/* * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. */ //#include "frameworks/UBVersion.h" //#include "frameworks/UBDesktopServices.h" //#include "frameworks/UBFileSystemUtils.h" //#include "frameworks/UBPlatformUtils.h" //#include "UBSoftwareUpdateController.h" //#include "UBRssHandler.h" //#include "UBSoftwareUpdate.h" //#include "core/UBApplication.h" //#include "core/UBSettings.h" //#include "core/UBSetting.h" //#include "board/UBBoardController.h" //#include "document/UBDocumentProxy.h" //#include "network/UBHttpGet.h" //#include "network/UBServerXMLHttpRequest.h" //#include "network/UBNetworkAccessManager.h" //const qreal UBSoftwareUpdateController::sProgressPercentageStep = 1; //const int UBSoftwareUpdateController::sMinDisplayedDownloadedSizeInBytes = 2 * 1024 * 1024; //UBSoftwareUpdateController::UBSoftwareUpdateController(QObject *parent) // : QObject(parent) // , mHttp(0) //{ // // NOOP //} //UBSoftwareUpdateController::~UBSoftwareUpdateController() //{ // delete mHttp; //} //void UBSoftwareUpdateController::beginRssDownload(const QUrl &url) //{ // UBServerXMLHttpRequest * request = new UBServerXMLHttpRequest(UBNetworkAccessManager::defaultAccessManager()); // connect(request, SIGNAL(finished(bool, const QByteArray &)), this, SLOT(rssDownloadFinished(bool, const QByteArray &))); // request->get(url); //} //void UBSoftwareUpdateController::beginInstallerDownload(const QUrl &url) //{ // delete mHttp; // mHttp = new UBHttpGet(); // connect(mHttp, SIGNAL(downloadProgress(qint64, qint64)), this, SLOT(installerDownloadProgress(qint64, qint64))); // connect(mHttp, SIGNAL(downloadFinished(bool, QUrl, QString, QByteArray, QPointF, QSize, bool)), // this, SLOT(installerDownloadFinished(bool, QUrl, QString, QByteArray))); // mLastDisplayedProgress = 0; // UBApplication::showMessage(tr("Downloading software update (%1%)").arg(0), true); // mHttp->get(url, QPointF(), QSize()); //} //void UBSoftwareUpdateController::rssDownloadFinished(bool success, const QByteArray &payload) //{ // if (!success) // { // qWarning() << "Failed to download RSS file."; // failedToRetrieveSoftwareUpdateInfo(); // return; // } // parseRss(payload); //} //void UBSoftwareUpdateController::installerDownloadProgress(qint64 receivedBytes, qint64 bytesTotal) //{ // if (bytesTotal > sMinDisplayedDownloadedSizeInBytes) // { // qreal progress = ((qreal)(receivedBytes * 100) / bytesTotal); // if (progress >= mLastDisplayedProgress + sProgressPercentageStep || receivedBytes == bytesTotal) // { // mLastDisplayedProgress = progress; // UBApplication::showMessage(tr("Downloading software update (%1%)").arg(progress, 0, 'f', 0), true); // } // } //} //void UBSoftwareUpdateController::installerDownloadFinished(bool success, QUrl sourceUrl, QString contentTypeHeader, QByteArray data) //{ // Q_UNUSED(contentTypeHeader); // if (!success) // { // UBApplication::showMessage(tr("Downloading software update failed")); // return; // } // UBApplication::showMessage(tr("Download finished")); // QStringList urlParts = sourceUrl.toString().split("/"); // QString installerFileName = urlParts.last(); // QString tempDirPath = UBFileSystemUtils::createTempDir(UBFileSystemUtils::defaultTempDirName(), false); // QString installerFilePath = tempDirPath + "/" + installerFileName; // QFile file(installerFilePath); // if (!file.open(QIODevice::WriteOnly | QIODevice::Truncate)) // { // qCritical() << "Cannot open " << installerFilePath << " for writing..."; // return; // } // file.write(data); // file.flush(); // file.close(); // if (QMessageBox::question( // QApplication::activeWindow(), // tr("Software Update"), // tr("Are you sure you want to install this new version of Uniboard now?\nThis session will close as soon as installation begins."), // QMessageBox::Yes | QMessageBox::No) == QMessageBox::Yes) // { // UBDocumentProxy* document = UBApplication::boardController->activeDocument(); // int sceneIndex = UBApplication::boardController->activeSceneIndex(); // if (document) // { // UBSettings::settings()->appLastSessionDocumentUUID->set(UBStringUtils::toCanonicalUuid(document->uuid())); // UBSettings::settings()->appLastSessionPageIndex->set(sceneIndex); // } // UBSettings::settings()->appIsInSoftwareUpdateProcess->set(true); // UBPlatformUtils::runInstaller(installerFilePath); // UBApplication::quit(); // } //} //void UBSoftwareUpdateController::parseRss(const QByteArray &rssContent) //{ // UBRssHandler rssHandler; // QXmlSimpleReader xmlReader; // xmlReader.setContentHandler(&rssHandler); // xmlReader.setErrorHandler(&rssHandler); // QXmlInputSource source; // source.setData(rssContent); // if (!xmlReader.parse(source)) // { // failedToRetrieveSoftwareUpdateInfo(); // return; // } // if (rssHandler.error().length() > 0) // { // qWarning() << "Failed to parse RSS file. Reason: " << rssHandler.error(); // failedToRetrieveSoftwareUpdateInfo(); // return; // } // if (rssHandler.softwareUpdates().isEmpty()) // { // qWarning() << "RSS file does not contain software update info."; // failedToRetrieveSoftwareUpdateInfo(); // return; // } // UBVersion installedVersion(qApp->applicationVersion()); // if (!installedVersion.isValid()) // { // qWarning() << "Failed to parse installed version format: " << qApp->applicationVersion(); // failedToRetrieveSoftwareUpdateInfo(); // return; // } // QList<UBSoftwareUpdate *> softwareUpdates = rssHandler.softwareUpdates(); // const UBSoftwareUpdate *mostRecentSoftwareUpdate = searchForMoreRecentAndAsStableSoftwareUpdate(installedVersion, softwareUpdates); // if (mostRecentSoftwareUpdate) // { // emit softwareUpdateAvailable(installedVersion, *mostRecentSoftwareUpdate); // } // else // { // emit noSoftwareUpdateAvailable(); // } //} //const UBSoftwareUpdate* UBSoftwareUpdateController::searchForMoreRecentAndAsStableSoftwareUpdate(const UBVersion &installedVersion, const QList<UBSoftwareUpdate *> &softwareUpdates) //{ // const UBSoftwareUpdate *mostRecentSoftwareUpdate = 0; // foreach (const UBSoftwareUpdate *softwareUpdate, softwareUpdates) // { // bool moreRecentAndAsStable = false; // if (Alpha == installedVersion.releaseStage()) // { // if (installedVersion < softwareUpdate->version() && // installedVersion.platformNumber() == softwareUpdate->version().platformNumber()) // { // moreRecentAndAsStable = true; // } // } // else if (Beta == installedVersion.releaseStage()) // { // if (Alpha != softwareUpdate->version().releaseStage() && // installedVersion < softwareUpdate->version() && // installedVersion.platformNumber() == softwareUpdate->version().platformNumber()) // { // moreRecentAndAsStable = true; // } // } // else // { // if (ReleaseCandidate == softwareUpdate->version().releaseStage() && // installedVersion < softwareUpdate->version() && // installedVersion.platformNumber() == softwareUpdate->version().platformNumber()) // { // moreRecentAndAsStable = true; // } // } // if (moreRecentAndAsStable) // { // if (mostRecentSoftwareUpdate) // { // if (mostRecentSoftwareUpdate->version() < softwareUpdate->version()) // { // mostRecentSoftwareUpdate = softwareUpdate; // } // } // else // { // mostRecentSoftwareUpdate = softwareUpdate; // } // } // } // return mostRecentSoftwareUpdate; //}