#include <QList>
#include <QPointF>
#include <QPixmap>
#include <QTransform>
#include <QScrollBar>
#include <QFontMetrics>
#include <QGraphicsItem>
#include <QGraphicsPixmapItem>

#include "core/UBApplication.h"
#include "UBDocumentNavigator.h"
#include "board/UBBoardController.h"
#include "adaptors/UBThumbnailAdaptor.h"
#include "adaptors/UBSvgSubsetAdaptor.h"
#include "document/UBDocumentController.h"
#include "domain/UBGraphicsScene.h"

 * \brief Constructor
 * @param parent as the parent widget
 * @param name as the object name
UBDocumentNavigator::UBDocumentNavigator(QWidget *parent, const char *name):QGraphicsView(parent)
    , mScene(NULL)
    , mCrntItem(NULL)
    , mCrntDoc(NULL)
    , mNbColumns(1)
    , mThumbnailWidth(0)
    , mThumbnailMinWidth(100)
    , bNavig(false)
    mScene = new QGraphicsScene(this);
    mThumbnailWidth = width() - 2*border();

    connect(UBApplication::boardController, SIGNAL(activeSceneChanged()), this, SLOT(addNewPage()));
    connect(mScene, SIGNAL(selectionChanged()), this, SLOT(onSelectionChanged()));

 * \brief Destructor
    if(NULL != mCrntItem)
	delete mCrntItem;
	mCrntItem = NULL;

    if(NULL != mScene)
	delete mScene;
	mScene = NULL;

 * \brief Set the current document
 * @param document as the new document
void UBDocumentNavigator::setDocument(UBDocumentProxy *document)
    //	Here we set a new document to the navigator. We must clear the current
    // content and add all the pages of the given document.
	mCrntDoc = document;

 * \brief Generate the thumbnails
void UBDocumentNavigator::generateThumbnails()
    QList<QGraphicsItem*> items;
    //QList<QUrl> itemsPath;
    QStringList labels;

    // Get the thumbnails
    QList<QPixmap> thumbs = UBThumbnailAdaptor::load(mCrntDoc);
    QGraphicsPixmapItem* selection = NULL;

    for(int i = 0; i < thumbs.count(); i++)
	QPixmap pix = thumbs.at(i);
	QGraphicsPixmapItem* pixmapItem = new UBSceneThumbnailPixmap(pix, mCrntDoc, i);

	// Get the selected item
	if(UBApplication::boardController->activeSceneIndex() == i)
	    selection = pixmapItem;
	    mCrntItem = dynamic_cast<UBSceneThumbnailPixmap*>(pixmapItem);

	items << pixmapItem;
	labels << tr("Page %0").arg(i + 1);
        //itemsPath.append(QUrl::fromLocalFile(mCrntDoc->persistencePath() + QString("/pages/%0").arg(i + 1)));

    // Draw the items
    setGraphicsItems(items, labels);

 * \brief Refresh the given thumbnail
 * @param iPage as the given page related thumbnail
void UBDocumentNavigator::updateSpecificThumbnail(int iPage)
    // Generate the new thumbnail
    UBGraphicsScene* pScene = UBApplication::boardController->activeScene();

    if(NULL != pScene)
	// Save the current state of the scene
	UBSvgSubsetAdaptor::persistScene(mCrntDoc,pScene, iPage);

	UBThumbnailAdaptor::persistScene(mCrntDoc->persistencePath(), pScene, iPage);

	// Load it
	QList<QPixmap> thumbs = UBThumbnailAdaptor::load(mCrntDoc);
	QPixmap pix = thumbs.at(iPage);
	QGraphicsPixmapItem* pixmapItem = new UBSceneThumbnailPixmap(pix, mCrntDoc, iPage);
	    // Get the old thumbnail
	    QGraphicsItem* pItem = mThumbnails.at(iPage);
	    if(NULL != pItem)
		mThumbnails.replace(iPage, pixmapItem);

 * \brief Add a new page to the thumbnails list
 * This method is called automatically by the board controller each time the user
 * adds a new page, duplicates a page or imports a document.
void UBDocumentNavigator::addNewPage()
	if(NULL != mCrntItem)

 * \brief Set the graphics items of the scene
 * @param items as the items list
 * @param labels as the page labels
void UBDocumentNavigator::setGraphicsItems(QList<QGraphicsItem *> items, QStringList labels)
    mThumbnails = items;
    mLab = labels;
    // First, clear the actual thumbnails
    foreach(QGraphicsItem* it, mScene->items())
	delete it;

    // Add the new thumbnails
    foreach(QGraphicsItem* it, items)

    // Add the labels
    foreach(QString lb, labels)
	UBThumbnailTextItem *labelItem = new UBThumbnailTextItem(lb);

	mLabels << labelItem;

    // Refresh the scene

 * \brief Put the element in the right place in the scene.
void UBDocumentNavigator::refreshScene()
    int labelSpacing = 0;

    if(mLabels.size() > 0)
	QFontMetrics fm(mLabels.at(0)->font());
	labelSpacing = UBSettings::thumbnailSpacing + fm.height();

    qreal thumbnailHeight = mThumbnailWidth / UBSettings::minScreenRatio;

    for(int i = 0; i < mThumbnails.size(); i++)
	// Get the item
	QGraphicsItem* item = mThumbnails.at(i);

	// Compute the scale factor
	qreal scaleWidth = mThumbnailWidth / item->boundingRect().width();
	qreal scaleHeight = thumbnailHeight / item->boundingRect().height();
	qreal scaleFactor = qMin(scaleWidth, scaleHeight);
	UBThumbnail* pix = dynamic_cast<UBThumbnail*>(item);

	 scaleFactor = qMin(scaleFactor, 1.0);

	QTransform transform;
	transform.scale(scaleFactor, scaleFactor);

	// Apply the scaling
	item->setFlag(QGraphicsItem::ItemIsSelectable, true);

	int columnIndex = i % mNbColumns;
	int rowIndex = i / mNbColumns;


	int w = item->boundingRect().width();
	int h = item->boundingRect().height();

	QPointF pos( border() + (mThumbnailWidth - w * scaleFactor) / 2 + columnIndex * (mThumbnailWidth + border()),
		     border() + rowIndex * (thumbnailHeight + border() + labelSpacing) + (thumbnailHeight - h * scaleFactor) / 2);


	// Add the labels "Page x"
	if(mLabels.size() > i)
	    QFontMetrics fm(mLabels.at(i)->font(), this);
	    QString elidedText = fm.elidedText(mLab.at(i), Qt::ElideRight, mThumbnailWidth);

	    mLabels.at(i)->setWidth(fm.width(elidedText) + 2 * mLabels.at(i)->document()->documentMargin());
	    pos.setY(pos.y() + (thumbnailHeight + h * scaleFactor) / 2 + 5); // What is this 5 ??
	    qreal labelWidth = fm.width(elidedText);
	    pos.setX(border() + (mThumbnailWidth - labelWidth) / 2 + columnIndex * (mThumbnailWidth + border()));

    QScrollBar *vertScrollBar = verticalScrollBar();
    int scrollBarThickness = 0;
    if (vertScrollBar && vertScrollBar->isVisible())
	scrollBarThickness = vertScrollBar->width();

 * \brief  Set the number of thumbnails columns
 * @param nbColumns as the number of columns
void UBDocumentNavigator::setNbColumns(int nbColumns)
    mNbColumns = nbColumns;

 * \brief Get the number of columns
 * @return the number of thumbnails columns
int UBDocumentNavigator::nbColumns()
    return mNbColumns;

 * \brief Set the thumbnails minimum width
 * @param width as the minimum width
void UBDocumentNavigator::setThumbnailMinWidth(int width)
    mThumbnailMinWidth = width;

 * \brief Get the thumbnails minimum width
 * @return the minimum thumbnails width
int UBDocumentNavigator::thumbnailMinWidth()
    return mThumbnailMinWidth;

 * \brief Get the border size
 * @return the border size in pixels
int UBDocumentNavigator::border()
    return 20;

 * \brief Handle the resize event
 * @param event as the resize event
void UBDocumentNavigator::resizeEvent(QResizeEvent *event)

    // Update the thumbnails width
    mThumbnailWidth = (width() > mThumbnailMinWidth) ? width() - 2*border() : mThumbnailMinWidth;

    // Update the scene rect
//    QRect sceneRect;
//    sceneRect.setWidth(width() - 2*border());
//    sceneRect.setHeight(height() - 2*border());
//    sceneRect.moveLeft(border());
//    sceneRect.moveTop(border());
//    scene()->setSceneRect(sceneRect);

    // Refresh the scene

 * \brief Handle the mouse press event
 * @param event as the mouse event
void UBDocumentNavigator::mousePressEvent(QMouseEvent *event)
    QGraphicsItem* pClickedItem = itemAt(event->pos());
    if(NULL != pClickedItem)
	bNavig = true;

	// First, select the clicked item
	UBSceneThumbnailPixmap* pCrntItem = dynamic_cast<UBSceneThumbnailPixmap*>(pClickedItem);

	if(NULL == pCrntItem)
	    // If we fall here we may have clicked on the label instead of the thumbnail
	    UBThumbnailTextItem* pTextItem = dynamic_cast<UBThumbnailTextItem*>(pClickedItem);
	    if(NULL != pTextItem)
		pCrntItem = dynamic_cast<UBSceneThumbnailPixmap*>(mThumbnails.at(mLabels.indexOf(pTextItem)));
            if(NULL != mCrntItem && mCrntItem != pCrntItem)
                // Unselect the previous item
                int iOldPage = mThumbnails.indexOf(mCrntItem);
                mCrntItem = pCrntItem;


            // Then display the related page
            emit changeCurrentPage();
	bNavig = false;

 * \brief Get the selected page number
 * @return the selected page number
int UBDocumentNavigator::selectedPageNumber()
    int nbr = NO_PAGESELECTED;

    if(NULL != mCrntItem)
	nbr = mThumbnails.indexOf(mCrntItem);

    return nbr;

 * \brief Get the current document
 * @return the current document
UBDocumentProxy* UBDocumentNavigator::currentDoc()
    return mCrntDoc;

 * \brief Occurs when the selection changed
void UBDocumentNavigator::onSelectionChanged()
//    QList<QGraphicsItem*> qlItems = mScene->selectedItems();
//    qDebug() << "The number of selected items is " << qlItems.count();