	Sankore API
function startEditing()

function stopEditing()

function initialize()

function checkResponse()
	/ END sankore api

var sankoreLang = {
    edit: "Изменить",
    view: "Просмотр",
    example: "это\nпример\nпредложения"

var sentence = "";
var curSentence = "";

    sentence = (sankore.preference("rightOrdPhrases", ""))?sankore.preference("rightOrdPhrases", ""):sankoreLang.example;
    curSentence = (sankore.preference("currentOrdPhrases", ""))?sankore.preference("currentOrdPhrases", ""):"";
} else {
    sentence = sankoreLang.example;

var doCheck = true;

// array of dom elements
var phrases = [];

var editMode = false; // just a flag

// if use the "edit" button or rely on the api instead
var isSankore = false;
// whether to do window.resize or not (window = widget area)
var isBrowser = ( typeof( widget ) == "undefined" );

// hardcoded parameters, not very good
var input_width = 606;
var widget_padding = 100;

function str_replace( w, b, s ){
    while( s.indexOf( w ) != -1 ){
        s = s.replace( w, b );
    return s;

shuffles an array
function shuffle( arr )
    var pos, tmp;
    for( var i = 0; i < arr.length; i++ )
        pos = Math.round( Math.random() * ( arr.length - 1 ) );
        tmp = arr[pos];
        arr[pos] = arr[i];
        arr[i] = tmp;
    return arr;

returns array of dom elements
function createElements( sentence )
    var el;
    var elements = [];
    var phrases = sentence.split( "\n" );
    for( i in phrases )
        el = document.createElement( "div" );
        $( el ).addClass( "phrase" ).text( phrases[i] );
        elements.push( el );
    return elements;

function checkSentence()
    if( !doCheck )
    var ph = [];
    $( "#mp_word .phrase" ).each( function()
        ph.push( $( this ).text() );
    if( ph.join( "\n" ) == str_replace( "\r", "", sentence ) ){
        $( "#mp_word .phrase" ).addClass( "right" );

turns the widget into the view mode
function modeView()
    if( editMode ){
        sentence = str_replace( "\r", "", $( "#mp_word textarea" ).attr( "value" ) );
        var p = sentence.split( "\n" );
        var p2 = [];
        var t;
        for( var i in p )
            t = jQuery.trim( p[i] );
            if( t ) p2.push( t );
        sentence = p2.join( "\n" );
    // if no sankore api, insert edit button
    if( !isSankore ){
        $( "#mp_setup" ).empty().append( '<input type="button" value="' + sankoreLang.edit + '">' );
        $( "#mp_setup input:button" ).click( function(){
    // clean the previous word
    $( "#mp_word" ).empty();
    var phrases;
    // create new set of elements
    if(window.sankore && curSentence && !editMode)
        phrases = createElements( curSentence );
        phrases = shuffle( createElements( sentence ) );
    for( i in phrases ){
        $("#mp_word").append( phrases[i] );
    // in sankore api there would be a function to check 
    // the answer, so no update parameter would be needed
    $( "#mp_word" ).sortable();
    if( !isSankore ){
        $( "#mp_word" ).sortable( {
            update: checkSentence
        } );
    } else 
        $( "#mp_word" ).sortable();

    // adjustHeight
    var aHeight = $( phrases[0] ).outerHeight( true );
    // apply new width
    adjust( aHeight * phrases.length );

adjust width or height
function adjust( height )
    $( "#mp_word" ).animate( {
        height: height
    } );
    // if viewed as a widget, resize the window
    if( !isBrowser ){
        window.resizeTo( widget.width, height + widget_padding );

function modeEdit()
    editMode = true;
    // if no sankore api, insert ok button
    if( !isSankore )
        $( "#mp_setup" ).empty().append( '<input type="button" value="' + sankoreLang.view + '">' );
        $( "#mp_setup input:button" ).click( function(){
    $( "#mp_word").css( "margin-left", 0 ).empty()
    .append('<textarea cols="50" rows="5">'+sentence+'</textarea>');
    adjust( $( "#mp_word textarea" ).outerHeight() );

if (window.widget) {
    window.widget.onleave = function(){
        if($( "#mp_word textarea" ).val())
            var ph = [];
            $( "#mp_word .phrase" ).each( function()
                ph.push( $( this ).text() );
            sankore.setPreference("currentOrdPhrases", ph.join( "\n" ));            
            ph = [];
            $( "#mp_word .phrase" ).each( function()
                ph.push( $( this ).text() );
            sankore.setPreference("currentOrdPhrases", ph.join( "\n" ));
        sankore.setPreference("rightOrdPhrases", sentence);