Commit 2ae000e9 authored by Claudio Valerio's avatar Claudio Valerio

restore old code

parent ee273fbd
......@@ -21,15 +21,15 @@ INCLUDEPATH += "$$XPDF_DIR"
BREAKPAD_DIR = "$$PWD/google-breakpad/google-breakpad-r768"
BREAKPAD_DIR = "$$PWD/google-breakpad/r318"
INCLUDEPATH += "$$BREAKPAD_DIR/include" "$$BREAKPAD_DIR/include/google_breakpad"
win32 {
CONFIG(debug, debug|release) {
LIBS += "-L$$PWD/google-breakpad/lib/$$SUB_LIB" "-ldbreakpad"
LIBS += "-L$$BREAKPAD_DIR/lib/$$SUB_LIB" "-ldbreakpad"
CONFIG(release, debug|release) {
LIBS += "-L$$PWD/google-breakpad/lib/$$SUB_LIB" "-lbreakpad"
LIBS += "-L$$BREAKPAD_DIR/lib/$$SUB_LIB" "-lbreakpad"
LIBS += "-L$$PWD/openssl/0.9.8i/lib/VC/static" "-llibeay32MD"
INCLUDEPATH += "$$PWD/openssl/0.9.8i/include"
......@@ -64,7 +64,7 @@ macx {
LIBS += "-framework Carbon"
LIBS += "-lcrypto"
LIBS += "-L$$PWD/google-breakpad/lib/$$SUB_LIB" "-lbreakpad"
LIBS += "-L$$BREAKPAD_DIR/lib/$$SUB_LIB" "-lbreakpad"
LIBS += "$$PWD/unsanity/ape/APELite.o"
INCLUDEPATH += "$$PWD/unsanity/ape"
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