Commit 0bf197a3 authored by Aleksei Kanash's avatar Aleksei Kanash

Merge branch 'develop' of into develop

parents 477dc3d1 81c42f53
......@@ -218,7 +218,6 @@
return true;
$("#menuOptions td").eq(0).html(sankoreLang[lang].widget);
$("#menuOptions h3").eq(0).text(sankoreLang[lang].widget_options);
$("#menuOptions2D h3").eq(0).text(sankoreLang[lang].options + " 2D");
......@@ -1033,13 +1032,10 @@
<span class="gras">Control options:</span><br/>
<input type="button" class="boutonSauvegarde" onclick="saveOptions()" value="Save"/><input type="button" class="boutonSauvegarde" onclick="loadOptions()" value="Load"/> <input class="boutonSauvegarde2" type="button" onclick="delOptions()" value="Delete"/><input class="boutonSauvegarde2" type="button" onclick="alertOptions()" value="Display"/><br/>
<span class="texteSecondaire">Save a widget options in cookies or load an options from cookies or delete a registered options.</span>
<label for="checkMaJ">Automatically update when a widget opening.</label> <input type="checkbox" id="checkMaJ" onclick="checkboxMaJ()"/>
<div id="cacheCookies"><br/><br/><h1>Cookies are disabled. You cannot save an options...</h1></div>
<div id="cacheMaJ">You are using the last version of this widget.</div>
<input type="button" onclick='reset()' value="Reload widget" style="position:absolute; bottom:20px; width:140px; height:32px;"/>
<input type="button" onclick='miseAjour()' value="Updated" style="position:absolute; bottom:20px; left:160px; width:140px; height:32px;"/>
<div class="barreBasMenu"><input type="button" onclick="cacherMenu(); actualiserGraph()" value="Check"/></div>
......@@ -33,7 +33,6 @@ body{
font: 28px tahoma;
text-align: center;
cursor: pointer;
text-transform: uppercase;
overflow: hidden;
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