/* * Copyright (C) 2015-2016 Département de l'Instruction Publique (DIP-SEM) * * Copyright (C) 2013 Open Education Foundation * * Copyright (C) 2010-2013 Groupement d'Intérêt Public pour * l'Education Numérique en Afrique (GIP ENA) * * This file is part of OpenBoard. * * OpenBoard is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, version 3 of the License, * with a specific linking exception for the OpenSSL project's * "OpenSSL" library (or with modified versions of it that use the * same license as the "OpenSSL" library). * * OpenBoard is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with OpenBoard. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. */ #include "UBDocumentContainer.h" #include "adaptors/UBThumbnailAdaptor.h" #include "core/UBPersistenceManager.h" #include "core/memcheck.h" UBDocumentContainer::UBDocumentContainer(QObject * parent) :QObject(parent) ,mCurrentDocument(NULL) {} UBDocumentContainer::~UBDocumentContainer() { foreach(const QPixmap* pm, mDocumentThumbs){ delete pm; pm = NULL; } } void UBDocumentContainer::setDocument(UBDocumentProxy* document, bool forceReload) { if (mCurrentDocument != document || forceReload) { mCurrentDocument = document; emit initThumbnailsRequired(this); emit documentSet(mCurrentDocument); reloadThumbnails(); } } void UBDocumentContainer::duplicatePages(QList<int>& pageIndexes) { int offset = 0; foreach(int sceneIndex, pageIndexes) { UBPersistenceManager::persistenceManager()->duplicateDocumentScene(mCurrentDocument, sceneIndex + offset); offset++; } } bool UBDocumentContainer::movePageToIndex(int source, int target) { //on document view UBPersistenceManager::persistenceManager()->moveSceneToIndex(mCurrentDocument, source, target); deleteThumbPage(source); insertThumbPage(target); emit documentThumbnailsUpdated(this); //on board thumbnails view emit moveThumbnailRequired(source, target); return true; } void UBDocumentContainer::deletePages(QList<int>& pageIndexes) { UBPersistenceManager::persistenceManager()->deleteDocumentScenes(mCurrentDocument, pageIndexes); int offset = 0; foreach(int index, pageIndexes) { deleteThumbPage(index - offset); emit removeThumbnailRequired(index - offset); offset++; } emit documentThumbnailsUpdated(this); } void UBDocumentContainer::addPage(int index) { UBPersistenceManager::persistenceManager()->createDocumentSceneAt(mCurrentDocument, index); insertThumbPage(index); emit documentThumbnailsUpdated(this); emit addThumbnailRequired(this, index); } void UBDocumentContainer::clearThumbPage() { qDeleteAll(mDocumentThumbs); mDocumentThumbs.clear(); } void UBDocumentContainer::initThumbPage() { clearThumbPage(); for (int i=0; i < selectedDocument()->pageCount(); i++) insertThumbPage(i); } void UBDocumentContainer::updatePage(int index) { updateThumbPage(index); emit documentThumbnailsUpdated(this); } void UBDocumentContainer::deleteThumbPage(int index) { mDocumentThumbs.removeAt(index); } void UBDocumentContainer::updateThumbPage(int index) { mDocumentThumbs[index] = UBThumbnailAdaptor::get(mCurrentDocument, index); } void UBDocumentContainer::insertThumbPage(int index) { mDocumentThumbs.insert(index, UBThumbnailAdaptor::get(mCurrentDocument, index)); } void UBDocumentContainer::reloadThumbnails() { if (mCurrentDocument) { UBThumbnailAdaptor::load(mCurrentDocument, mDocumentThumbs); emit documentThumbnailsUpdated(this); } } int UBDocumentContainer::pageFromSceneIndex(int sceneIndex) { return sceneIndex+1; } int UBDocumentContainer::sceneIndexFromPage(int page) { return page-1; } void UBDocumentContainer::addEmptyThumbPage() { const QPixmap* pThumb = new QPixmap(); mDocumentThumbs.append(pThumb); }