/* * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. */ #ifndef UBGRAPHICSDELEGATEFRAME_H_ #define UBGRAPHICSDELEGATEFRAME_H_ #include <QtGui> #include "core/UB.h" #include "domain/UBAngleWidget.h" class QGraphicsSceneMouseEvent; class UBGraphicsItemDelegate; class QGraphicsSvgItem; class UBGraphicsDelegateFrame: public QGraphicsRectItem, public QObject { public: UBGraphicsDelegateFrame(UBGraphicsItemDelegate* pDelegate, QRectF pRect, qreal pFrameWidth, bool respectRatio = true); virtual ~UBGraphicsDelegateFrame(); void paint(QPainter *painter, const QStyleOptionGraphicsItem *option, QWidget *widget); QPainterPath shape() const; virtual void mousePressEvent(QGraphicsSceneMouseEvent *event); virtual void mouseMoveEvent(QGraphicsSceneMouseEvent *event); virtual void mouseReleaseEvent(QGraphicsSceneMouseEvent *event); void positionHandles(); void setVisible(bool visible); virtual void setAntiScale(qreal pAntiScale); enum OperationMode {Scaling, Resizing}; void setOperationMode(OperationMode pMode) {mOperationMode = pMode;} bool isResizing(){return mResizing;} private: QRectF bottomRightResizeGripRect() const; QRectF bottomResizeGripRect() const; QRectF leftResizeGripRect() const; QRectF rightResizeGripRect() const; QRectF topResizeGripRect() const; QRectF rotateButtonBounds() const; inline bool resizingBottomRight () const { return mCurrentTool == ResizeBottomRight; } inline bool resizingBottom () const { return mCurrentTool == ResizeBottom; } inline bool resizingRight () const { return mCurrentTool == ResizeRight; } inline bool resizingLeft () const { return mCurrentTool == ResizeLeft; } inline bool resizingTop () const { return mCurrentTool == ResizeTop; } inline bool rotating () const { return mCurrentTool == Rotate; } inline bool moving () const { return mCurrentTool == Move; } bool canResizeBottomRight(qreal width, qreal height, qreal scaleFactor); QTransform buildTransform (); void updateResizeCursors (); void initializeTransform (); enum FrameTool {None, Move, Rotate, ResizeBottomRight, ResizeTop, ResizeRight, ResizeBottom, ResizeLeft}; FrameTool toolFromPos (QPointF pos); void refreshGeometry(); FrameTool mCurrentTool; UBGraphicsItemDelegate* mDelegate; bool mVisible; qreal mFrameWidth; qreal mNominalFrameWidth; bool mRespectRatio; qreal mAngle; qreal mAngleOffset; qreal mTotalScaleX; qreal mTotalScaleY; qreal mScaleX; qreal mScaleY; qreal mTranslateX; qreal mTranslateY; qreal mTotalTranslateX; qreal mTotalTranslateY; qreal mAngleTolerance; QRect mAngleRect; QPointF mStartingPoint; QTransform mInitialTransform; QGraphicsSvgItem* mBottomRightResizeGripSvgItem; QGraphicsSvgItem* mBottomResizeGripSvgItem; QGraphicsSvgItem* mLeftResizeGripSvgItem; QGraphicsSvgItem* mRightResizeGripSvgItem; QGraphicsSvgItem* mTopResizeGripSvgItem; QGraphicsSvgItem* mRotateButton; QGraphicsRectItem* mBottomRightResizeGrip; QGraphicsRectItem* mBottomResizeGrip; QGraphicsRectItem* mLeftResizeGrip; QGraphicsRectItem* mRightResizeGrip; QGraphicsRectItem* mTopResizeGrip; OperationMode mOperationMode; QGraphicsItem* delegated(); bool mMirrorX; bool mMirrorY; bool mResizing; bool mMirroredXAtStart; bool mMirroredYAtStart; UBAngleWidget *angleWidget; }; #endif /* UBGRAPHICSDELEGATEFRAME_H_ */