Commit 65fc2485 authored by Florent Becker's avatar Florent Becker

Initial version (authors, title, outline)

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\documentclass[a4paper, USenglish, autoref, thm-restate, cleveref]{lipics-v2021}
\author{Florent Becker}{LIFO -- Université d'Orléans, rue Léonard de Vinci\\ 45000 Orléans, France }{}{}{}%TODO mandatory, please use full name; only 1 author per \author macro; first two parameters are mandatory, other parameters can be empty. Please provide at least the name of the affiliation and the country. The full address is optional. Use additional curly braces to indicate the correct name splitting when the last name consists of multiple name parts.
\author{Nicolas Schabanel}{LIP -- CNRS, ÉNS Lyon}{}{}{}
\author{Shinnosuke Seki}{Japan}{TODO}{}{}
\title{Bespoke Oritatami: Now Available in Children Size}
\section{The Oritatimi Model}
\section{Assembly of arbitrary shapes at Scale 2}
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