/* * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. */ #include "UBGraphicsDelegateFrame.h" #include <QtGui> #include <QtSvg> #include "core/UBApplication.h" #include "core/UBSettings.h" #include "board/UBBoardController.h" #include "board/UBBoardView.h" #include "domain/UBGraphicsItemDelegate.h" #include "domain/UBGraphicsScene.h" #include "domain/UBGraphicsProxyWidget.h" #include "gui/UBResources.h" #include "core/memcheck.h" UBGraphicsDelegateFrame::UBGraphicsDelegateFrame(UBGraphicsItemDelegate* pDelegate, QRectF pRect, qreal pFrameWidth, bool respectRatio) : QGraphicsRectItem(), QObject(pDelegate) , mCurrentTool(None) , mDelegate(pDelegate) , mVisible(true) , mFrameWidth(pFrameWidth) , mNominalFrameWidth(pFrameWidth) , mRespectRatio(respectRatio) , mAngle(0) , mAngleOffset(0) , mTotalScaleX(-1) , mTotalScaleY(-1) , mTranslateX(0) , mTranslateY(0) , mTotalTranslateX(0) , mTotalTranslateY(0) , mOperationMode(Scaling) , mMirrorX(false) , mMirrorY(false) { mAngleTolerance = UBSettings::settings()->angleTolerance->get().toReal(); setFlag(QGraphicsItem::ItemSendsGeometryChanges, true); setAcceptedMouseButtons(Qt::LeftButton); setRect(pRect.adjusted(mFrameWidth, mFrameWidth, mFrameWidth * -1, mFrameWidth * -1)); setBrush(QBrush(UBSettings::paletteColor)); setPen(Qt::NoPen); setData(UBGraphicsItemData::ItemLayerType, QVariant(UBItemLayerType::Control)); mBottomRightResizeGripSvgItem = new QGraphicsSvgItem(":/images/resize.svg", this); mBottomResizeGripSvgItem = new QGraphicsSvgItem(":/images/resizeBottom.svg", this); mLeftResizeGripSvgItem = new QGraphicsSvgItem(":/images/resizeLeft.svg", this); mRightResizeGripSvgItem = new QGraphicsSvgItem(":/images/resizeRight.svg", this); mTopResizeGripSvgItem = new QGraphicsSvgItem(":/images/resizeTop.svg", this); mBottomRightResizeGrip = new QGraphicsRectItem(this); mBottomRightResizeGrip->setPen(Qt::NoPen); mBottomResizeGrip = new QGraphicsRectItem(this); mBottomResizeGrip->setPen(Qt::NoPen); mLeftResizeGrip = new QGraphicsRectItem(this); mLeftResizeGrip->setToolTip("left"); mLeftResizeGrip->setPen(Qt::NoPen); mRightResizeGrip = new QGraphicsRectItem(this); mRightResizeGrip->setPen(Qt::NoPen); mRightResizeGrip->setToolTip("Right"); mTopResizeGrip = new QGraphicsRectItem(this); mTopResizeGrip->setPen(Qt::NoPen); mRotateButton = new QGraphicsSvgItem(":/images/rotate.svg", this); mRotateButton->setCursor(UBResources::resources()->rotateCursor); mRotateButton->setVisible(mDelegate->canRotate()); updateResizeCursors(); setAntiScale(1.0); positionHandles(); this->setAcceptHoverEvents(true); } UBGraphicsDelegateFrame::~UBGraphicsDelegateFrame() { // NOOP } void UBGraphicsDelegateFrame::setAntiScale(qreal pAntiScale) { mFrameWidth = mNominalFrameWidth * pAntiScale; QTransform tr; tr.scale(pAntiScale, pAntiScale); mBottomRightResizeGripSvgItem->setTransform(tr); mBottomResizeGripSvgItem->setTransform(tr); mLeftResizeGripSvgItem->setTransform(tr); mRightResizeGripSvgItem->setTransform(tr); mTopResizeGripSvgItem->setTransform(tr); mRotateButton->setTransform(tr); } void UBGraphicsDelegateFrame::paint(QPainter *painter, const QStyleOptionGraphicsItem *option, QWidget *widget) { Q_UNUSED(option); Q_UNUSED(widget); QPainterPath path; path.addRoundedRect(rect(), mFrameWidth / 2, mFrameWidth / 2); if (rect().width() > 1 && rect().height() > 1) { QPainterPath extruded; extruded.addRect(rect().adjusted(mFrameWidth, mFrameWidth, (mFrameWidth * -1), (mFrameWidth * -1))); path = path.subtracted(extruded); } painter->fillPath(path, brush()); } QPainterPath UBGraphicsDelegateFrame::shape() const { QPainterPath path; //We do not use the rounded rect here because we want the bottom right corner //to be included in the frame (for resize grip handling : #702) path.addRect(rect()); if (rect().width() > 0 && rect().height() > 0) { QPainterPath extruded; extruded.addRect(rect().adjusted(mFrameWidth, mFrameWidth, mFrameWidth * -1, mFrameWidth * -1)); path = path.subtracted(extruded); } return path; } void UBGraphicsDelegateFrame::initializeTransform() { QTransform itemTransform = delegated()->sceneTransform(); QRectF itemRect = delegated()->boundingRect(); QPointF topLeft = itemTransform.map(itemRect.topLeft()); QPointF topRight = itemTransform.map(itemRect.topRight()); QPointF bottomLeft = itemTransform.map(itemRect.bottomLeft()); qreal horizontalFlip = (topLeft.x() > topRight.x()) ? -1 : 1; mMirrorX = horizontalFlip < 0 ; if(horizontalFlip < 0){ // why this is because of the way of calculating the translations that checks which side is the most is the // nearest instead of checking which one is the left side. QPointF tmp = topLeft; topLeft = topRight; topRight = tmp; // because of the calculation of the height is done by lenght and not deltaY bottomLeft = itemTransform.map(itemRect.bottomRight()); } qreal verticalFlip = (bottomLeft.y() < topLeft.y()) ? -1 : 1; // not sure that is usefull mMirrorY = verticalFlip < 0; if(verticalFlip < 0 && !mMirrorX){ topLeft = itemTransform.map(itemRect.bottomLeft()); topRight = itemTransform.map(itemRect.bottomRight()); bottomLeft = itemTransform.map(itemRect.topLeft()); } QLineF topLine(topLeft, topRight); QLineF leftLine(topLeft, bottomLeft); qreal width = topLine.length(); qreal height = leftLine.length(); mAngle = topLine.angle(); // the fact the the length is used we loose the horizontalFlip information // a better way to do this is using DeltaX that preserve the direction information. mTotalScaleX = (width / itemRect.width()) * horizontalFlip; mTotalScaleY = height / itemRect.height() * verticalFlip; QTransform tr; QPointF center = delegated()->boundingRect().center(); tr.translate(center.x() * mTotalScaleX, center.y() * mTotalScaleY); tr.rotate(-mAngle); tr.translate(-center.x() * mTotalScaleX, -center.y() * mTotalScaleY); tr.scale(mTotalScaleX, mTotalScaleY); mTotalTranslateX = delegated()->transform().dx() - tr.dx(); mTotalTranslateY = delegated()->transform().dy() - tr.dy(); } void UBGraphicsDelegateFrame::mousePressEvent(QGraphicsSceneMouseEvent *event) { mDelegate->startUndoStep(); mStartingPoint = event->scenePos(); initializeTransform(); mScaleX = 1; mScaleY = 1; mTranslateX = 0; mTranslateY = 0; mAngleOffset = 0; mInitialTransform = buildTransform(); mCurrentTool = toolFromPos(event->pos()); setCursorFromAngle(QString::number((int)mAngle % 360)); event->accept(); prepareFramesToMove(getLinkedFrames()); } void UBGraphicsDelegateFrame::setCursorFromAngle(QString angle) { if (mCurrentTool == Rotate) { QWidget *controlViewport = UBApplication::boardController->controlView()->viewport(); QSize cursorSize(45,30); QImage mask_img(cursorSize, QImage::Format_Mono); mask_img.fill(0xff); QPainter mask_ptr(&mask_img); mask_ptr.setBrush( QBrush( QColor(0, 0, 0) ) ); mask_ptr.drawRoundedRect(0,0, cursorSize.width()-1, cursorSize.height()-1, 6, 6); QBitmap bmpMask = QBitmap::fromImage(mask_img); QPixmap pixCursor(cursorSize); pixCursor.fill(QColor(Qt::white)); QPainter painter(&pixCursor); painter.setRenderHints(QPainter::Antialiasing | QPainter::SmoothPixmapTransform); painter.setBrush(QBrush(Qt::white)); painter.setPen(QPen(QColor(Qt::black))); painter.drawRoundedRect(1,1,cursorSize.width()-2,cursorSize.height()-2,6,6); painter.setFont(QFont("Arial", 10)); painter.drawText(1,1,cursorSize.width(),cursorSize.height(), Qt::AlignCenter, angle.append(QChar(176))); painter.end(); pixCursor.setMask(bmpMask); controlViewport->setCursor(pixCursor); } } bool UBGraphicsDelegateFrame::canResizeBottomRight(qreal width, qreal height, qreal scaleFactor) { bool res = false; if(!mMirrorX && !mMirrorX && ((width * scaleFactor) > 2*mFrameWidth && (height * scaleFactor) > 2*mFrameWidth)){ res = true; }else if(mMirrorX && !mMirrorY && (-width * scaleFactor) > 2*mFrameWidth && (height*scaleFactor) > 2*mFrameWidth){ res = true; }else if(!mMirrorX && mMirrorY && (width * scaleFactor) > 2*mFrameWidth && (-height*scaleFactor) > 2*mFrameWidth){ res = true; }else if(mMirrorX && mMirrorY && (-width * scaleFactor) > 2*mFrameWidth && (-height*scaleFactor) > 2*mFrameWidth){ res = true; } return res; } void UBGraphicsDelegateFrame::mouseMoveEvent(QGraphicsSceneMouseEvent *event) { if (None == mCurrentTool) return; QLineF move; if(rotating() || moving() || mOperationMode == Scaling) move = QLineF(mStartingPoint, event->scenePos()); else move = QLineF(event->lastScenePos(), event->scenePos()); qreal moveX = move.length() * cos((move.angle() - mAngle) * PI / 180); qreal moveY = -move.length() * sin((move.angle() - mAngle) * PI / 180); qreal width = delegated()->boundingRect().width() * mTotalScaleX; qreal height = delegated()->boundingRect().height() * mTotalScaleY; if(!rotating()) { mTranslateX = moveX; // Perform the resize if (resizingBottomRight()) { // ----------------------------------------------------- // ! We want to keep the aspect ratio with this resize ! // ----------------------------------------------------- qreal scaleX; qreal scaleY; if(!mMirrorX){ scaleX = (width + moveX) / width; }else{ scaleX = (width - moveX) / width; } if(!mMirrorY){ scaleY = (height + moveY) / height; }else{ scaleY = (height - moveY) / height; } qreal scaleFactor = (scaleX + scaleY) / 2; // Do not allow resizing of image size under frame size if (canResizeBottomRight(width, height, scaleFactor)) { if (mRespectRatio) { mScaleX = scaleFactor; mScaleY = scaleFactor; } else { mScaleX = scaleX; mScaleY = scaleY; } } }else if (resizingLeft() || resizingRight()) { if(width != 0){ qreal scaleX = 0.0; if(resizingLeft()){ scaleX = (width - moveX) / width; }else if(resizingRight()){ scaleX = (width + moveX) / width; } if(mDelegate->isFlippable() && qAbs(scaleX) != 0){ if((qAbs(width * scaleX)) < 2*mFrameWidth){ bool negative = (scaleX < 0)?true:false; if(negative){ if(mMirrorX) scaleX = 2*mFrameWidth/width; else scaleX = -2*mFrameWidth/width; }else{ scaleX = -1; } } mScaleX = scaleX; }else if (scaleX > 1 || (width * scaleX) > 2 * mFrameWidth){ mScaleX = scaleX; if(resizingLeft()){ mTranslateX = moveX; } } } }else if(resizingTop() || resizingBottom()){ if(height != 0){ qreal scaleY = 0.0; if(resizingTop()){ scaleY = (height - moveY) / height; }else if(resizingBottom()){ scaleY = (height + moveY) / height; } if(mDelegate->isFlippable() && qAbs(scaleY) != 0){ if((qAbs(height * scaleY)) < 2*mFrameWidth){ bool negative = (scaleY < 0)?true:false; if(negative){ if(mMirrorY) scaleY = 2*mFrameWidth/width; else scaleY = -2*mFrameWidth/width; }else{ scaleY = -1; } } mScaleY = scaleY; }else if (scaleY > 1 || (height * scaleY) > 2 * mFrameWidth) { mScaleY = scaleY; if(resizingTop()){ mTranslateY = moveY; } } } } } if (rotating()) { mTranslateX = 0; mTranslateY = 0; QLineF startLine(sceneBoundingRect().center(), event->lastScenePos()); QLineF currentLine(sceneBoundingRect().center(), event->scenePos()); mAngle += startLine.angleTo(currentLine); if ((int)mAngle % 45 >= 45 - mAngleTolerance || (int)mAngle % 45 <= mAngleTolerance) { mAngle = qRound(mAngle / 45) * 45; mAngleOffset += startLine.angleTo(currentLine); if ((int)mAngleOffset % 360 > mAngleTolerance && (int)mAngleOffset % 360 < 360 - mAngleTolerance) { mAngle += mAngleOffset; mAngleOffset = 0; } } else if ((int)mAngle % 30 >= 30 - mAngleTolerance || (int)mAngle % 30 <= mAngleTolerance) { mAngle = qRound(mAngle / 30) * 30; mAngleOffset += startLine.angleTo(currentLine); if ((int)mAngleOffset % 360 > mAngleTolerance && (int)mAngleOffset % 360 < 360 - mAngleTolerance) { mAngle += mAngleOffset; mAngleOffset = 0; } } setCursorFromAngle(QString::number((int)mAngle % 360)); } else if (moving()) { mTranslateX = move.dx(); mTranslateY = move.dy(); moveLinkedItems(move); } QTransform tr = buildTransform(); if (resizingRight() || resizingBottom() || resizingBottomRight()) { QPointF ref; // we just detects coordinates of corner before and after scaling and then moves object at diff between them. if (resizingBottomRight() && mMirrorX) { mTranslateX += mInitialTransform.map(delegated()->boundingRect().bottomRight()).x() - tr.map(delegated()->boundingRect().bottomRight()).x(); mTranslateY += mInitialTransform.map(delegated()->boundingRect().bottomRight()).y() - tr.map(delegated()->boundingRect().bottomRight()).y(); } else { mTranslateX += mInitialTransform.map(delegated()->boundingRect().topLeft()).x() - tr.map(delegated()->boundingRect().topLeft()).x(); mTranslateY += mInitialTransform.map(delegated()->boundingRect().topLeft()).y() - tr.map(delegated()->boundingRect().topLeft()).y(); } } else if (mOperationMode == Scaling && (resizingTop() || resizingLeft())) { QPointF bottomRight = tr.map(delegated()->boundingRect().bottomRight()); QPointF fixedPoint = mInitialTransform.map(delegated()->boundingRect().bottomRight()); mTranslateX += fixedPoint.x() - bottomRight.x(); mTranslateY += fixedPoint.y() - bottomRight.y(); } if (mOperationMode == Scaling || moving() || rotating()) { tr = buildTransform(); delegated()->setTransform(tr); } else if (mOperationMode == Resizing) { QSizeF originalSize = delegated()->boundingRect().size(); // QSizeF originalSize = delegated()->sceneBoundingRect().size(); // mScaleX = 1; mScaleY = 1; tr = buildTransform().translate(moveX, moveY); if (resizingRight() || resizingBottom() || resizingBottomRight() || resizingTop() || resizingLeft()) { qreal dPosX; qreal dPosY; if (resizingTop() || resizingLeft()) { dPosX = mMirrorX ? moveX : -moveX; dPosY = mMirrorY ? moveY : -moveY; } else if (resizingBottomRight()) { dPosX = moveX; dPosY = moveY; } else { dPosX = mMirrorX ? -moveX :moveX; dPosY = mMirrorY ? -moveY : moveY; } QPointF oldPos; if (mMirrorX) oldPos = delegated()->sceneBoundingRect().topLeft(); else oldPos = delegated()->sceneBoundingRect().bottomRight(); delegated()->setTransform(tr); UBResizableGraphicsItem* resizableItem = dynamic_cast<UBResizableGraphicsItem*>(delegated()); if (resizableItem) { resizableItem->resize(originalSize.width() + dPosX, originalSize.height() + dPosY); if (resizingTop() || resizingLeft() || (mMirrorX && resizingBottomRight())) { QPointF newPos; if (mMirrorX) newPos = delegated()->sceneBoundingRect().topLeft(); else newPos = delegated()->sceneBoundingRect().bottomRight(); delegated()->setPos(delegated()->pos()-newPos+oldPos); } } } } event->accept(); } QList<UBGraphicsDelegateFrame *> UBGraphicsDelegateFrame::getLinkedFrames() { QList<UBGraphicsDelegateFrame*> linkedFrames; QList<QGraphicsItem*> sItems = mDelegate->delegated()->scene()->selectedItems(); if (sItems.count()) { sItems.removeAll(delegated()); foreach(QGraphicsItem *item, sItems) { UBGraphicsItem *gitem = dynamic_cast<UBGraphicsItem*>(item); if (gitem) linkedFrames << gitem->Delegate()->frame(); } } return linkedFrames; } void UBGraphicsDelegateFrame::prepareFramesToMove(QList<UBGraphicsDelegateFrame *> framesToMove) { mLinkedFrames = framesToMove; foreach (UBGraphicsDelegateFrame *frame, mLinkedFrames) { frame->prepareLinkedFrameToMove(); } } void UBGraphicsDelegateFrame::prepareLinkedFrameToMove() { mDelegate->startUndoStep(); mStartingPoint = QPointF(0,0); initializeTransform(); mScaleX = 1; mScaleY = 1; mTranslateX = 0; mTranslateY = 0; mAngleOffset = 0; mInitialTransform = buildTransform(); mCurrentTool = Move; } void UBGraphicsDelegateFrame::moveLinkedItems(QLineF movingVector, bool bLinked) { if (bLinked) { mCurrentTool = Move; mTranslateX = movingVector.dx(); mTranslateY = movingVector.dy(); delegated()->setTransform(buildTransform(), false); } else { foreach(UBGraphicsDelegateFrame* frame, mLinkedFrames) { frame->moveLinkedItems(movingVector, true); } } } QTransform UBGraphicsDelegateFrame::buildTransform() { QTransform tr; QPointF center = delegated()->boundingRect().center(); // Translate tr.translate(mTotalTranslateX + mTranslateX, mTotalTranslateY + mTranslateY); // Set angle tr.translate(center.x() * mTotalScaleX * mScaleX, center.y() * mTotalScaleY * mScaleY); tr.rotate(-mAngle); tr.translate(-center.x() * mTotalScaleX * mScaleX, -center.y() * mTotalScaleY * mScaleY); // Scale tr.scale(mTotalScaleX * mScaleX, mTotalScaleY * mScaleY); return tr; } void UBGraphicsDelegateFrame::mouseReleaseEvent(QGraphicsSceneMouseEvent *event) { updateResizeCursors(); mDelegate->commitUndoStep(); mTotalScaleX *= mScaleX; mTotalScaleY *= mScaleY; mTotalTranslateX += mTranslateX; mTotalTranslateY += mTranslateY; event->accept(); mCurrentTool = None; QGraphicsRectItem::mouseReleaseEvent(event); // Show the buttons if(isResizing()){ mResizing = false; } } void UBGraphicsDelegateFrame::updateResizeCursors() { QPixmap pix(":/images/cursors/resize.png"); QTransform tr; tr.rotate(-mAngle); QCursor resizeCursor = QCursor(pix.transformed(tr, Qt::SmoothTransformation), pix.width() / 2, pix.height() / 2); mLeftResizeGrip->setCursor(resizeCursor); mRightResizeGrip->setCursor(resizeCursor); tr.rotate(-90); resizeCursor = QCursor(pix.transformed(tr, Qt::SmoothTransformation), pix.width() / 2, pix.height() / 2); mBottomResizeGrip->setCursor(resizeCursor); mTopResizeGrip->setCursor(resizeCursor); tr.rotate(-45); resizeCursor = QCursor(pix.transformed(tr, Qt::SmoothTransformation), pix.width() / 2, pix.height() / 2); mBottomRightResizeGrip->setCursor(resizeCursor); } void UBGraphicsDelegateFrame::setVisible(bool visible) { mVisible = visible; if (mVisible) setBrush(QBrush(UBSettings::paletteColor)); else setBrush(Qt::NoBrush); } void UBGraphicsDelegateFrame::positionHandles() { QRectF itemRect = delegated()->boundingRect(); if (mDelegate->getToolBarItem() && mDelegate->getToolBarItem()->isVisibleOnBoard() && mDelegate->getToolBarItem()->isShifting()) { QPointF graphicsItemPosition = itemRect.topLeft(); itemRect.setTopLeft(graphicsItemPosition-QPointF(0,mDelegate->getToolBarItem()->boundingRect().height()* mDelegate->antiScaleRatio())); } QTransform itemTransform = delegated()->sceneTransform(); QPointF topLeft = itemTransform.map(itemRect.topLeft()); QPointF topRight = itemTransform.map(itemRect.topRight()); QPointF bottomLeft = itemTransform.map(itemRect.bottomLeft()); QPointF bottomRight = itemTransform.map(itemRect.bottomRight()); QPointF center = itemTransform.map(itemRect.center()); int rotateHeight = QLineF(topLeft, bottomLeft).length(); // Handle the mirroring if(topLeft.x() > topRight.x()){ QPointF topTmp = topRight; QPointF bottomTmp = bottomRight; topRight = topLeft; topLeft = topTmp; bottomRight = bottomLeft; bottomLeft = bottomTmp; } if(bottomLeft.y() > topLeft.y()){ QPointF leftTmp = bottomLeft; QPointF rightTmp = bottomRight; bottomLeft = topLeft; topLeft = leftTmp; bottomRight = topRight; topRight = rightTmp; } QLineF topLine(topLeft, topRight); qreal angle = topLine.angle(); qreal width = topLine.length(); QLineF leftLine(topLeft, bottomLeft); qreal height = leftLine.length(); int h = rotating()?rotateHeight:height; if (mVisible) { setRect(center.x() - mFrameWidth - width / 2, center.y() - mFrameWidth - h / 2, width + 2 * mFrameWidth, h + 2 * mFrameWidth); } else { setRect(center.x() - width / 2, center.y() - h / 2, width, h); } resetTransform(); translate(center.x(), center.y()); rotate(-angle); translate(-center.x(), -center.y()); mBottomRightResizeGripSvgItem->setParentItem(this); mBottomResizeGripSvgItem->setParentItem(this); mLeftResizeGripSvgItem->setParentItem(this); mRightResizeGripSvgItem->setParentItem(this); mTopResizeGripSvgItem->setParentItem(this); mRotateButton->setParentItem(this); mBottomRightResizeGrip->setParentItem(this); mBottomResizeGrip->setParentItem(this); mLeftResizeGrip->setParentItem(this); mRightResizeGrip->setParentItem(this); mTopResizeGrip->setParentItem(this); QRectF brRect = mBottomRightResizeGripSvgItem->mapRectToParent(mBottomRightResizeGripSvgItem->boundingRect()); QRectF bRect = mBottomResizeGripSvgItem->mapRectToParent(mBottomResizeGripSvgItem->boundingRect()); QRectF lRect = mLeftResizeGripSvgItem->mapRectToParent(mLeftResizeGripSvgItem->boundingRect()); QRectF rRect = mRightResizeGripSvgItem->mapRectToParent(mRightResizeGripSvgItem->boundingRect()); QRectF trRect = mTopResizeGripSvgItem->mapRectToParent(mTopResizeGripSvgItem->boundingRect()); mBottomRightResizeGripSvgItem->setPos(rect().right() - brRect.width(), rect().bottom() - brRect.height()); mBottomResizeGripSvgItem->setPos(rect().center().x() - bRect.width() / 2, rect().bottom() - bRect.height()); mLeftResizeGripSvgItem->setPos(rect().left(), rect().center().y() - lRect.height() / 2); mRightResizeGripSvgItem->setPos(rect().right() - rRect.width(), rect().center().y() - rRect.height() / 2); mTopResizeGripSvgItem->setPos(rect().center().x() - trRect.width() / 2, rect().y()); mRotateButton->setPos(rect().right() - mFrameWidth - 5, rect().top() + 5); mBottomRightResizeGrip->setRect(bottomRightResizeGripRect()); mBottomResizeGrip->setRect(bottomResizeGripRect()); mLeftResizeGrip->setRect(leftResizeGripRect()); mRightResizeGrip->setRect(rightResizeGripRect()); mTopResizeGrip->setRect(topResizeGripRect()); QVariant vLocked = delegated()->data(UBGraphicsItemData::ItemLocked); bool isLocked = (vLocked.isValid() && vLocked.toBool()); bool bShowHorizontalResizers = ResizingHorizontally == mOperationMode; bool bShowVerticalResizers = ResizingHorizontally != mOperationMode; bool bShowAllResizers = Resizing == mOperationMode || Scaling == mOperationMode ; mBottomRightResizeGripSvgItem->setVisible(!isLocked && bShowAllResizers); mBottomResizeGripSvgItem->setVisible(!isLocked && (bShowVerticalResizers || bShowAllResizers)); mLeftResizeGripSvgItem->setVisible(!isLocked && (bShowHorizontalResizers || bShowAllResizers)); mRightResizeGripSvgItem->setVisible(!isLocked && (bShowHorizontalResizers || bShowAllResizers)); mTopResizeGripSvgItem->setVisible(!isLocked && (bShowVerticalResizers || bShowAllResizers)); mRotateButton->setVisible(mDelegate->canRotate() && !isLocked); mBottomRightResizeGrip->setVisible(!isLocked && bShowAllResizers); mBottomResizeGrip->setVisible(!isLocked && (bShowVerticalResizers || bShowAllResizers)); mLeftResizeGrip->setVisible(!isLocked && (bShowHorizontalResizers || bShowAllResizers)); mRightResizeGrip->setVisible(!isLocked && (bShowHorizontalResizers || bShowAllResizers)); mTopResizeGrip->setVisible(!isLocked && (bShowVerticalResizers || bShowAllResizers)); if (isLocked) { QColor baseColor = UBSettings::paletteColor; baseColor.setAlphaF(baseColor.alphaF() / 3); setBrush(QBrush(baseColor)); } else { setBrush(QBrush(UBSettings::paletteColor)); } //make frame interact like delegated item when selected. Maybe should be deleted if selection logic will change setZValue(delegated()->zValue()); } QGraphicsItem* UBGraphicsDelegateFrame::delegated() { return mDelegate->delegated(); } UBGraphicsDelegateFrame::FrameTool UBGraphicsDelegateFrame::toolFromPos(QPointF pos) { if(mDelegate->isLocked()) return None; else if (bottomRightResizeGripRect().contains(pos) && ResizingHorizontally != mOperationMode) return ResizeBottomRight; else if (bottomResizeGripRect().contains(pos) && ResizingHorizontally != mOperationMode){ if(mMirrorY){ return ResizeTop; }else{ return ResizeBottom; } } else if (leftResizeGripRect().contains(pos)){ if(mMirrorX){ return ResizeRight; }else{ return ResizeLeft; } return ResizeLeft; } else if (rightResizeGripRect().contains(pos)){ if(mMirrorX){ return ResizeLeft; }else{ return ResizeRight; } } else if (topResizeGripRect().contains(pos) && ResizingHorizontally != mOperationMode){ if(mMirrorY){ return ResizeBottom; }else{ return ResizeTop; } } else if (rotateButtonBounds().contains(pos) && mDelegate && mDelegate->canRotate()) return Rotate; else return Move; } QRectF UBGraphicsDelegateFrame::bottomRightResizeGripRect() const { return QRectF(rect().right() - mFrameWidth, rect().bottom() - mFrameWidth, mFrameWidth, mFrameWidth); } QRectF UBGraphicsDelegateFrame::bottomResizeGripRect() const { return QRectF(rect().center().x() - mFrameWidth / 2, rect().bottom() - mFrameWidth, mFrameWidth, mFrameWidth); } QRectF UBGraphicsDelegateFrame::leftResizeGripRect() const { return QRectF(rect().left(), rect().center().y() - mFrameWidth / 2, mFrameWidth, mFrameWidth); } QRectF UBGraphicsDelegateFrame::rightResizeGripRect() const { return QRectF(rect().right() - mFrameWidth, rect().center().y() - mFrameWidth / 2, mFrameWidth, mFrameWidth); } QRectF UBGraphicsDelegateFrame::topResizeGripRect() const { return QRectF(rect().center().x() - mFrameWidth / 2, rect().top(), mFrameWidth, mFrameWidth); } QRectF UBGraphicsDelegateFrame::rotateButtonBounds() const { return QRectF(rect().right()- mFrameWidth, rect().top(), mFrameWidth, mFrameWidth); } void UBGraphicsDelegateFrame::refreshGeometry() { // Here we want to have the left on the left, the right on the right, the top on the top and the bottom on the bottom! QRectF itemRect = delegated()->boundingRect(); QTransform itemTransform = delegated()->sceneTransform(); QPointF topLeft = itemTransform.map(itemRect.topLeft()); QPointF topRight = itemTransform.map(itemRect.topRight()); QPointF bottomLeft = itemTransform.map(itemRect.bottomLeft()); QLineF topLine(topLeft, topRight); qreal width = topLine.length(); QLineF leftLine(topLeft, bottomLeft); qreal height = leftLine.length(); setRect(topRight.x() - mFrameWidth, topLeft.y() - mFrameWidth, width + 2*mFrameWidth, height + 2*mFrameWidth); }