Commit 21f4eba9 authored by unknown's avatar unknown

fixed audio planete widget

parent 9820b53f
......@@ -7,81 +7,50 @@ html, body{
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......@@ -356,18 +281,3 @@ input[type="radio"]:checked + .filter_button.button.color {
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Planete Sankore Changes
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......@@ -19,17 +19,18 @@
function addPaginationLinks(totalResults) {
var curPage = currentIndex; // check what page the app is on
var pagesDiv = $("<div id='resultFooter' class='resultFooter'>");
for (var i = 0; i < 10; i++) {
for (var i = 0; i < 8; i++) {
if (i * limit < totalResults) {
var link = $("<a class='pager_button'></a>").attr('href', 'javascript:gotoPage('+i+');').html(i).appendTo(pagesDiv);
var link = $("<a class='pager_button'></a>").attr('href', 'javascript:gotoPage('+i+');').html(i+1).appendTo(pagesDiv);
if (curPage == i) {
$("#disc_nav_cont #resultFooter").remove();
this.addEventListener("dragstart", imageDragging, false);
......@@ -127,8 +128,10 @@
var mode = false; //search or view mode
var hide = false; //hide or no main panel
//basic containers and elements
var disclaimer = $("<div id='disclaimer' class='disclaimer'>Recherche de documents audio sur Planète Sankoré<div>").appendTo("body");
//basic containers and elements
var disc_nav_cont = $("<div id='disc_nav_cont' class='disc_nav_cont'>").appendTo("body");
var disclaimer = $("<div id='disclaimer' class='disclaimer'>Recherche de documents audio sur Planète Sankoré<div>").appendTo(disc_nav_cont);
var search = $("<div id='search' class='search'>").appendTo("body");
var search = $("<div id='search' class='search'>").appendTo("body");
var togglePages = $("<div id='togglePages' class='togglePages'>").appendTo(search);
......@@ -165,7 +168,7 @@
hide = false;
$("#search, #disclaimer").slideDown('slow', function(){
......@@ -181,12 +184,12 @@
mode = true;
runSearch(searchInput.val(), 0);
......@@ -204,11 +207,11 @@
toggleIcon.css("margin-left",(togglePages.width()/2 - 7));
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