIndex(i))));
......@@ -307,15 +306,12 @@ void UBDocumentController::refreshDocumentThumbnailsView()
mDocumentUI->thumbnailWidget->ensureVisible(0, 0, 10, 10);
if (selection)
disconnect(mDocumentUI->thumbnailWidget->scene(), SIGNAL(selectionChanged()),
this, SLOT(pageSelectionChanged()));
if (selection) {
disconnect(mDocumentUI->thumbnailWidget->scene(), SIGNAL(selectionChanged()), this, SLOT(pageSelectionChanged()));
UBSceneThumbnailPixmap *currentScene = dynamic_cast<UBSceneThumbnailPixmap*>(selection);
if (currentScene)
connect(mDocumentUI->thumbnailWidget->scene(), SIGNAL(selectionChanged()),
this, SLOT(pageSelectionChanged()));
connect(mDocumentUI->thumbnailWidget->scene(), SIGNAL(selectionChanged()), this, SLOT(pageSelectionChanged()));
emit refreshThumbnails();
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