/* * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. */ #include <QtGui> #include "UBMagnifer.h" #include "core/UBApplication.h" #include "board/UBBoardController.h" #include "domain/UBGraphicsScene.h" #include "core/memcheck.h" UBMagnifier::UBMagnifier(QWidget *parent, bool isInteractive) : QWidget(parent, parent ? Qt::Widget : Qt::Tool | (Qt::FramelessWindowHint | Qt::WindowStaysOnTopHint | Qt::X11BypassWindowManagerHint)) , mShouldMoveWidget(false) , mShouldResizeWidget(false) , inTimer(false) , borderPen(Qt::darkGray) , gView(0) , mView(0) { isCusrsorAlreadyStored = false; setMouseTracking(true); //--------------------------------------------------// QPixmap pix(":/images/cursors/resize.png"); QTransform tr; tr.rotate(45); mResizeCursor = QCursor(pix.transformed(tr, Qt::SmoothTransformation), pix.width() / 2, pix.height() / 2); //--------------------------------------------------// params.sizePercentFromScene = 20; m_isInteractive = isInteractive; sClosePixmap = new QPixmap(":/images/close.svg"); sIncreasePixmap = new QPixmap(":/images/increase.svg"); sDecreasePixmap = new QPixmap(":/images/decrease.svg"); mResizeItem = new QPixmap(":/images/resize.svg"); if (parent) { setAttribute(Qt::WA_NoMousePropagation); } else { // standalone window // !!!! Should be included into Windows after QT recompilation #ifndef Q_WS_WIN // setAttribute(Qt::WA_TranslucentBackground); setAttribute(Qt::WA_MacAlwaysShowToolWindow); #endif #ifdef Q_WS_MAC setAttribute(Qt::WA_MacAlwaysShowToolWindow); setAttribute(Qt::WA_MacNonActivatingToolWindow); setAttribute(Qt::WA_MacNoShadow); #endif } } UBMagnifier::~UBMagnifier() { if (timerUpdate != 0) { killTimer(timerUpdate); timerUpdate = 0; } if(sClosePixmap) { delete sClosePixmap; sClosePixmap = NULL; } if(sIncreasePixmap) { delete sIncreasePixmap; sIncreasePixmap = NULL; } if(sDecreasePixmap) { delete sDecreasePixmap; sDecreasePixmap = NULL; } } void UBMagnifier::setSize(qreal percentFromScene) { if(gView == NULL || mView == NULL) return; // calculate object size params.sizePercentFromScene = percentFromScene; QSize sceneSize = mView->size(); qreal size = params.sizePercentFromScene * sceneSize.width() / 100; QRect currGeom = geometry(); if(currGeom.width() == currGeom.height()) { QPoint newPos = mView->mapFromGlobal(updPointMove); setGeometry(newPos.x() - size / 2, newPos.y() - size / 2, size, size); } else setGeometry(0, 0, size, size); // prepare transparent bit mask QImage mask_img(width(), height(), QImage::Format_Mono); mask_img.fill(0xff); QPainter mask_ptr(&mask_img); mask_ptr.setBrush( QBrush( QColor(0, 0, 0) ) ); mask_ptr.drawEllipse(QPointF(size/2, size/2), size / 2 - sClosePixmap->width(), size / 2 - sClosePixmap->width()); bmpMask = QBitmap::fromImage(mask_img); // prepare general image pMap = QPixmap(width(), height()); pMap.fill(Qt::transparent); pMap.setMask(bmpMask); } void UBMagnifier::setZoom(qreal zoom) { params.zoom = zoom; } void UBMagnifier::paintEvent(QPaintEvent * event) { Q_UNUSED(event); QPainter painter(this); painter.setRenderHint(QPainter::Antialiasing); painter.setPen(Qt::NoPen); if (m_isInteractive) { painter.setBrush(QColor(127, 127, 127, 127)); painter.drawRoundedRect(QRectF(size().width() / 2, size().height() / 2, ( size().width() - sClosePixmap->width() ) / 2, ( size().height() - sClosePixmap->width() ) / 2), 15, 15); painter.setBrush(QColor(190, 190, 190, 255)); painter.drawEllipse(QPoint( size().width() / 2, size().height() / 2), ( size().width() - sClosePixmap->width() ) / 2, ( size().height() - sClosePixmap->height() ) / 2); painter.drawPixmap(size().width() - sClosePixmap->width(), size().height() / 2 + sClosePixmap->height() * 1, *sClosePixmap); painter.drawPixmap(size().width() - sIncreasePixmap->width(), size().height() / 2 + sIncreasePixmap->height() * 2.5, *sIncreasePixmap); painter.drawPixmap(size().width() - sDecreasePixmap->width(), size().height() / 2 + sDecreasePixmap->height() * 3.6, *sDecreasePixmap); painter.drawPixmap(size().width() - mResizeItem->width() - 20, size().height() - mResizeItem->height() - 20, *mResizeItem); } else { painter.setBrush(QColor(127, 127, 127, 127)); painter.drawEllipse(QPoint( size().width() / 2, size().height() / 2), ( size().width() - sClosePixmap->width() ) / 2, ( size().height() - sClosePixmap->height() ) / 2); } painter.drawPixmap(0, 0, pMap); } void UBMagnifier::mousePressEvent ( QMouseEvent * event ) { if(m_isInteractive) { QWidget::mousePressEvent(event); if (event->pos().x() >= size().width() - mResizeItem->width() - 20 && event->pos().x() < size().width() - 20 && event->pos().y() >= size().height() - mResizeItem->height() - 20 && event->pos().y() < size().height() - - 20) { mShouldResizeWidget = true; } else { mShouldMoveWidget = !event->isAccepted() && (event->buttons() & Qt::LeftButton); } mMousePressPos = event->pos(); mMousePressDelta = (qreal)updPointGrab.x() + (qreal)size().width() / 2 - (qreal)event->globalPos().x(); event->accept(); update(); } else event->ignore(); } void UBMagnifier::mouseMoveEvent ( QMouseEvent * event ) { if(m_isInteractive) { if(mShouldMoveWidget && (event->buttons() & Qt::LeftButton)) { move(pos() - mMousePressPos + event->pos()); event->accept(); QWidget::mouseMoveEvent(event); emit magnifierMoved_Signal(QPoint(this->pos().x() + size().width() / 2, this->pos().y() + size().height() / 2 )); return; } if(mShouldResizeWidget && (event->buttons() & Qt::LeftButton)) { QPoint currGlobalPos = event->globalPos(); qreal cvW = mView->width(); qreal newXSize = ( currGlobalPos.x() + mMousePressDelta - updPointGrab.x() ) * 2; qreal newPercentSize = newXSize * 100 / cvW; emit magnifierResized_Signal(newPercentSize); event->ignore(); return; } if (event->pos().x() >= size().width() - mResizeItem->width() - 20 && event->pos().x() < size().width() - 20 && event->pos().y() >= size().height() - mResizeItem->height() - 20 && event->pos().y() < size().height() - - 20 && isCusrsorAlreadyStored == false ) { mOldCursor = cursor(); isCusrsorAlreadyStored = true; setCursor(mResizeCursor); } } else event->ignore(); } void UBMagnifier::mouseReleaseEvent(QMouseEvent * event) { if(m_isInteractive) { mShouldMoveWidget = false; mShouldResizeWidget = false; if (event->pos().x() >= size().width() - sClosePixmap->width() && event->pos().x() < size().width()&& event->pos().y() >= size().height() / 2 + sClosePixmap->height() * 1 && event->pos().y() < size().height() / 2 + sClosePixmap->height() * 2) { event->accept(); emit magnifierClose_Signal(); } else if (event->pos().x() >= size().width() - sIncreasePixmap->width() && event->pos().x() < size().width()&& event->pos().y() >= size().height() / 2 + sIncreasePixmap->height() * 2.5 && event->pos().y() < size().height() / 2 + sIncreasePixmap->height() * 3.5) { event->accept(); emit magnifierZoomIn_Signal(); } else if (event->pos().x() >= size().width() - sDecreasePixmap->width() && event->pos().x() < size().width()&& event->pos().y() >= size().height() / 2 + sDecreasePixmap->height() * 3.6 && event->pos().y() < size().height() / 2 + sDecreasePixmap->height() * 4.6) { event->accept(); emit magnifierZoomOut_Signal(); } else QWidget::mouseReleaseEvent(event); // don't propgate to parent, the widget is deleted in UBApplication::boardController->removeTool } else event->ignore(); } void UBMagnifier::timerEvent(QTimerEvent *e) { if(inTimer) return; if (e->timerId() == timerUpdate) { inTimer = true; if(!(updPointGrab.isNull())) grabPoint(updPointGrab); if(isCusrsorAlreadyStored) { QPoint globalCursorPos = QCursor::pos(); QPoint cursorPos = mapFromGlobal(globalCursorPos); if (cursorPos.x() < size().width() - mResizeItem->width() - 20 || cursorPos.x() > size().width() - 20 || cursorPos.y() < size().height() - mResizeItem->height() - 20 || cursorPos.y() > size().height() - - 20 ) { isCusrsorAlreadyStored = false; setCursor(mOldCursor); } } inTimer = false; } } void UBMagnifier::grabPoint() { QPointF itemPos = gView->mapFromGlobal(updPointGrab); qreal zWidth = size().width() / params.zoom; qreal zWidthHalf = zWidth / 2; qreal zHeight = size().height() / params.zoom; qreal zHeightHalf = zHeight / 2; int x = itemPos.x() - zWidthHalf; int y = itemPos.y() - zHeightHalf; QPixmap newPixMap(QSize(zWidth,zHeight)); ((QWidget*)gView)->render(&newPixMap, QPoint(0, 0), QRegion(x, y, zWidth, zHeight)); UBApplication::boardController->activeScene()->update(); pMap.fill(Qt::transparent); pMap = newPixMap.scaled(QSize(width(), height())); pMap.setMask(bmpMask); update(); } void UBMagnifier::grabPoint(const QPoint &pGrab) { updPointGrab = pGrab; QPointF itemPos = gView->mapFromGlobal(pGrab); qreal zWidth = size().width() / params.zoom; qreal zWidthHalf = zWidth / 2; qreal zHeight = size().height() / params.zoom; qreal zHeightHalf = zHeight / 2; int x = itemPos.x() - zWidthHalf; int y = itemPos.y() - zHeightHalf; QPixmap newPixMap(QSize(zWidth,zHeight)); ((QWidget*)gView)->render(&newPixMap, QPoint(0, 0), QRegion(x, y, zWidth, zHeight)); UBApplication::boardController->activeScene()->update(); pMap.fill(Qt::transparent); pMap = newPixMap.scaled(QSize(width(), height())); pMap.setMask(bmpMask); update(); } // from global void UBMagnifier::grabNMove(const QPoint &pGrab, const QPoint &pMove, bool needGrab, bool needMove) { updPointGrab = pGrab; updPointMove = pMove; if(needGrab) grabPoint(pGrab); if(needMove) { QPoint movePos = mView->mapFromGlobal(pMove); move(movePos.x() - width()/2, movePos.y() - height()/2); // move(itemPos.x(), itemPos.y()); } } void UBMagnifier::setGrabView(QWidget *view) { if (timerUpdate != 0) killTimer(timerUpdate); gView = view; timerUpdate = startTimer(200); }