/* * Copyright (C) 2015-2018 Département de l'Instruction Publique (DIP-SEM) * * Copyright (C) 2013 Open Education Foundation * * Copyright (C) 2010-2013 Groupement d'Intérêt Public pour * l'Education Numérique en Afrique (GIP ENA) * * This file is part of OpenBoard. * * OpenBoard is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, version 3 of the License, * with a specific linking exception for the OpenSSL project's * "OpenSSL" library (or with modified versions of it that use the * same license as the "OpenSSL" library). * * OpenBoard is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with OpenBoard. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. */ #include "UBMetadataDcSubsetAdaptor.h" #include <QtGui> #include <QtXml> #include <QDesktopWidget> #include "core/UBSettings.h" #include "core/UBApplication.h" #include "board/UBBoardController.h" #include "document/UBDocumentProxy.h" #include "core/memcheck.h" const QString UBMetadataDcSubsetAdaptor::nsRdf = "http://www.w3.org/1999/02/22-rdf-syntax-ns#"; const QString UBMetadataDcSubsetAdaptor::nsDc = "http://purl.org/dc/elements/1.1/"; const QString UBMetadataDcSubsetAdaptor::metadataFilename = "metadata.rdf"; UBMetadataDcSubsetAdaptor::UBMetadataDcSubsetAdaptor() { /* * * sample dublin core metadata * * * <?xml version="1.0"?> <rdf:RDF xmlns:rdf="http://www.w3.org/1999/02/22-rdf-syntax-ns#" xmlns:dc= "http://purl.org/dc/elements/1.1/"> <rdf:Description rdf:about="http://www.w3schools.com"> <dc:title>D-Lib Program</dc:title> <dc:description>W3Schools - Free tutorials</dc:description> <dc:publisher>Refsnes Data as</dc:publisher> <dc:date>1999-09-01</dc:date> <dc:type>Web Development</dc:type> <dc:format>text/html</dc:format> <dc:language>en</dc:language> </rdf:Description> </rdf:RDF> */ } UBMetadataDcSubsetAdaptor::~UBMetadataDcSubsetAdaptor() { // NOOP } void UBMetadataDcSubsetAdaptor::persist(UBDocumentProxy* proxy) { if(!QDir(proxy->persistencePath()).exists()){ //In this case the a document is an empty document so we do not persist it return; } QString fileName = proxy->persistencePath() + "/" + metadataFilename; qWarning() << "Persisting document; path is" << fileName; QFile file(fileName); if (!file.open(QIODevice::WriteOnly | QIODevice::Truncate)) { qCritical() << "cannot open " << fileName << " for writing ..."; qCritical() << "error : " << file.errorString(); return; } QXmlStreamWriter xmlWriter(&file); xmlWriter.setAutoFormatting(true); xmlWriter.writeStartDocument(); xmlWriter.writeDefaultNamespace(nsRdf); xmlWriter.writeNamespace(nsDc, "dc"); xmlWriter.writeNamespace(UBSettings::uniboardDocumentNamespaceUri, "ub"); xmlWriter.writeStartElement("RDF"); xmlWriter.writeStartElement("Description"); xmlWriter.writeAttribute("about", proxy->metaData(UBSettings::documentIdentifer).toString()); xmlWriter.writeTextElement(nsDc, "title", proxy->metaData(UBSettings::documentName).toString()); xmlWriter.writeTextElement(nsDc, "type", proxy->metaData(UBSettings::documentGroupName).toString()); xmlWriter.writeTextElement(nsDc, "date", proxy->metaData(UBSettings::documentDate).toString()); xmlWriter.writeTextElement(nsDc, "format", "image/svg+xml"); // introduced in UB 4.2 xmlWriter.writeTextElement(nsDc, "identifier", proxy->metaData(UBSettings::documentIdentifer).toString()); xmlWriter.writeTextElement(UBSettings::uniboardDocumentNamespaceUri, "version", UBSettings::currentFileVersion); QString width = QString::number(proxy->defaultDocumentSize().width()); QString height = QString::number(proxy->defaultDocumentSize().height()); xmlWriter.writeTextElement(UBSettings::uniboardDocumentNamespaceUri, "size", QString("%1x%2").arg(width).arg(height)); // introduced in UB 4.4 xmlWriter.writeTextElement(UBSettings::uniboardDocumentNamespaceUri, "updated-at", UBStringUtils::toUtcIsoDateTime(QDateTime::currentDateTimeUtc())); xmlWriter.writeEndElement(); //dc:Description xmlWriter.writeEndElement(); //RDF xmlWriter.writeEndDocument(); file.flush(); file.close(); } QMap<QString, QVariant> UBMetadataDcSubsetAdaptor::load(QString pPath) { QMap<QString, QVariant> metadata; QString fileName = pPath + "/" + metadataFilename; QFile file(fileName); bool sizeFound = false; bool updatedAtFound = false; QString date; if (file.exists()) { if (!file.open(QIODevice::ReadOnly)) { qWarning() << "Cannot open file " << fileName << " for reading ..."; return metadata; } QXmlStreamReader xml(&file); while (!xml.atEnd()) { xml.readNext(); if (xml.isStartElement()) { QString docVersion = "4.1"; // untagged doc version 4.1 if (xml.name() == "title") { metadata.insert(UBSettings::documentName, xml.readElementText()); } else if (xml.name() == "type") { metadata.insert(UBSettings::documentGroupName, xml.readElementText()); } else if (xml.name() == "date") { date = xml.readElementText(); } else if (xml.name() == "identifier") // introduced in UB 4.2 { metadata.insert(UBSettings::documentIdentifer, xml.readElementText()); } else if (xml.name() == "version" // introduced in UB 4.2 && xml.namespaceUri() == UBSettings::uniboardDocumentNamespaceUri) { docVersion = xml.readElementText(); } else if (xml.name() == "size" // introduced in UB 4.2 && xml.namespaceUri() == UBSettings::uniboardDocumentNamespaceUri) { QString size = xml.readElementText(); QStringList sizeParts = size.split("x"); bool ok = false; int width, height; if (sizeParts.count() >= 2) { bool widthOK, heightOK; width = sizeParts.at(0).toInt(&widthOK); height = sizeParts.at(1).toInt(&heightOK); ok = widthOK && heightOK; QSize docSize(width, height); if (width == 1024 && height == 768) // move from 1024/768 to 1280/960 { docSize = UBSettings::settings()->pageSize->get().toSize(); } metadata.insert(UBSettings::documentSize, QVariant(docSize)); } if (!ok) { qWarning() << "Invalid document size:" << size; } sizeFound = true; } else if (xml.name() == "updated-at" // introduced in UB 4.4 && xml.namespaceUri() == UBSettings::uniboardDocumentNamespaceUri) { metadata.insert(UBSettings::documentUpdatedAt, xml.readElementText()); updatedAtFound = true; } metadata.insert(UBSettings::documentVersion, docVersion); } if (xml.hasError()) { qWarning() << "error parsing metadata.rdf file " << xml.errorString(); } } file.close(); } if (!sizeFound) { QDesktopWidget* dw = qApp->desktop(); int controlScreenIndex = dw->primaryScreen(); QSize docSize = dw->screenGeometry(controlScreenIndex).size(); docSize.setHeight(docSize.height() - 70); // 70 = toolbar height qWarning() << "Document size not found, using default view size" << docSize; metadata.insert(UBSettings::documentSize, QVariant(docSize)); } // this is necessary to update the old files date QString dateString = metadata.value(UBSettings::documentDate).toString(); if(dateString.length() < 10){ metadata.remove(UBSettings::documentDate); metadata.insert(UBSettings::documentDate,dateString+"T00:00:00Z"); } if (!updatedAtFound) { metadata.insert(UBSettings::documentUpdatedAt, dateString); } metadata.insert(UBSettings::documentDate, QVariant(date)); return metadata; }