Commit 14e326ef authored by Anna Udovichenko's avatar Anna Udovichenko

Some bugs fixed and more DnD functionality implemented

parent 2e049770
......@@ -27,7 +27,7 @@ UBFeature::UBFeature(const QString &url, const QPixmap &icon, const QString &nam
UBFeature::UBFeature(const UBFeature &f)
virtualPath = f.getUrl();
mPath = f.getPath();
mPath = f.getFullPath();
mThumbnail = f.getThumbnail();
mName = f.getName();
elementType = f.getType();
......@@ -110,7 +110,7 @@ void UBFeaturesController::fileSystemScan(const QString & currentPath, const QSt
QString itemName = (fileType != FEATURE_ITEM) ? fileName : fileInfo->completeBaseName();
QPixmap icon = QPixmap(":images/libpalette/soundIcon.svg");
QString fullFileName = currentPath + "/" + fileName;
QString fullFileName = fileInfo->filePath();
if ( fileType == FEATURE_FOLDER )
......@@ -131,7 +131,7 @@ void UBFeaturesController::fileSystemScan(const QString & currentPath, const QSt
icon = QPixmap( thumbnailPath );
else icon = createThumbnail( fullFileName );*/
featuresList->push_back( UBFeature( currVirtualPath, icon, fileName, currentPath, fileType ) );
featuresList->push_back( UBFeature( currVirtualPath, icon, fileName, fullFileName, fileType ) );
if ( fileType == FEATURE_FOLDER )
......@@ -194,7 +194,16 @@ void UBFeaturesController::addItemToPage(const UBFeature &item)
UBFeature UBFeaturesController::moveItemToFolder( const QUrl &url, const UBFeature &destination )
UBFeature newElement = copyItemToFolder( url, destination );
QString sourcePath = url.toLocalFile();
QFile::remove( sourcePath );
QString thumbnailPath = UBFileSystemUtils::thumbnailPath( sourcePath );
if (thumbnailPath.length() && QFileInfo( thumbnailPath ).exists())
return newElement;
/*QString sourcePath = url.toLocalFile();
Q_ASSERT( QFileInfo( sourcePath ).exists() );
......@@ -217,8 +226,30 @@ UBFeature UBFeaturesController::moveItemToFolder( const QUrl &url, const UBFeatu
if ( UBFileSystemUtils::mimeTypeFromFileName( newFullPath ).contains("application") )
type = UBFeatureElementType::FEATURE_INTERACTIVE;
UBFeature newElement( destVirtualPath, thumb, name, destPath, type );
return newElement;*/
UBFeature UBFeaturesController::copyItemToFolder( const QUrl &url, const UBFeature &destination )
QString sourcePath = url.toLocalFile();
Q_ASSERT( QFileInfo( sourcePath ).exists() );
QString name = QFileInfo( sourcePath ).fileName();
QString destPath = destination.getFullPath();
QString destVirtualPath = destination.getUrl() + "/" + destination.getName();
QString newFullPath = destPath + "/" + name;
QFile( sourcePath ).copy( newFullPath );
QPixmap thumb = thumbnailForFile( newFullPath );
UBFeatureElementType type = UBFeatureElementType::FEATURE_ITEM;
if ( UBFileSystemUtils::mimeTypeFromFileName( newFullPath ).contains("application") )
type = UBFeatureElementType::FEATURE_INTERACTIVE;
UBFeature newElement( destVirtualPath, thumb, name, newFullPath, type );
return newElement;
void UBFeaturesController::addImageToCurrentPage( const QString &path )
......@@ -31,8 +31,8 @@ public:
return mThumbnail;
QString getUrl() const { return virtualPath; };
QString getPath() const { return mPath; };
QString getFullPath() const { return mPath + "/" + mName; };
//QString getPath() const { return mPath; };
QString getFullPath() const { return mPath; };
UBFeatureElementType getType() const { return elementType; } ;
QString virtualPath;
......@@ -58,6 +58,7 @@ public:
void addItemToPage(const UBFeature &item);
static QPixmap thumbnailForFile( const QString &path );
static UBFeature moveItemToFolder( const QUrl &url, const UBFeature &destination );
static UBFeature copyItemToFolder( const QUrl &url, const UBFeature &destination );
void initDirectoryTree();
void fileSystemScan(const QString &currPath, const QString & currVirtualPath);
......@@ -28,8 +28,8 @@ UBFeaturesWidget::UBFeaturesWidget(QWidget *parent, const char *name):UBDockPale
featuresModel = new UBFeaturesModel(this);
featuresModel->setFeaturesList( controller->getFeatures() );
featuresModel->setSupportedDragActions( Qt::CopyAction | Qt::MoveAction );
featuresListView = new QListView(this);
pathListView = new QListView(this);
featuresListView = new UBFeaturesListView(this);
pathListView = new UBFeaturesListView(this);
featuresProxyModel = new UBFeaturesProxyModel(this);
......@@ -69,7 +69,7 @@ UBFeaturesWidget::UBFeaturesWidget(QWidget *parent, const char *name):UBDockPale
pathListView->setSelectionMode( QAbstractItemView::NoSelection );
pathListView->setVerticalScrollBarPolicy( Qt::ScrollBarAlwaysOff );
pathListView->setHorizontalScrollBarPolicy( Qt::ScrollBarAlwaysOn );
pathListView->setMovement( QListView::Static );
//pathListView->setMovement( QListView::Static );
pathListView->setDragDropMode( QAbstractItemView::DragDrop );
pathScene = new QGraphicsScene(this);
......@@ -192,6 +192,21 @@ UBFeaturesWidget::~UBFeaturesWidget()
UBFeaturesListView::UBFeaturesListView( QWidget* parent, const char* name ) : QListView(parent)
void UBFeaturesListView::dropEvent( QDropEvent *event )
if( event->source() || dynamic_cast<UBFeaturesListView *>( event->source() ) )
event->setDropAction( Qt::MoveAction );
QListView::dropEvent( event );
UBFeatureProperties::UBFeatureProperties( QWidget *parent, const char *name ) : QWidget(parent)
, mpLayout(NULL)
, mpButtonLayout(NULL)
......@@ -432,18 +447,6 @@ QMimeData* UBFeaturesModel::mimeData(const QModelIndexList &indexes) const
mimeData->setUrls( urlList );
/*QByteArray encodedData;
QDataStream stream(&encodedData, QIODevice::WriteOnly);
foreach (QModelIndex index, indexes) {
if (index.isValid()) {
QString str = qVariantValue<QString>(data(index));
stream << str;
mimeData->setData("text/uri-list", encodedData);*/
return mimeData;
......@@ -476,7 +479,16 @@ bool UBFeaturesModel::dropMimeData(const QMimeData *mimeData, Qt::DropAction act
foreach ( QUrl url, urls )
UBFeature element = UBFeaturesController::moveItemToFolder( url, parentFeature );
UBFeature element;
if ( action == Qt::MoveAction )
element = UBFeaturesController::moveItemToFolder( url, parentFeature );
element = UBFeaturesController::copyItemToFolder( url, parentFeature );
beginInsertRows( QModelIndex(), featuresList->size(), featuresList->size() );
featuresList->push_back( element );
......@@ -517,6 +529,10 @@ Qt::ItemFlags UBFeaturesModel::flags( const QModelIndex &index ) const
if ( item.getType() == UBFeatureElementType::FEATURE_INTERACTIVE ||
item.getType() == UBFeatureElementType::FEATURE_ITEM )
return Qt::ItemIsDragEnabled | defaultFlags;
if ( item.getType() == UBFeatureElementType::FEATURE_FOLDER ||
item.getType() == UBFeatureElementType::FEATURE_CATEGORY && item.getFullPath() != "")
return defaultFlags | Qt::ItemIsDropEnabled;
else return defaultFlags;
return defaultFlags | Qt::ItemIsDropEnabled;
......@@ -605,7 +621,7 @@ void UBFeaturesPathItemDelegate::paint( QPainter *painter, const QStyleOptionVie
UBFeature feature = Qt::UserRole + 1 ).value<UBFeature>();
QRect rect = option.rect;
if ( !feature.getPath().isEmpty() )
if ( !feature.getFullPath().isEmpty() )
painter->drawPixmap( rect.left() - 10, - 5, *arrowPixmap );
......@@ -13,6 +13,7 @@
#include <QLocale>
#include <QGraphicsLinearLayout>
#include <QStackedWidget>
#include <QDropEvent>
#include "UBDockPaletteWidget.h"
#include "UBLibActionBar.h"
......@@ -34,6 +35,7 @@ class UBFeaturesPathProxyModel;
class UBFeaturesPathViewer;
class UBFeatureProperties;
class UBFeatureItemButton;
class UBFeaturesListView;
class UBFeaturesWidget : public UBDockPaletteWidget
......@@ -62,8 +64,8 @@ private:
UBFeaturesSearchProxyModel *featuresSearchModel;
UBFeaturesPathProxyModel *featuresPathModel;
QListView *featuresListView;
QListView *pathListView;
UBFeaturesListView *featuresListView;
UBFeaturesListView *pathListView;
QVBoxLayout *layout;
UBFeaturesPathViewer *pathViewer;
QGraphicsScene *pathScene;
......@@ -79,6 +81,16 @@ private slots:
void searchStarted(QString);
class UBFeaturesListView : public QListView
UBFeaturesListView( QWidget* parent=0, const char* name="UBFeaturesListView" );
virtual ~UBFeaturesListView() {};
virtual void dropEvent( QDropEvent *event );
class UBFeaturesPathViewer : public QGraphicsView
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