 * Copyright (C) 2015-2018 Département de l'Instruction Publique (DIP-SEM)
 * Copyright (C) 2013 Open Education Foundation
 * Copyright (C) 2010-2013 Groupement d'Intérêt Public pour
 * l'Education Numérique en Afrique (GIP ENA)
 * This file is part of OpenBoard.
 * OpenBoard is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
 * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
 * the Free Software Foundation, version 3 of the License,
 * with a specific linking exception for the OpenSSL project's
 * "OpenSSL" library (or with modified versions of it that use the
 * same license as the "OpenSSL" library).
 * OpenBoard is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
 * GNU General Public License for more details.
 * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
 * along with OpenBoard. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.


#include <QtCore>
#include <QIcon>
#include <QProcess>

class QMainWindow;


    Declaration for single keycode (code, which will be sent to output after pressing of button)
    Each button has several codes, associated with shift state and modifier

    symbol - (Windows only) Unide symbol to send
    code - (LINUX, MAC) - code of key to press. Phisical keycode on MAC, position in keys table on LINUX
    modifier (LINUX) - offset in keys table

struct KEYCODE{

    KEYCODE(int _symbol)

    KEYCODE(int _symbol,
            unsigned char _code,
            int _modifier)

    bool empty() const
        return symbol == 0;

    int symbol;
    unsigned char code;
    int modifier;

    Declaration of single button. Properties:
    symbol1, symbol2 - symbols to display under obscreen keyboard on normal/shifted modes
    capsLockSwitch - if true, CapsLock button switched keystate to "shifted"
    modifier1/modifier2 - if >0 means modified symbol for next press (modifier * 2 + shiststate index in codes array)
                        If this code dedined (not empty), this symbol will sent to output. For French keyboard layout
    codes[i] - code for pressed symbol.
        code[0] - normal symbol
        code[1] - shifted symbol
        code[2] - modifier = 1, normal symbol
        code[3] - modifier = 1, shifted symbol
struct KEYBT
    QChar symbol1;
    QChar symbol2;
    bool capsLockSwitch;
    int modifier1;
    int modifier2;
    KEYCODE codes[8];

    KEYBT(  QChar _symbol1,
            QChar _symbol2,
            bool _capsLockSwitch,
            int _modifier1,
            int _modifier2,
            KEYCODE c1 = 0,
            KEYCODE c2 = 0,
            KEYCODE c3 = 0,
            KEYCODE c4 = 0,
            KEYCODE c5 = 0,
            KEYCODE c6 = 0,
            KEYCODE c7 = 0,
            KEYCODE c8 = 0)
        codes[0] = c1;
        codes[1] = c2;
        codes[2] = c3;
        codes[3] = c4;
        codes[4] = c5;
        codes[5] = c6;
        codes[6] = c7;
        codes[7] = c8;


    class UBKeyboardLocale
        UBKeyboardLocale(const QString& _fullName,
            const QString& _name,
            const QString& _id,
            QIcon* _icon,
            KEYBT** _symbols)
            :fullName(_fullName),name(_name), id(_id), icon(_icon),
                        constSymbols(NULL), varSymbols(_symbols)
        UBKeyboardLocale(const QString& _fullName,
            const QString& _name,
            const QString& _id,
            QIcon* _icon,
            KEYBT _symbols[])
            :fullName(_fullName),name(_name),  id(_id), icon(_icon),
                        constSymbols(_symbols), varSymbols(NULL)


        const QString fullName;
        const QString name;
        const QString id;
        QIcon* icon;
        KEYBT* operator[] (int index) const
            return (varSymbols==NULL)? constSymbols + index : varSymbols[index];
        KEYBT* constSymbols;
        KEYBT** varSymbols;

class UBPlatformUtils

        virtual ~UBPlatformUtils();

        static void initializeKeyboardLayouts();
        static void destroyKeyboardLayouts();
        static int nKeyboardLayouts;
        static UBKeyboardLocale** keyboardLayouts;

        static void init();
        static void destroy();
        static QString applicationResourcesDirectory();
        static void hideFile(const QString &filePath);
        static void setFileType(const QString &filePath, unsigned long fileType);
        static void fadeDisplayOut();
        static void fadeDisplayIn();
        static QString translationPath(QString pFilePrefix, QString pLanguage);
        static QString systemLanguage();
        static bool hasVirtualKeyboard();
        static void bringPreviousProcessToFront();
        static QString osUserLoginName();
        static void setDesktopMode(bool desktop);
        static void setWindowNonActivableFlag(QWidget* widget, bool nonAcivable);
        static QString computerName();
        static UBKeyboardLocale** getKeyboardLayouts(int& nCount);
        static QString urlFromClipboard();
        static QStringList availableTranslations();
        static void setFrontProcess();
        static void showFullScreen(QWidget * pWidget);
        static void showOSK(bool show);

#ifdef Q_OS_OSX
        static void SetMacLocaleByIdentifier(const QString& id);