Commit 5ed13efe authored by Clément Fauconnier's avatar Clément Fauconnier

fixed a crash when no document was selected before deletion

parent d0e34731
......@@ -2190,16 +2190,16 @@ void UBDocumentController::deleteSelectedItem()
UBDocumentTreeModel *docModel = UBPersistenceManager::persistenceManager()->mDocumentTreeStructureModel;
QModelIndexList indexes = selectedTreeIndexes();
if (!UBApplication::mainWindow->yesNoQuestion(tr("Remove Item"), tr("Are you sure you want to remove the selected item(s) ?")))
QModelIndexList indexes = selectedTreeIndexes();
if (indexes.size() > 1)
deleteMultipleItems(indexes, docModel);
else if (indexes.size() == 1)
deleteSingleItem(, docModel);
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