Commit 42fc2882 authored by Clément Fauconnier's avatar Clément Fauconnier

some fixes on new document mode (actions if nothing selected, disable trash if empty, ...)

parent d9785349
......@@ -1641,17 +1641,19 @@ void UBDocumentController::createNewDocument()
UBPersistenceManager *pManager = UBPersistenceManager::persistenceManager();
UBDocumentTreeModel *docModel = pManager->mDocumentTreeStructureModel;
QModelIndex selectedIndex = firstSelectedTreeIndex();
if (selectedIndex.isValid()) {
QString groupName = docModel->isCatalog(selectedIndex)
if (!selectedIndex.isValid())
selectedIndex = docModel->myDocumentsIndex();
QString groupName = docModel->isCatalog(selectedIndex)
? docModel->virtualPathForIndex(selectedIndex)
: docModel->virtualDirForIndex(selectedIndex);
UBDocumentProxy *document = pManager->createDocument(groupName);
selectDocument(document, true, false, true);
UBDocumentProxy *document = pManager->createDocument(groupName);
selectDocument(document, true, false, true);
if (document)
if (document)
void UBDocumentController::selectDocument(UBDocumentProxy* proxy, bool setAsCurrentDocument, const bool onImport, const bool editMode)
......@@ -1684,7 +1686,7 @@ void UBDocumentController::createNewDocumentGroup()
UBDocumentTreeModel *docModel = pManager->mDocumentTreeStructureModel;
QModelIndex selectedIndex = firstSelectedTreeIndex();
if (!selectedIndex.isValid()) {
selectedIndex = docModel->myDocumentsIndex();
QModelIndex parentIndex = docModel->isCatalog(selectedIndex)
? selectedIndex
......@@ -2287,6 +2289,7 @@ void UBDocumentController::deleteSelectedItem()
//N/C - NNE - 20140410
......@@ -2444,8 +2447,8 @@ void UBDocumentController::moveToTrash(QModelIndex &index, UBDocumentTreeModel*
void UBDocumentController::emptyFolder(const QModelIndex &index, DeletionType pDeletionType)
// Issue NC - CFA - 20131029 : ajout d'une popup de confirmation pour la suppression definitive
if(pDeletionType == CompleteDelete && !UBApplication::mainWindow->yesNoQuestion(tr("Empty the trash"),tr("You're about to empty the trash.") +"\n\n" + tr("Are you sure ?")))
// if(pDeletionType == CompleteDelete && !UBApplication::mainWindow->yesNoQuestion(tr("Empty the trash"),tr("You're about to empty the trash.") +"\n\n" + tr("Are you sure ?")))
// return;
......@@ -3225,9 +3228,16 @@ UBDocumentController::deletionTypeForSelection(LastSelectedElementType pTypeSele
} else if (docModel->isConstant(selectedIndex)) {
if (selectedIndex == docModel->trashIndex()) {
return EmptyTrash;
if (docModel->rowCount(selectedIndex) > 0)
return EmptyTrash;
return NoDeletion;
return EmptyFolder;
if (selectedIndex.isValid())
return EmptyFolder;
return NoDeletion;
} else if (pTypeSelection != None) {
if (docModel->inTrash(selectedIndex)) {
return CompleteDelete;
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