Commit 197ba3a5 authored by Aleksei Kanash's avatar Aleksei Kanash

Fixed undo stack for background objects.

parent 1a799632
......@@ -950,6 +950,10 @@ void UBBoardController::downloadURL(const QUrl& url, const QPointF& pPos, const
qDebug() << "something has been dropped on the board! Url is: " << url.toString();
QString sUrl = url.toString();
QGraphicsItem *oldBackgroundObject = NULL;
if (isBackground)
oldBackgroundObject = mActiveScene->backgroundObject();
downloadFinished(true, url, "application/vnd.mnemis-uniboard-tool", QByteArray(), pPos, pSize, isBackground);
......@@ -990,6 +994,16 @@ void UBBoardController::downloadURL(const QUrl& url, const QPointF& pPos, const
if (isBackground && oldBackgroundObject != mActiveScene->backgroundObject())
if (mActiveScene->isURStackIsEnabled()) { //should be deleted after scene own undo stack implemented
UBGraphicsItemUndoCommand* uc = new UBGraphicsItemUndoCommand(mActiveScene, oldBackgroundObject, mActiveScene->backgroundObject());
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