Commit 631adcc3 authored by Anatoly Mihalchenko's avatar Anatoly Mihalchenko

OSK - displaying in hidden mode

parent 4a1d9efd
......@@ -106,8 +106,13 @@ void UBPreferencesController::wire()
// OSK preferences
for(int i = 0; i < settings->supportedKeyboardSizes->size(); i++)
// mPreferencesUI->keyboardPaletteKeyButtonSize->addItem("29x29");
// mPreferencesUI->keyboardPaletteKeyButtonSize->addItem("30x30");
// mPreferencesUI->keyboardPaletteKeyButtonSize->addItem("41x41");
connect(mPreferencesUI->keyboardPaletteKeyButtonSize, SIGNAL(currentIndexChanged(const QString &)), settings->boardKeyboardPaletteKeyBtnSize, SLOT(setString(const QString &)));
......@@ -120,6 +120,8 @@ QSettings* UBSettings::getAppSettings()
UBSettings::UBSettings(QObject *parent)
: QObject(parent)
mAppSettings = UBSettings::getAppSettings();
QString userSettingsFile = UBSettings::uniboardDataDirectory() + "/UniboardUser.config";
......@@ -133,8 +135,38 @@ UBSettings::UBSettings(QObject *parent)
delete mAppSettings;
delete supportedKeyboardSizes;
void UBSettings::InitKeyboardPaletteKeyBtnSizes()
supportedKeyboardSizes = new QStringList();
void UBSettings::ValidateKeyboardPaletteKeyBtnSize()
// if boardKeyboardPaletteKeyBtnSize is not initialized, or supportedKeyboardSizes not initialized or empty
if( !boardKeyboardPaletteKeyBtnSize ||
!supportedKeyboardSizes ||
supportedKeyboardSizes->size() == 0 ) return;
// get original size value
QString origValue = boardKeyboardPaletteKeyBtnSize->get().toString();
// parse available size values, for make sure original value is valid
for(int i = 0; i < supportedKeyboardSizes->size(); i++)
int compareCode = QString::compare(origValue, supportedKeyboardSizes->at(i));
if(compareCode == 0) return;
// if original value is invalid, than set it value to first value from avaliable list
void UBSettings::init()
......@@ -192,7 +224,8 @@ void UBSettings::init()
boardUseHighResTabletEvent = new UBSetting(this, "Board", "UseHighResTabletEvent", true);
// boardKeyboardPaletteAutoMinimize = new UBSetting(this, "Board", "KeyboardPaletteAutoMinimize", true);
boardKeyboardPaletteKeyBtnSize = new UBSetting(this, "Board", "KeyboardPaletteKeyBtnSize", "24x24");
boardKeyboardPaletteKeyBtnSize = new UBSetting(this, "Board", "KeyboardPaletteKeyBtnSize", "16x16");
QStringList penLightBackgroundColors;
penLightBackgroundColors << "#000000" << "#FF0000" <<"#004080" << "#008000" << "#C87400" << "#800040" << "#008080" << "#5F2D0A";
......@@ -37,6 +37,11 @@ class UBSettings : public QObject
QStringList* supportedKeyboardSizes;
void InitKeyboardPaletteKeyBtnSizes();
void ValidateKeyboardPaletteKeyBtnSize();
int penWidthIndex();
qreal currentPenWidth();
......@@ -88,7 +88,8 @@ UBDesktopAnnotationController::UBDesktopAnnotationController(QObject *parent)
if (UBPlatformUtils::hasVirtualKeyboard())
mKeyboardPalette = UBKeyboardPalette::create(mTransparentDrawingView);
connect(mKeyboardPalette, SIGNAL(keyboardActivated(bool)), mTransparentDrawingView, SLOT(virtualKeyboardActivated(bool)));
connect(mDesktopPalette, SIGNAL(uniboardClick()), this, SLOT(goToUniboard()));
......@@ -363,7 +363,7 @@ void UBPlatformUtils::initializeKeyboardLayouts()
void UBPlatformUtils::destroyKeyboardLayouts()
for(int i=0; i<4; i++)
for(int i=0; i<nKeyboardLayouts; i++)
delete keyboardLayouts[i];
delete [] keyboardLayouts;
keyboardLayouts = NULL;
......@@ -125,20 +125,20 @@ void UBKeyboardPalette::setInput(const UBKeyboardLocale* locale)
for (int i=0; i<47; i++)
delete buttons[i];
//for (int i=0; i<47; i++)
// delete buttons[i];
delete [] buttons;
for (int i=0; i<8; i++)
delete ctrlButtons[i];
//for (int i=0; i<8; i++)
// delete ctrlButtons[i];
delete [] ctrlButtons;
if (locales!=NULL)
for (int i=0; i<nLocalesCount; i++)
delete locales[i];
delete [] locales;
//if (locales!=NULL)
// for (int i=0; i<nLocalesCount; i++)
// delete locales[i];
// delete [] locales;
if(currBtnImages != NULL)
......@@ -607,13 +607,13 @@ void UBGraphicsTriangle::mouseMoveEvent(QGraphicsSceneMouseEvent *event)
QPointF delta = event->pos() - event->lastPos();
if (mOrientation == TopLeft || mOrientation == BottomLeft)
if (rect().width() + delta.x() < sMinWidth)
delta.setX(sMinWidth - rect().width());
if (rect().width() + delta.x() < (qreal)sMinWidth)
delta.setX((qreal)sMinWidth - rect().width());
if (rect().width() - delta.x() < sMinWidth)
delta.setX(sMinWidth - rect().width());
if (rect().width() - delta.x() < (qreal)sMinWidth)
delta.setX((qreal)sMinWidth - rect().width());
if (mOrientation == TopLeft || mOrientation == BottomLeft)
......@@ -639,13 +639,13 @@ void UBGraphicsTriangle::mouseMoveEvent(QGraphicsSceneMouseEvent *event)
QPointF delta = event->pos() - event->lastPos();
if (mOrientation == BottomRight || mOrientation == BottomLeft)
if (rect().height() - delta.y() < sMinHeight)
delta.setY(sMinHeight - rect().height());
if (rect().height() - delta.y() < (qreal)sMinHeight)
delta.setY((qreal)sMinHeight - rect().height());
if (rect().height() + delta.y() < sMinHeight)
delta.setY(sMinHeight - rect().height());
if (rect().height() + delta.y() < (qreal)sMinHeight)
delta.setY((qreal)sMinHeight - rect().height());
if (mOrientation == BottomRight || mOrientation == BottomLeft)
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