@@ -34,6 +34,12 @@ Configuration parameters are located at the beginning of CV_script, you MUST cha
To change or check the algorithms parameters, they all are redefined in custom wrapper classes to avoid errors, if a parameter is not specified in the constructor, it is left as default.
The representations methods are defined inside utils.representations and the classifications methods inside utils.classifications.
To change the parameter of TS-CHIEF, you can change the values of the following arguments in the ts-chief script:
If you want to give more predictive power to this algorithm, increasing the number of trees and the number of random split generated by each method (boss, rise, ...) is the way to go. We used those value to avoid memory errors, the shorter the input time series, the higher those values can be without causing trouble.
## Usage
Extract the files of the dataset archive located in ~/datasets in the dataset folder
@@ -74,8 +80,6 @@ by
from sktime.utils.data_container import tabularize, from_3d_numpy_to_nested
* We also modified InceptionTime to use binary_crossentropy (change loss name and use sigmod layer with 1 neuron as an output) and weighted accuracy for early stopping. This is not mandatory but is more suited to our problem.
## Contributing
If any bug should occur, please open a issue so we can work on a fix !