Commit 17a08d35 authored by Craig Watson's avatar Craig Watson

Clean-up of OS X podcast recording; fixed frames sometimes carrying over from one video to the next

parent 5a51dbd9
......@@ -59,6 +59,14 @@ class UBQuickTimeFile : public QThread
struct VideoFrame
CVPixelBufferRef buffer;
long timestamp;
static QWaitCondition frameBufferNotEmpty;
UBQuickTimeFile(QObject * pParent = 0);
virtual ~UBQuickTimeFile();
......@@ -69,23 +77,11 @@ class UBQuickTimeFile : public QThread
void stop();
CVPixelBufferRef newPixelBuffer();
void enqueueVideoFrame(VideoFrame frame);
bool isCompressionSessionRunning() { return mCompressionSessionRunning; }
QString lastErrorMessage() const { return mLastErrorMessage; }
void endSession();
struct VideoFrame
CVPixelBufferRef buffer;
long timestamp;
static QQueue<VideoFrame> frameQueue;
static QMutex frameQueueMutex;
static QWaitCondition frameBufferNotEmpty;
void audioLevelChanged(quint8 level);
void compressionSessionStarted();
......@@ -98,44 +94,55 @@ class UBQuickTimeFile : public QThread
void enqueueAudioBuffer(void* pBuffer, long pLength);
QString mLastErrorMessage;
bool beginSession();
void setLastErrorMessage(const QString& error);
void appendVideoFrame(CVPixelBufferRef pixelBuffer, long msTimeStamp);
bool appendSampleBuffer(CMSampleBufferRef sampleBuffer);
QSize mFrameSize;
// Format information
QString mVideoFileName;
QSize mFrameSize;
long mTimeScale;
bool mRecordAudio;
QString mAudioRecordingDeviceName;
// Video/audio encoders and associated objects
AssetWriterPTR mVideoWriter;
AssetWriterInputPTR mVideoWriterInput;
AssetWriterInputAdaptorPTR mAdaptor;
AssetWriterInputPTR mAudioWriterInput;
// Audio recorder
QPointer<UBAudioQueueRecorder> mWaveRecorder;
CMAudioFormatDescriptionRef mAudioFormatDescription;
// Variables used during encoding
CFAbsoluteTime mStartTime;
CMTime mLastFrameTimestamp;
CMAudioFormatDescriptionRef mAudioFormatDescription;
long mTimeScale;
bool mRecordAudio;
volatile bool mShouldStopCompression;
volatile bool mCompressionSessionRunning;
QString mLastErrorMessage;
QString mAudioRecordingDeviceName;
// Dispatch queues to handle passing data to the A/V encoders
dispatch_queue_t mVideoDispatchQueue;
dispatch_queue_t mAudioDispatchQueue;
static QQueue<CMSampleBufferRef> audioQueue;
static QMutex audioQueueMutex;
// Queues for frames and audio buffers to be encoded
QQueue<VideoFrame> frameQueue;
QQueue<CMSampleBufferRef> audioQueue;
QMutex frameQueueMutex;
QMutex audioQueueMutex;
QMutex audioWriterMutex;
// Private functions
void setLastErrorMessage(const QString& error);
bool beginSession();
void endSession();
void appendFrameToVideo(CVPixelBufferRef pixelBuffer, long msTimeStamp);
bool appendSampleBuffer(CMSampleBufferRef sampleBuffer);
static QMutex audioWriterMutex;
......@@ -37,15 +37,8 @@
#include "core/memcheck.h"
QQueue<UBQuickTimeFile::VideoFrame> UBQuickTimeFile::frameQueue;
QMutex UBQuickTimeFile::frameQueueMutex;
QWaitCondition UBQuickTimeFile::frameBufferNotEmpty;
QQueue<CMSampleBufferRef> UBQuickTimeFile::audioQueue;
QMutex UBQuickTimeFile::audioQueueMutex;
QMutex UBQuickTimeFile::audioWriterMutex;
UBQuickTimeFile::UBQuickTimeFile(QObject * pParent)
: QThread(pParent)
, mVideoWriter(0)
......@@ -65,13 +58,14 @@ UBQuickTimeFile::UBQuickTimeFile(QObject * pParent)
// destruction of mWaveRecorder is handled by endSession()
bool UBQuickTimeFile::init(const QString& pVideoFileName, const QString& pProfileData, int pFramesPerSecond
, const QSize& pFrameSize, bool pRecordAudio, const QString& audioRecordingDevice)
mFrameSize = pFrameSize;
mVideoFileName = pVideoFileName;
mRecordAudio = pRecordAudio;
......@@ -109,8 +103,9 @@ void UBQuickTimeFile::run()
!frameQueue.isEmpty() &&
[mVideoWriterInput isReadyForMoreMediaData])
// in this case the last few frames may be dropped if the queue isn't empty...
VideoFrame frame = frameQueue.dequeue();
appendVideoFrame(frame.buffer, frame.timestamp);
appendFrameToVideo(frame.buffer, frame.timestamp);
......@@ -174,7 +169,6 @@ bool UBQuickTimeFile::beginSession()
[NSNumber numberWithInt:frameHeight], AVVideoHeightKey,
mVideoWriterInput = [[AVAssetWriterInput assetWriterInputWithMediaType:AVMediaTypeVideo
outputSettings:videoSettings] retain];
......@@ -253,7 +247,7 @@ bool UBQuickTimeFile::beginSession()
[mVideoWriter startSessionAtSourceTime:CMTimeMake(0, mTimeScale)];
mStartTime = CFAbsoluteTimeGetCurrent(); // used for audio timestamp calculation
mLastFrameTimestamp = CMTimeMake(0, mTimeScale);
return (mVideoWriter != nil) && (mVideoWriterInput != nil) && canStartWriting;
......@@ -267,6 +261,8 @@ void UBQuickTimeFile::endSession()
[mVideoWriterInput markAsFinished];
if (mAudioWriterInput != 0)
[mAudioWriterInput markAsFinished];
[mVideoWriter finishWritingWithCompletionHandler:^{
[mAdaptor release];
......@@ -319,32 +315,48 @@ CVPixelBufferRef UBQuickTimeFile::newPixelBuffer()
CVPixelBufferRef pixelBuffer = 0;
if(CVPixelBufferPoolCreatePixelBuffer(kCFAllocatorDefault, mAdaptor.pixelBufferPool, &pixelBuffer) != kCVReturnSuccess)
setLastErrorMessage("Could not retrieve CV buffer from pool");
CVReturn result = CVPixelBufferPoolCreatePixelBuffer(kCFAllocatorDefault, mAdaptor.pixelBufferPool, &pixelBuffer);
if (result != kCVReturnSuccess) {
setLastErrorMessage("Could not retrieve CV buffer from pool (error " + QString::number(result) + ")");
return 0;
return pixelBuffer;
void UBQuickTimeFile::enqueueVideoFrame(VideoFrame frame)
* \brief Add a frame to the pixel buffer adaptor
* \param pixelBuffer The CVPixelBufferRef (video frame) to add to the movie
* \param msTimeStamp Timestamp, in milliseconds, of the frame
void UBQuickTimeFile::appendVideoFrame(CVPixelBufferRef pixelBuffer, long msTimeStamp)
void UBQuickTimeFile::appendFrameToVideo(CVPixelBufferRef pixelBuffer, long msTimeStamp)
//qDebug() << "appending video frame";
CMTime t = CMTimeMake((msTimeStamp * mTimeScale / 1000.0), mTimeScale);
bool added = [mAdaptor appendPixelBuffer: pixelBuffer
withPresentationTime: t];
// The timestamp must be both valid and larger than the previous frame's timestamp
if (CMTIME_IS_VALID(t) && CMTimeCompare(t, mLastFrameTimestamp) == 1) {
if (!added)
setLastErrorMessage(QString("Could not encode frame at time %1").arg(msTimeStamp));
bool added = [mAdaptor appendPixelBuffer: pixelBuffer
withPresentationTime: t];
if (!added)
setLastErrorMessage(QString("Could not encode frame at time %1").arg(msTimeStamp));
mLastFrameTimestamp = t;
else {
qDebug() << "Frame dropped; timestamp was smaller or equal to previous frame's timestamp of: "
<< mLastFrameTimestamp.value << "/" << mLastFrameTimestamp.timescale;
......@@ -97,15 +97,12 @@ void UBQuickTimeVideoEncoder::compressionFinished()
void UBQuickTimeVideoEncoder::newPixmap(const QImage& pImage, long timestamp)
//qDebug() << "New Frame at ms" << timestamp;
//qDebug() << "New Frame at ms" << timestamp;
if(mPendingImageFrames.length() > 0)
foreach(ImageFrame frame, mPendingImageFrames)
encodeFrame(frame.image, frame.timestamp);
if(mQuickTimeCompressionSession.isCompressionSessionRunning()) {
if(mPendingImageFrames.length() > 0) {
foreach(ImageFrame frame, mPendingImageFrames) {
encodeFrame(frame.image, frame.timestamp);
......@@ -115,8 +112,7 @@ void UBQuickTimeVideoEncoder::newPixmap(const QImage& pImage, long timestamp)
else {
qDebug() << "queuing frame, compressor not ready";
ImageFrame frame;
......@@ -172,9 +168,7 @@ void UBQuickTimeVideoEncoder::encodeFrame(const QImage& pImage, long timestamp)
videoFrame.buffer = pixelBuffer;
videoFrame.timestamp = timestamp;
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