Commit 544568bc authored by shibakaneki's avatar shibakaneki


parents f16c06f9 aad81050
......@@ -35,6 +35,7 @@ QT += script
QT += xmlpatterns
INCLUDEPATH += plugins/cffadaptor/src
......@@ -109,6 +110,7 @@ RCC_DIR = $$BUILD_DIR/rcc
win32 {
LIBS += "-Lplugins/cffadaptor/lib/win32" "-lCFF_Adaptor"
RC_FILE = resources/win/sankore.rc
CONFIG += qaxcontainer
exists(console):CONFIG += console
......@@ -129,6 +131,7 @@ win32 {
macx {
LIBS += "-Lplugins/cffadaptor/lib/macx" "-lCFF_Adaptor"
LIBS += -framework Foundation
LIBS += -lcrypto
LIBS += -framework AppKit
......@@ -326,6 +329,7 @@ macx {
linux-g++ {
LIBS += "-Lplugins/cffadaptor/lib/linux" "-lCFF_Adaptor"
LIBS += -lcrypto
QMAKE_CFLAGS += -fopenmp
QMAKE_CXXFLAGS += -fopenmp
......@@ -341,6 +345,7 @@ linux-g++ {
linux-g++-32 {
LIBS += "-Lplugins/cffadaptor/lib/linux" "-lCFF_Adaptor"
LIBS += -lcrypto
QMAKE_CFLAGS += -fopenmp
QMAKE_CXXFLAGS += -fopenmp
......@@ -356,6 +361,7 @@ linux-g++-32 {
linux-g++-64 {
LIBS += "-Lplugins/cffadaptor/lib/linux" "-lCFF_Adaptor"
LIBS += -lcrypto
QMAKE_CFLAGS += -fopenmp
QMAKE_CXXFLAGS += -fopenmp
......@@ -371,6 +377,7 @@ linux-g++-64 {
RESOURCES += resources/sankore.qrc
RESOURCES += plugins/cffadaptor/resources/resources.qrc
# When adding a translation here, also add it in the macx part
TRANSLATIONS = resources/i18n/sankore_en.ts \
# Project created by QtCreator 2012-02-14T13:30:14
win32: SUB_DIR = win32
macx: SUB_DIR = macx
linux-g++: SUB_DIR = linux
linux-g++-32: SUB_DIR = linux
linux-g++-64: SUB_DIR = linux
THIRD_PARTY_PATH = ../../../Sankore-ThirdParty
QUAZIP_DIR = "$$PWD/../../../Sankore-ThirdParty/quazip/quazip-0.3"
LIBS += "-L$$THIRD_PARTY_PATH/quazip/lib/$$SUB_DIR" "-lquazip"
QT += xml xmlpatterns core
QT += gui
QT += svg
TARGET = CFF_Adaptor
CONFIG += dll
$$PWD/../../src/globals/UBGlobals.h \
src/UBCFFAdaptor.h \
src/UBCFFAdaptor_global.h \
OBJECTS_DIR = $$PWD/objects
MOC_DIR = $$PWD/moc
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<!-- Generator: Adobe Illustrator 13.0.2, SVG Export Plug-In . SVG Version: 6.00 Build 14948) -->
<svg version="1.2" baseProfile="tiny" id="Layer_1" xmlns="" xmlns:xlink=""
x="0px" y="0px" width="26px" height="26px" viewBox="0 0 26 26" xml:space="preserve">
<circle fill="#CCCCCC" cx="13" cy="13" r="13"/>
<circle fill="#999999" cx="13" cy="13" r="11"/>
<rect x="7" y="9" fill="#FFFFFF" width="6" height="8"/>
<polygon fill="#FFFFFF" points="10,11 10,15 17,21 17,5 "/>
<qresource prefix="/">
This diff is collapsed.
#include "UBCFFAdaptor_global.h"
#include <QtCore>
class QTransform;
class QDomDocument;
class QDomElement;
class QDomNode;
class QuaZipFile;
class UBToCFFConverter;
bool convertUBZToIWB(const QString &from, const QString &to);
bool deleteDir(const QString& pDirPath) const;
QString uncompressZip(const QString &zipFile);
bool compressZip(const QString &source, const QString &destination);
bool compressDir(const QString &dirName, const QString &parentDir, QuaZipFile *outZip);
bool compressFile(const QString &fileName, const QString &parentDir, QuaZipFile *outZip);
QString createNewTmpDir();
bool freeDir(const QString &dir);
void freeTmpDirs();
QStringList tmpDirs;
class UBToCFFConverter {
static const int DEFAULT_LAYER = -100000;
UBToCFFConverter(const QString &source, const QString &destination);
bool isValid() const;
QString lastErrStr() const {return errorStr;}
bool parse();
void fillNamespaces();
bool parseMetadata();
bool parseContent();
QDomElement parsePageset(const QStringList &pageFileNames);
QDomElement parsePage(const QString &pageFileName);
QDomElement parseSvgPageSection(const QDomElement &element);
void writeQDomElementToXML(const QDomNode &node);
bool writeExtendedIwbSection();
QDomElement parseGroupPageSection(const QDomElement &element);
bool createBackground(const QDomElement &element, QMultiMap<int, QDomElement> &dstSvgList);
QString createBackgroundImage(const QDomElement &element, QSize size);
bool createPngFromSvg(QString &svgPath, QString &dstPath, QTransform transformation, QSize size = QSize());
bool parseSVGGGroup(const QDomElement &element, QMultiMap<int, QDomElement> &dstSvgList);
bool parseUBZImage(const QDomElement &element, QMultiMap<int, QDomElement> &dstSvgList);
bool parseUBZVideo(const QDomElement &element, QMultiMap<int, QDomElement> &dstSvgList);
bool parseUBZAudio(const QDomElement &element, QMultiMap<int, QDomElement> &dstSvgList);
bool parseForeignObject(const QDomElement &element, QMultiMap<int, QDomElement> &dstSvgList);
bool parseUBZText(const QDomElement &element, QMultiMap<int, QDomElement> &dstSvgList);
bool parseUBZPolygon(const QDomElement &element, QMultiMap<int, QDomElement> &dstSvgList);
bool parseUBZPolyline(const QDomElement &element, QMultiMap<int, QDomElement> &dstSvgList);
bool parseUBZLine(const QDomElement &element, QMultiMap<int, QDomElement> &dstSvgList);
void addSVGElementToResultModel(const QDomElement &element, QMultiMap<int, QDomElement> &dstList, int layer = DEFAULT_LAYER);
void addIWBElementToResultModel(const QDomElement &element);
qreal getAngleFromTransform(const QTransform &tr);
QString getDstContentFolderName(const QString &elementType);
QString getSrcContentFolderName(QString href);
QString getFileNameFromPath(QString sPath);
QString getExtentionFromFileName(const QString &filename);
QString convertExtention(const QString &ext);
QString getElementTypeFromUBZ(const QDomElement &element);
int getElementLayer(const QDomElement &element);
bool itIsSupportedFormat(const QString &format) const;
bool itIsFormatToConvert(const QString &format) const;
bool itIsSVGElementAttribute(const QString ItemType, const QString &AttrName);
bool itIsIWBAttribute(const QString &attribute) const;
bool itIsUBZAttributeToConvert(const QString &attribute) const;
bool ibwAddLine(int x1, int y1, int x2, int y2, QString color=QString(), int width=1, bool isBackground=false);
QTransform getTransformFromUBZ(const QDomElement &ubzElement);
void setGeometryFromUBZ(const QDomElement &ubzElement, QDomElement &iwbElement);
void setCoordinatesFromUBZ(const QDomElement &ubzElement, QDomElement &iwbElement);
bool setContentFromUBZ(const QDomElement &ubzElement, QDomElement &svgElement);
void setCFFTextFromUBZ(const QDomElement &ubzElement, QDomElement &iwbElement, QDomElement &svgElement);
void setCFFTextFromHTMLTextNode(const QDomElement htmlTextNode, QDomElement &iwbElement);
QString ubzAttrNameToCFFAttrName(QString cffAttrName);
QString ubzAttrValueToCFFAttrName(QString cffAttrValue);
bool setCFFAttribute(const QString &attributeName, const QString &attributeValue, const QDomElement &ubzElement, QDomElement &iwbElement, QDomElement &svgElement);
bool setCommonAttributesFromUBZ(const QDomElement &ubzElement, QDomElement &iwbElement, QDomElement &svgElement);
void setViewBox(QRect viewbox);
QDomNode findTextNode(const QDomNode &node);
QDomNode findNodeByTagName(const QDomNode &node, QString tagName);
QSize getSVGDimentions(const QString &element);
inline QRect getViewboxRect(const QString &element) const;
inline QString rectToIWBAttr(const QRect &rect) const;
inline QString digitFileFormat(int num) const;
inline bool strToBool(const QString &in) const {return in == "true";}
QString contentIWBFileName() const;
QMap<QString, QString> iwbSVGItemsAttributes;
QDomDocument *mDataModel; //model for reading indata
QXmlStreamWriter *mIWBContentWriter; //stream to write outdata
QSize mSVGSize; //svg page size
QRect mViewbox; //Main viewbox parameter for CFF
QString sourcePath; // dir with unpacked source data (ubz)
QString destinationPath; //dir with unpacked destination data (iwb)
QDomDocument *mDocumentToWrite; //document for saved QDomElements from mSvgElements and mExtendedElements
QMultiMap<int, QDomElement> mSvgElements; //Saving svg elements to have a sorted by z order list of elements to write;
QList<QDomElement> mExtendedElements; //Saving extended options of elements to be able to add them to the end of result iwb document;
mutable QString errorStr; // last error string message
operator bool() const {return isValid();}
class UBToUBZConverter {
#include <QtCore/qglobal.h>
#define PI 3.1415926535
const int DEFAULT_BACKGROUND_LAYER = -20000002;
// Constant names. Use only them instead const char* in each function
// Constant fileNames;
const QString fMetadata = "metadata.rdf";
const QString fIWBContent = "content.xml";
const QString fIWBBackground = "background.png";
const QString sAudioElementImage = ":images/soundOn.svg";
// Constant messages;
const QString noErrorMsg = "NoError";
// Tag names
const QString tDescription = "Description";
const QString tIWBRoot = "iwb";
const QString tIWBMeta = "meta";
const QString tUBZSize = "size";
const QString tSvg = "svg";
const QString tIWBPage = "page";
const QString tIWBPageSet = "pageset";
const QString tId = "id";
const QString tElement = "element";
const QString tUBZGroup = "group";
const QString tUBZG = "g";
const QString tUBZPolygon = "polygon";
const QString tUBZPolyline = "polyline";
const QString tUBZLine = "line";
const QString tUBZAudio = "audio";
const QString tUBZVideo = "video";
const QString tUBZImage = "image";
const QString tUBZForeignObject = "foreignObject";
const QString tUBZTextContent = "itemTextContent";
const QString tIWBA = "a";
const QString tIWBG = "g";
const QString tIWBSwitch = "switch";
const QString tIWBImage = "image";
const QString tIWBVideo = "video";
const QString tIWBAudio = "audio";
const QString tIWBText = "text";
const QString tIWBTextArea = "textarea";
const QString tIWBPolyLine = "polyline";
const QString tIWBPolygon = "polygon";
const QString tIWBFlash = "video";
const QString tIWBRect = "rect";
const QString tIWBLine = "line";
const QString tIWBTbreak = "tbreak";
const QString tIWBTspan = "tspan";
// Attributes names
const QString aIWBVersion = "version";
const QString aOwner = "owner";
const QString aDescription = "description";
const QString aCreator = "creator";
const QString aAbout = "about";
const QString aIWBViewBox = "viewbox";
const QString aUBZViewBox = "viewBox";
const QString aDarkBackground = "dark-background";
const QString aBackground = "background";
const QString aCrossedBackground = "crossed-background";
const QString aUBZType = "type";
const QString aUBZUuid = "uuid";
const QString aFill = "fill"; // IWB attribute contans color to fill
const QString aID = "id"; // ID of any svg element can be placed in to iwb section
const QString aRef = "ref"; // as reference for applying additional attributes
const QString aSVGHref = "xlink:href"; // reference to file
const QString aIWBHref = "ref"; // reference to element ID
const QString aUBZHref = "href";
const QString aSrc = "src";
const QString aSVGRequiredExtension = "requiredExtensions";
const QString aX = "x";
const QString aY = "y";
const QString aWidth = "width";
const QString aHeight = "height";
const QString aStroke = "stroke";
const QString aStrokeWidth = "stroke-width";
const QString aPoints = "points";
const QString aZLayer = "z-value";
const QString aLayer = "layer";
const QString aTransform = "transform";
const QString aLocked = "locked";
const QString aIWBName = "name";
const QString aIWBContent = "content";
// Attribute values
const QString avIWBVersionNo = "1.0";
const QString avUBZText = "text";
const QString avFalse = "false";
const QString avTrue = "true";
// Namespaces and prefixes
const QString svgRequiredExtensionPrefix = "";
const QString dcNS = "";
const QString ubNS = "";
const QString svgUBZNS = "";
const QString svgIWBNS = "";
const QString xlinkNS = "";
const QString iwbNS = "";
const QString xsiNS = "";
const QString xsiShemaLocation = "\ \ \ \";
const QString dcNSPrefix = "dc";
const QString ubNSPrefix = "ub";
const QString svgIWBNSPrefix = "svg";
const QString xlinkNSPrefix = "xlink";
const QString iwbNsPrefix = "iwb";
const QString xsiPrefix = "xsi";
const QString xsiSchemaLocationPrefix = "schemaLocation";
const QString avOwner = "";
const QString avCreator = "";
const QString avDescription = "";
//constant symbols and words etc
const QString dimensionsDelimiter1 = "x";
const QString dimensionsDelimiter2 = " ";
const QString pageAlias = "page";
const QString pageFileExtentionUBZ = "svg";
//content folder names
const QString cfImages = "images";
const QString cfVideos = "video";
const QString cfAudios = "audio";
const QString cfFlash = "flash";
//known file extentions
const QString feSvg = "svg";
const QString feWgt = "wgt";
const QString fePng = "png";
const int iCrossSize = 32;
const int iCrossWidth = 1;
// Image formats supported by CFF exclude wgt. Wgt is Sankore widget, which is considered as a .png preview.
const QString iwbElementImage(" \
wgt, \
jpeg, \
jpg, \
bmp, \
gif, \
wmf, \
emf, \
png, \
tif, \
tiff \
// Video formats supported by CFF
const QString iwbElementVideo(" \
mpg, \
mpeg, \
swf, \
// Audio formats supported by CFF
const QString iwbElementAudio(" \
mp3, \
wav \
const QString cffSupportedFileFormats(iwbElementImage + iwbElementVideo + iwbElementAudio);
const QString ubzFormatsToConvert("svg");
const QString iwbSVGImageAttributes(" \
id, \
xlink:href, \
x, \
y, \
height, \
width, \
fill-opacity, \
requiredExtentions, \
transform \
const QString iwbSVGAudioAttributes(" \
id, \
xlink:href, \
x, \
y, \
height, \
width, \
fill-opacity, \
requiredExtentions, \
transform \
const QString iwbSVGVideoAttributes(" \
id, \
xlink:href, \
x, \
y, \
height, \
width, \
fill-opacity, \
requiredExtentions, \
transform \
const QString iwbSVGRectAttributes(" \
id, \
x, \
y, \
height, \
width, \
fill, \
fill-opacity, \
stroke, \
stroke-dasharray, \
stroke-linecap, \
stroke-linejoin, \
stroke-opacity, \
stroke-width, \
transform \
const QString iwbSVGTextAttributes(" \
id, \
x, \
y, \
fill, \
font-family, \
font-size, \
font-style, \
font-weight, \
font-stretch, \
transform \
const QString iwbSVGTextAreaAttributes(" \
id, \
x, \
y, \
height, \
width, \
fill, \
font-family, \
font-size, \
font-style, \
font-weight, \
font-stretch, \
text-align, \
transform \
const QString iwbSVGTspanAttributes(" \
id, \
fill, \
font-family, \
font-size, \
font-style, \
font-weight, \
font-stretch, \
text-align, \
const QString iwbSVGLineAttributes(" \
id, \
x1, \
y1, \
x2, \
y2, \
stroke, \
stroke-dasharray, \
stroke-width, \
stroke-opacity, \
stroke-linecap, \
transform \
const QString iwbSVGPolyLineAttributes(" \
id, \
points, \
stroke, \
stroke-width, \
stroke-dasharray, \
stroke-opacity, \
stroke-linecap, \
transform \
const QString iwbSVGPolygonAttributes(" \
id, \
points, \
fill, \
fill-opacity, \
stroke, \
stroke-dasharray, \
stroke-width, \
stroke-linecap, \
stroke-linejoin, \
stroke-opacity, \
stroke-width, \
transform \
// 1 to 1 copy to SVG section
const QString iwbElementAttributes(" \
background, \
background-fill, \
background-posture, \
flip, \
freehand, \
highlight, \
highlight-fill, \
list-style-type, \
list-style-type-fill, \
locked, \
replicate, \
revealer, \
stroke-lineshape-start, \
stroke-lineshape-end \
// cannot be copied 1 to 1 to SVG section
const QString ubzElementAttributesToConvert(" \
xlink:href, \
src, \
transform \
// additional attributes. Have references in SVG section.
const QString svgElementAttributes(" \
points, \
fill, \
fill-opacity, \
stroke, \
stroke-dasharray, \
stroke-linecap, \
stroke-opacity, \
stroke-width, \
stroke_linejoin, \
requiredExtensions, \
viewbox, \
x, \
y, \
x1, \
y1, \
x2, \
y2, \
height, \
width, \
font-family, \
font-size, \
font-style, \
font-weight, \
font-stretch, \
text-align \
const QString ubzContentFolders("audios,videos,images,widgets");
struct UBItemLayerType
enum Enum
FixedBackground = -2000, Object = -1000, Graphic = 0, Tool = 1000, Control = 2000
\ No newline at end of file
#define DELETEPTR(ptr) if(NULL != ptr){ \
delete ptr; \
ptr = NULL; \
#ifdef Q_WS_WIN
#define WARNINGS_DISABLE __pragma(warning(push, 0));
#define WARNINGS_ENABLE __pragma(warning(pop));
// disabling warning level to 0 and save old state
// just save old state (needs for not empty define)
#define THIRD_PARTY_WARNINGS_DISABLE __pragma(warning(push));
// anyway on WIN
#else //#ifdef Q_WS_WIN
#define WARNINGS_DISABLE _Pragma("GCC diagnostic push"); \
_Pragma("GCC diagnostic ignored \"-Wunused-parameter\""); \
_Pragma("GCC diagnostic ignored \"-Wunused-variable\""); \
_Pragma("GCC diagnostic ignored \"-Wsign-compare\"");
#define WARNINGS_ENABLE _Pragma("GCC diagnostic pop");
//disabling some warnings
// just save old state (needs for not empty define)
#endif //#ifdef Q_WS_WIN
#endif // UBGLOBALS_H
......@@ -49,23 +49,23 @@ var sankoreLang = {
"edit": "Modifier",
"question":"La question",
"example_question":"Ceci est un exemple de la question",
"answer":"Ceci est un exemple de la réponse",
"example_question":"Ceci est un exemple de question",
"answer":"Ceci est un exemple de réponse",
"add_new_question":"Ajouter nouvelle question ...",
"options":"Les options",
"add_new_question":"Ajouter une nouvelle question ...",
"delete_question":"Supprimer la question",
"delete_answer":"Supprimer réponse",
"delete_answer":"Supprimer la possibilité",
"right_answer":"Bonne réponse",
"template_question":"Saisissez votre question ici ...",
"template_answer":"Entrez la réponse ici ...",
"add_answer":"Ajouter une réponse",
"select_text":"Choisissez la bonne réponse",
"options_desc":"Vous pouvez choisir n'importe lequel de ces trois options d'affichage de vos réponses. Voir un court leur description.",
"radio_desc":"Cette option permet de choisir une seule réponse et les réponses sont affichées sous forme de boutons radio.",
"checkbox_desc":"Cette option permet de choisir plusieurs réponses et les réponses sont affichées comme des cases à cocher.",
"select_desc":"Cette option permet de choisir une seule réponse et les réponses sont affichées sous forme de menu déroulant.",
"template_question":"Saisir la question ici ...",
"template_answer":"Saisir la réponse ici ...",
"add_answer":"Ajouter une possibilité",
"select_text":"Choisir la bonne réponse",
"options_desc":"Types de questions",
"radio_desc":"Option 1 : une seule bonne réponse, les possibilités sont affichées sous forme de boutons radio.",
"checkbox_desc":"Option 2 : plusieurs bonnes réponses, les possibilités sont affichées sous forme de cases à cocher.",
"select_desc":"Option 3 : une seule bonne réponse, les possibilités sont affichées sous forme de menu déroulant.",
var sankoreLang = {
display: "Affichage",
display: "Afficher",
edit: "Modifier",
short_desc: "Sélectionner le numéro «trois».",
add: "Nouveau bloc",
enter: "Saisissez la consigne ici ..."
enter: "Saisir la consigne ici ..."
//main function
var sankoreLang = {
display: "D'affichage",
display: "Afficher",
edit: "Modifier",
short_desc: "Combien de signaux entendez-vous?",
short_desc: "Combien de signaux sonores entendez-vous?",
add: "Nouveau bloc",
enter: "Entrez votre description ici ..."
enter: "Saisir votre description ici ..."
//main function
var sankoreLang = {
display: "D'affichage",
display: "Afficher",
edit: "Modifier",
first_desc: "Les nombres impairs",
second_desc: "Même les chiffres",
enter: "Entrez votre nom de la catégorie ici ...",
second_desc: "Les nombres pairs",
enter: "Saisir le nom de la catégorie ici ...",
add: "Nouveau bloc"
var sankoreLang = {
display: "D'affichage",
display: "Afficher",
edit: "Modifier",
first_desc: "Fruits",
second_desc: "Légumes",
potatoes: "Pommes de terre",
potatoes: "Pomme de terre",
carrot: "Carotte",
onion: "Oignon",
apple: "Pomme",
pear: "Poire",
enter: "Entrez votre nom de la catégorie ici ...",
enter: "Saisir le nom de la catégorie ici ...",
add: "Nouveau bloc",
text: "Texte"
var sankoreLang = {
display: "D'affichage",
display: "Afficher",
edit: "Modifier",
text_content: "Ceci est un exemple. Au lieu de ce texte, vous pouvez mettre votre propre contenu.",
text_content: "Ceci est un exemple. Au lieu de ce texte, vous pouvez saisir votre propre texte ou glisser-dposer une image, un son.",
new_txt: "Nouveau bloc de texte",
new_slide: "C'est une nouvelle diapositive."
new_slide: "Ceci est une nouvelle diapositive."
//some flags
......@@ -26,9 +26,9 @@ function checkResponse()
var sankoreLang = {
view: "D'affichage",
view: "Afficher",
edit: "Modifier",
example: "il\ns'agit\nd'une\nphrase\nd'exemple"
example: "Cette phrase\nest un\nexemple."
......@@ -27,9 +27,9 @@ function checkResponse()
var sankoreLang = {
view: "D'affichage",
view: "Afficher",
edit: "Modifier",
example: "une*longue*,*il*ya*bien*longtemps*..."
example: "Il*y*a*longtemps*,*nous*tions**la*mer*."
var word = "";
......@@ -263,7 +263,6 @@ void UBGraphicsItemDelegate::positionHandles()
DelegateButton* button = mButtons[i + j];
if (button->getSection() == Qt::TopLeftSection) {
button->setPos(topX + (i++ * 1.6 * mFrameWidth * mAntiScaleRatio), topY);
} else if (button->getSection() == Qt::BottomLeftSection) {
......@@ -271,7 +270,6 @@ void UBGraphicsItemDelegate::positionHandles()
} else if (button->getSection() == Qt::NoSection) {
if (!button->scene())
button->setParentItem(mFrame);//update parent for the case the item has been previously removed from scene
......@@ -282,7 +280,7 @@ void UBGraphicsItemDelegate::positionHandles()
} else {
foreach(DelegateButton* button, mButtons)
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