/* * Copyright (C) 2010-2013 Groupement d'Intérêt Public pour l'Education Numérique en Afrique (GIP ENA) * * This file is part of Open-Sankoré. * * Open-Sankoré is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, version 3 of the License, * with a specific linking exception for the OpenSSL project's * "OpenSSL" library (or with modified versions of it that use the * same license as the "OpenSSL" library). * * Open-Sankoré is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with Open-Sankoré. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. */ #include "UBExportPDF.h" #include <QtCore> #include <QtSvg> #include "core/UBApplication.h" #include "core/UBSettings.h" #include "core/UBSetting.h" #include "core/UBPersistenceManager.h" #include "domain/UBGraphicsScene.h" #include "domain/UBGraphicsSvgItem.h" #include "document/UBDocumentProxy.h" #include "pdf/GraphicsPDFItem.h" #include "core/memcheck.h" UBExportPDF::UBExportPDF(QObject *parent) : UBExportAdaptor(parent) { // NOOP } UBExportPDF::~UBExportPDF() { // NOOP } void UBExportPDF::persist(UBDocumentProxy* pDocumentProxy) { if (!pDocumentProxy) return; QString filename = askForFileName(pDocumentProxy, tr("Export as PDF File")); if (filename.length() > 0) { QApplication::setOverrideCursor(QCursor(Qt::WaitCursor)); UBApplication::showMessage(tr("Exporting document...")); persistsDocument(pDocumentProxy, filename); UBApplication::showMessage(tr("Export successful.")); QApplication::restoreOverrideCursor(); } } void UBExportPDF::persistsDocument(UBDocumentProxy* pDocumentProxy, const QString& filename) { QPrinter pdfPrinter; qDebug() << "exporting document to PDF" << filename; pdfPrinter.setOutputFormat(QPrinter::PdfFormat); pdfPrinter.setResolution(UBSettings::settings()->pdfResolution->get().toInt()); pdfPrinter.setOutputFileName(filename); pdfPrinter.setFullPage(true); //need to calculate screen resolution QDesktopWidget* desktop = UBApplication::desktop(); int dpiCommon = (desktop->physicalDpiX() + desktop->physicalDpiY()) / 2; float scaleFactor = 72.0f / dpiCommon; QPainter pdfPainter; bool painterNeedsBegin = true; int existingPageCount = pDocumentProxy->pageCount(); for(int pageIndex = 0 ; pageIndex < existingPageCount; pageIndex++) { UBGraphicsScene* scene = UBPersistenceManager::persistenceManager()->loadDocumentScene(pDocumentProxy, pageIndex); UBApplication::showMessage(tr("Exporting page %1 of %2").arg(pageIndex + 1).arg(existingPageCount)); // set background to white, no crossing for PDF output bool isDark = scene->isDarkBackground(); bool isCrossed = scene->isCrossedBackground(); scene->setBackground(false, false); QSize pageSize = scene->nominalSize(); // set high res rendering scene->setRenderingQuality(UBItem::RenderingQualityHigh); scene->setRenderingContext(UBGraphicsScene::NonScreen); //setting page size to appropriate value pdfPrinter.setPaperSize(QSizeF(pageSize.width()*scaleFactor, pageSize.height()*scaleFactor), QPrinter::Point); if(painterNeedsBegin) painterNeedsBegin = !pdfPainter.begin(&pdfPrinter); //render to PDF scene->render(&pdfPainter, QRectF(), scene->normalizedSceneRect()); if (pageIndex < existingPageCount - 1) pdfPrinter.newPage(); //restore screen rendering quality scene->setRenderingContext(UBGraphicsScene::Screen); scene->setRenderingQuality(UBItem::RenderingQualityNormal); //restore background state scene->setBackground(isDark, isCrossed); } if(!painterNeedsBegin) pdfPainter.end(); } QString UBExportPDF::exportExtention() { return QString(".pdf"); } QString UBExportPDF::exportName() { return tr("Export to PDF"); }