/* * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. */ #ifndef UBGRAPHICSSCENE_H_ #define UBGRAPHICSSCENE_H_ #include <QtGui> #include "frameworks/UBCoreGraphicsScene.h" #include "core/UB.h" #include "UBItem.h" #include "tools/UBGraphicsCurtainItem.h" class UBGraphicsPixmapItem; class UBGraphicsProxyWidget; class UBGraphicsSvgItem; class UBGraphicsPolygonItem; class UBGraphicsVideoItem; class UBGraphicsAudioItem; class UBGraphicsWidgetItem; class UBGraphicsW3CWidgetItem; class UBGraphicsAppleWidgetItem; class UBGraphicsPDFItem; class UBGraphicsTextItem; class UBGraphicsRuler; class UBGraphicsProtractor; class UBGraphicsCompass; class UBAbstractWidget; class UBDocumentProxy; class UBGraphicsCurtainItem; class UBGraphicsStroke; class UBMagnifierParams; class UBMagnifier; class UBGraphicsCache; const double PI = 4.0 * atan(1.0); class UBGraphicsScene: public UBCoreGraphicsScene, public UBItem { Q_OBJECT; public: UBGraphicsScene(UBDocumentProxy *parent); virtual ~UBGraphicsScene(); virtual UBItem* deepCopy() const; UBGraphicsScene* sceneDeepCopy() const; void clearItemsAndAnnotations(); void clearItems(); void clearAnnotations(); bool inputDevicePress(const QPointF& scenePos, const qreal& pressure = 1.0); bool inputDeviceMove(const QPointF& scenePos, const qreal& pressure = 1.0); bool inputDeviceRelease(); void leaveEvent (QEvent* event); void addItem(QGraphicsItem* item); void removeItem(QGraphicsItem* item); void addItems(const QSet<QGraphicsItem*>& item); void removeItems(const QSet<QGraphicsItem*>& item); UBGraphicsWidgetItem* addWidget(const QUrl& pWidgetUrl, const QPointF& pPos = QPointF(0, 0)); UBGraphicsAppleWidgetItem* addAppleWidget(const QUrl& pWidgetUrl, const QPointF& pPos = QPointF(0, 0)); UBGraphicsW3CWidgetItem* addW3CWidget(const QUrl& pWidgetUrl, const QPointF& pPos = QPointF(0, 0),int widgetType = UBGraphicsItemType::W3CWidgetItemType); void addGraphicsWidget(UBGraphicsWidgetItem* graphicsWidget, const QPointF& pPos = QPointF(0, 0)); UBGraphicsVideoItem* addVideo(const QUrl& pVideoFileUrl, bool shouldPlayAsap, const QPointF& pPos = QPointF(0, 0)); UBGraphicsAudioItem* addAudio(const QUrl& pAudioFileUrl, bool shouldPlayAsap, const QPointF& pPos = QPointF(0, 0)); UBGraphicsSvgItem* addSvg(const QUrl& pSvgFileUrl, const QPointF& pPos = QPointF(0, 0)); UBGraphicsTextItem* addText(const QString& pString, const QPointF& pTopLeft = QPointF(0, 0)); UBGraphicsTextItem* addTextWithFont(const QString& pString, const QPointF& pTopLeft = QPointF(0, 0) , int pointSize = -1, const QString& fontFamily = "", bool bold = false, bool italic = false); UBGraphicsW3CWidgetItem* addOEmbed(const QUrl& pContentUrl, const QPointF& pPos = QPointF(0, 0)); QGraphicsItem* setAsBackgroundObject(QGraphicsItem* item, bool pAdaptTransformation = false, bool expand = false); QGraphicsItem* backgroundObject() const { return mBackgroundObject; } bool isBackgroundObject(const QGraphicsItem* item) const { return item == mBackgroundObject; } QGraphicsItem* scaleToFitDocumentSize(QGraphicsItem* item, bool center = false, int margin = 0, bool expand = false); QRectF normalizedSceneRect(qreal ratio = -1.0); void moveTo(const QPointF& pPoint); void drawLineTo(const QPointF& pEndPoint, const qreal& pWidth, bool bLineStyle); void eraseLineTo(const QPointF& pEndPoint, const qreal& pWidth); void drawArcTo(const QPointF& pCenterPoint, qreal pSpanAngle); bool isEmpty() const; bool isModified() const { return mIsModified; } void setModified(bool pModified) { mIsModified = pModified; } void setDocument(UBDocumentProxy* pDocument); UBDocumentProxy* document() const { return mDocument; } bool isDarkBackground() const { return mDarkBackground; } bool isLightBackground() const { return !mDarkBackground; } bool isCrossedBackground() const { return mCrossedBackground; } void setDrawingZIndex(qreal pDrawingZIndex) { mDrawingZIndex = pDrawingZIndex; } void setObjectZIndex(qreal pObjectZIndex) { mObjectZIndex = pObjectZIndex; } bool hasBackground() { return (mBackgroundObject != 0); } qreal getNextObjectZIndex(); void addRuler(QPointF center); void addProtractor(QPointF center); void addCompass(QPointF center); void addTriangle(QPointF center); void addMagnifier(UBMagnifierParams params); void addMask(); void addCache(); class SceneViewState { public: SceneViewState() { zoomFactor = 1; horizontalPosition = 0; verticalPostition = 0; } SceneViewState(qreal pZoomFactor, int pHorizontalPosition, int pVerticalPostition) { zoomFactor = pZoomFactor; horizontalPosition = pHorizontalPosition; verticalPostition = pVerticalPostition; } qreal zoomFactor; int horizontalPosition; int verticalPostition; }; SceneViewState viewState() const { return mViewState; } void setViewState(const SceneViewState& pViewState) { mViewState = pViewState; } virtual void setRenderingQuality(UBItem::RenderingQuality pRenderingQuality); QList<QUrl> relativeDependencies() const; QSize nominalSize(); void setNominalSize(const QSize& pSize); void setNominalSize(int pWidth, int pHeight); qreal currentObjectZIndex() { return mObjectZIndex; } enum RenderingContext { Screen = 0, NonScreen, PdfExport, Podcast }; void setRenderingContext(RenderingContext pRenderingContext) { mRenderingContext = pRenderingContext; } RenderingContext renderingContext() const { return mRenderingContext; } static qreal backgroundLayerStart; static qreal objectLayerStart; static qreal drawingLayerStart; static qreal toolLayerStart; static qreal toolOffsetEraser; static qreal toolOffsetPointer; static qreal toolOffsetRuler; static qreal toolOffsetProtractor; static qreal toolOffsetCompass; static qreal toolOffsetCurtain; static qreal toolOffsetTriangle; static qreal toolOffsetCache; QSet<QGraphicsItem*> tools(){ return mTools;} void registerTool(QGraphicsItem* item) { mTools << item; } const QPointF& previousPoint() { return mPreviousPoint; } public slots: void hideEraser(); void setBackground(bool pIsDark, bool pIsCrossed); void deselectAllItems(); UBGraphicsPixmapItem* addPixmap(const QPixmap& pPixmap, const QPointF& pPos = QPointF(0,0), qreal scaleFactor = 1.0, bool pUseAnimation = false); void textUndoCommandAdded(UBGraphicsTextItem *textItem); void setToolCursor(int tool); void selectionChangedProcessing(); void moveMagnifier(QPoint newPos); void closeMagnifier(); void zoomInMagnifier(); void zoomOutMagnifier(); void resizedMagnifier(qreal newPercent); signals: void pageSizeChanged(); protected: UBGraphicsPolygonItem* lineToPolygonItem(const QLineF& pLine, const qreal& pWidth); UBGraphicsPolygonItem* arcToPolygonItem(const QLineF& pStartRadius, qreal pSpanAngle, qreal pWidth); UBGraphicsPolygonItem* polygonToPolygonItem(const QPolygonF pPolygon); void initPolygonItem(UBGraphicsPolygonItem*); void drawEraser(const QPointF& pEndPoint, bool isFirstDraw = false); void drawPointer(const QPointF& pEndPoint, bool isFirstDraw = false); void DisposeMagnifierQWidgets(); virtual void keyReleaseEvent(QKeyEvent * keyEvent); void recolorAllItems(); qreal getNextDrawingZIndex(); virtual void drawItems (QPainter * painter, int numItems, QGraphicsItem * items[], const QStyleOptionGraphicsItem options[], QWidget * widget = 0); QGraphicsItem* rootItem(QGraphicsItem* item) const; private: void setDocumentUpdated(); qreal mDrawingZIndex; qreal mObjectZIndex; QGraphicsEllipseItem* mEraser; QGraphicsEllipseItem* mPointer; QSet<QGraphicsItem*> mAddedItems; QSet<QGraphicsItem*> mRemovedItems; UBDocumentProxy* mDocument; bool mDarkBackground; bool mCrossedBackground; bool mIsModified; QGraphicsItem* mBackgroundObject; QPointF mPreviousPoint; qreal mPreviousWidth; QList<UBGraphicsPolygonItem*> mPreviousPolygonItems; SceneViewState mViewState; bool mInputDeviceIsPressed; QSet<QGraphicsItem*> mTools; UBGraphicsPolygonItem *mArcPolygonItem; QSize mNominalSize; RenderingContext mRenderingContext; UBGraphicsStroke* mCurrentStroke; bool mShouldUseOMP; int mItemCount; QList<QGraphicsItem*> mFastAccessItems; // a local copy as QGraphicsScene::items() is very slow in Qt 4.6 //int mMesure1Ms, mMesure2Ms; bool mHasCache; UBMagnifier *magniferControlViewWidget; UBMagnifier *magniferDisplayViewWidget; }; #endif /* UBGRAPHICSSCENE_H_ */