/* * Copyright (C) 2015-2018 Département de l'Instruction Publique (DIP-SEM) * * Copyright (C) 2013 Open Education Foundation * * Copyright (C) 2010-2013 Groupement d'Intérêt Public pour * l'Education Numérique en Afrique (GIP ENA) * * This file is part of OpenBoard. * * OpenBoard is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, version 3 of the License, * with a specific linking exception for the OpenSSL project's * "OpenSSL" library (or with modified versions of it that use the * same license as the "OpenSSL" library). * * OpenBoard is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with OpenBoard. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. */ #include <QtGui> #include "UBGraphicsGroupContainerItem.h" #include "UBGraphicsTextItem.h" #include "UBGraphicsTextItemDelegate.h" #include "UBGraphicsScene.h" #include "UBGraphicsDelegateFrame.h" #include "core/UBApplication.h" #include "board/UBBoardController.h" #include "board/UBBoardView.h" #include "board/UBDrawingController.h" #include "core/UBSettings.h" #include "core/memcheck.h" QColor UBGraphicsTextItem::lastUsedTextColor = QColor(Qt::black); UBGraphicsTextItem::UBGraphicsTextItem(QGraphicsItem * parent) : QGraphicsTextItem(parent) , UBGraphicsItem() , mTypeTextHereLabel(tr("<Type Text Here>")) , mMultiClickState(0) , mLastMousePressTime(QTime::currentTime()) , isActivatedTextEditor(true) { setDelegate(new UBGraphicsTextItemDelegate(this, 0)); // TODO claudio remove this because in contrast with the fact the frame should be created on demand. Delegate()->createControls(); Delegate()->frame()->setOperationMode(UBGraphicsDelegateFrame::Resizing); Delegate()->setUBFlag(GF_FLIPPABLE_ALL_AXIS, false); Delegate()->setUBFlag(GF_REVOLVABLE, true); setData(UBGraphicsItemData::ItemLayerType, UBItemLayerType::Object); setData(UBGraphicsItemData::itemLayerType, QVariant(itemLayerType::ObjectItem)); //Necessary to set if we want z value to be assigned correctly setFlag(QGraphicsItem::ItemIsSelectable, true); setFlag(QGraphicsItem::ItemSendsGeometryChanges, true); setTextInteractionFlags(Qt::TextEditorInteraction); setUuid(QUuid::createUuid()); connect(document(), SIGNAL(contentsChanged()), Delegate(), SLOT(contentsChanged())); connect(document(), SIGNAL(undoCommandAdded()), this, SLOT(undoCommandAdded())); connect(document()->documentLayout(), SIGNAL(documentSizeChanged(const QSizeF &)), this, SLOT(documentSizeChanged(const QSizeF &))); } UBGraphicsTextItem::~UBGraphicsTextItem() { } void UBGraphicsTextItem::recolor() { UBGraphicsTextItemDelegate * del = dynamic_cast<UBGraphicsTextItemDelegate*>(Delegate()); if (del) del->recolor(); } void UBGraphicsTextItem::setSelected(bool selected) { if(selected){ Delegate()->createControls(); Delegate()->frame()->setOperationMode(UBGraphicsDelegateFrame::Resizing); } QGraphicsTextItem::setSelected(selected); } QVariant UBGraphicsTextItem::itemChange(GraphicsItemChange change, const QVariant &value) { QVariant newValue = value; if(Delegate()) newValue = Delegate()->itemChange(change, value); return QGraphicsTextItem::itemChange(change, newValue); } void UBGraphicsTextItem::mousePressEvent(QGraphicsSceneMouseEvent *event) { // scene()->itemAt(pos) returns 0 if pos is not over text, but over text item, but mouse press comes. // It is a cludge... if (UBStylusTool::Play == UBDrawingController::drawingController()->stylusTool()) { QGraphicsTextItem::mousePressEvent(event); event->accept(); clearFocus(); return; } if (Delegate()) { Delegate()->mousePressEvent(event); if (Delegate() && parentItem() && UBGraphicsGroupContainerItem::Type == parentItem()->type()) { UBGraphicsGroupContainerItem *group = qgraphicsitem_cast<UBGraphicsGroupContainerItem*>(parentItem()); if (group) { QGraphicsItem *curItem = group->getCurrentItem(); if (curItem && this != curItem) { group->deselectCurrentItem(); } group->setCurrentItem(this); this->setSelected(true); Delegate()->positionHandles(); } } } if (!data(UBGraphicsItemData::ItemEditable).toBool()) { setTextInteractionFlags(Qt::NoTextInteraction); return; } setTextInteractionFlags(Qt::TextEditorInteraction); int elapsed = mLastMousePressTime.msecsTo(QTime::currentTime()); if (elapsed < UBApplication::app()->doubleClickInterval()) { mMultiClickState++; if (mMultiClickState > 3) mMultiClickState = 1; } else { mMultiClickState = 1; } mLastMousePressTime = QTime::currentTime(); if (mMultiClickState == 1) { activateTextEditor(true); QGraphicsTextItem::mousePressEvent(event); setFocus(); } else if (mMultiClickState == 2) { QTextCursor tc= textCursor(); tc.select(QTextCursor::WordUnderCursor); setTextCursor(tc); } else if (mMultiClickState == 3) { QTextCursor tc= textCursor(); tc.select(QTextCursor::Document); setTextCursor(tc); } else { mMultiClickState = 0; } } void UBGraphicsTextItem::mouseMoveEvent(QGraphicsSceneMouseEvent *event) { if (!Delegate() || !Delegate()->mouseMoveEvent(event)) { QGraphicsTextItem::mouseMoveEvent(event); } } void UBGraphicsTextItem::dragMoveEvent(QGraphicsSceneDragDropEvent *event) { } void UBGraphicsTextItem::mouseReleaseEvent(QGraphicsSceneMouseEvent *event) { // scene()->itemAt(pos) returns 0 if pos is not over text, but over text item, but mouse press comes. // It is a cludge... if (UBStylusTool::Play == UBDrawingController::drawingController()->stylusTool()) { event->accept(); clearFocus(); return; } if (mMultiClickState == 1) { QGraphicsTextItem::mouseReleaseEvent(event); if (Delegate()) Delegate()->mouseReleaseEvent(event); } else { event->accept(); } } void UBGraphicsTextItem::keyPressEvent(QKeyEvent *event) { if (Delegate() && !Delegate()->keyPressEvent(event)) { qDebug() << "UBGraphicsTextItem::keyPressEvent(QKeyEvent *event) has been rejected by delegate. Don't call base class method"; return; } QGraphicsTextItem::keyPressEvent(event); } void UBGraphicsTextItem::keyReleaseEvent(QKeyEvent *event) { if (Delegate() && !Delegate()->keyReleaseEvent(event)) { qDebug() << "UBGraphicsTextItem::keyPressEvent(QKeyEvent *event) has been rejected by delegate. Don't call base class method"; return; } QGraphicsTextItem::keyReleaseEvent(event); } void UBGraphicsTextItem::paint(QPainter *painter, const QStyleOptionGraphicsItem *option, QWidget *widget) { QColor color = UBSettings::settings()->isDarkBackground() ? mColorOnDarkBackground : mColorOnLightBackground; setDefaultTextColor(color); // Never draw the rubber band, we draw our custom selection with the DelegateFrame QStyleOptionGraphicsItem styleOption = QStyleOptionGraphicsItem(*option); styleOption.state &= ~QStyle::State_Selected; styleOption.state &= ~QStyle::State_HasFocus; QGraphicsTextItem::paint(painter, &styleOption, widget); if (widget == UBApplication::boardController->controlView()->viewport() && !isSelected() && toPlainText().isEmpty()) { painter->setFont(font()); painter->setPen(UBSettings::paletteColor); painter->drawText(boundingRect(), Qt::AlignCenter, mTypeTextHereLabel); setTextInteractionFlags(Qt::NoTextInteraction); } Delegate()->postpaint(painter, option, widget); } UBItem* UBGraphicsTextItem::deepCopy() const { UBGraphicsTextItem* copy = new UBGraphicsTextItem(); copyItemParameters(copy); // TODO UB 4.7 ... complete all members ? return copy; } void UBGraphicsTextItem::copyItemParameters(UBItem *copy) const { UBGraphicsTextItem *cp = dynamic_cast<UBGraphicsTextItem*>(copy); if (cp) { cp->setHtml(toHtml()); cp->setPos(this->pos()); cp->setTransform(this->transform()); cp->setFlag(QGraphicsItem::ItemIsMovable, true); cp->setFlag(QGraphicsItem::ItemIsSelectable, true); cp->setData(UBGraphicsItemData::ItemLayerType, this->data(UBGraphicsItemData::ItemLayerType)); cp->setData(UBGraphicsItemData::ItemLocked, this->data(UBGraphicsItemData::ItemLocked)); cp->setData(UBGraphicsItemData::ItemEditable, data(UBGraphicsItemData::ItemEditable).toBool()); cp->setTextWidth(this->textWidth()); cp->setTextHeight(this->textHeight()); cp->setSourceUrl(this->sourceUrl()); cp->setZValue(this->zValue()); } } QRectF UBGraphicsTextItem::boundingRect() const { qreal width = textWidth(); qreal height = textHeight(); return QRectF(QPointF(), QSizeF(width, height)); } QPainterPath UBGraphicsTextItem::shape() const { QPainterPath path; path.addRect(boundingRect()); return path; } void UBGraphicsTextItem::setTextWidth(qreal width) { qreal titleBarWidth = 0; UBGraphicsTextItemDelegate * del = dynamic_cast<UBGraphicsTextItemDelegate*>(Delegate()); if (del) titleBarWidth = del->titleBarWidth(); qreal newWidth = qMax(titleBarWidth, width); QGraphicsTextItem::setTextWidth(newWidth); } void UBGraphicsTextItem::setTextHeight(qreal height) { QFontMetrics fm(font()); qreal minHeight = fm.height() + document()->documentMargin() * 2; mTextHeight = qMax(minHeight, height); update(); setFocus(); } qreal UBGraphicsTextItem::textHeight() const { return mTextHeight; } /** * @brief Get the ratio between font size in pixels and points. * @return The ratio of pixel size to point size of the first character, or 0 if the text item is empty. * * Qt may display fonts differently on different platforms -- on the same display, * the same point size may be displayed at different pixel sizes. This function returns the * ratio of pixel size to point size, based on the first character in the text item. */ qreal UBGraphicsTextItem::pixelsPerPoint() const { QTextCursor cursor = textCursor(); if (cursor.isNull()) return 0; cursor.movePosition(QTextCursor::Start, QTextCursor::MoveAnchor); cursor.movePosition(QTextCursor::NextCharacter, QTextCursor::KeepAnchor); QFont f = cursor.charFormat().font(); qDebug() << "ppp. Font: " << f; QFontInfo fi(cursor.charFormat().font()); qreal pixelSize = fi.pixelSize(); qreal pointSize = fi.pointSizeF(); //qDebug() << "Pixel size: " << pixelSize; //qDebug() << "Point size: " << pointSize; if (pointSize == 0) return 0; return pixelSize/pointSize; } void UBGraphicsTextItem::contentsChanged() { if (scene()) { scene()->setModified(true); } if (toPlainText().isEmpty()) { resize(QFontMetrics(font()).width(mTypeTextHereLabel),QFontMetrics(font()).height()); } } UBGraphicsScene* UBGraphicsTextItem::scene() { return static_cast<UBGraphicsScene*>(QGraphicsItem::scene()); } void UBGraphicsTextItem::resize(qreal w, qreal h) { setTextWidth(w); setTextHeight(h); if (Delegate()) Delegate()->positionHandles(); } QSizeF UBGraphicsTextItem::size() const { return QSizeF(textWidth(), textHeight()); } void UBGraphicsTextItem::setUuid(const QUuid &pUuid) { UBItem::setUuid(pUuid); setData(UBGraphicsItemData::ItemUuid, QVariant(pUuid)); //store item uuid inside the QGraphicsItem to fast operations with Items on the scene } void UBGraphicsTextItem::undoCommandAdded() { emit textUndoCommandAdded(this); } void UBGraphicsTextItem::documentSizeChanged(const QSizeF & newSize) { resize(newSize.width(), newSize.height()); } void UBGraphicsTextItem::activateTextEditor(bool activate) { qDebug() << textInteractionFlags(); this->isActivatedTextEditor = activate; if(!activate){ setTextInteractionFlags(Qt::TextSelectableByMouse); }else{ setTextInteractionFlags(Qt::TextEditorInteraction); } qDebug() << textInteractionFlags(); }