 * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
 * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
 * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
 * (at your option) any later version.
 * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
 * GNU General Public License for more details.
 * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
 * along with this program.  If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
#if !defined Object_h
#define Object_h

#include "Utils.h"

#include <cmath>
#include <string>
#include <fstream>
#include <map>
#include <set>
#include <vector>
#include <utility>

namespace merge_lib
	//This class represents pdf objects, and defines methods for performing 
	//all necessary operations on pdf objects
	//Each object consists of two parts: content and object's number
	//<object number> <number> obj
	//Object can contain several links to other object. These objects has been named "children".
	//Each reference (child object) should be kept with it position(s) in object's content.
	//After each content modification, all references should be changed too.
	//This convention lighten the recalculation object numbers work.
	class Object
	   friend class PageElementHandler;	   
	   typedef std::vector<unsigned int> ReferencePositionsInContent;
	   typedef std::pair<Object *, ReferencePositionsInContent > ChildAndItPositionInContent;
	   typedef std::map <unsigned int, ChildAndItPositionInContent> Children;
	   Object(unsigned int objectNumber, unsigned int generationNumber, const std::string & objectContent, 
		   std::string fileName = "", std::pair<unsigned int, unsigned int> streamBounds = std::make_pair ((unsigned int)0,(unsigned int)0), bool hasStream = false
	   _number(objectNumber), _generationNumber(generationNumber), _oldNumber(objectNumber), _content(objectContent),_parents(),_children(),_isPassed(false),
           _streamBounds(streamBounds), _fileName(fileName), _hasStream(hasStream), _hasStreamInContent(false)
	   virtual ~Object();
	   Object *                    getClone(std::vector<Object *> & clones);
	   void                        addChild(Object * child, const std::vector<unsigned int> childPositionsInContent);
	   void                        addChild(const Children & children);
	   ReferencePositionsInContent removeChild(Object * child);
	   void                        forgetAboutChildren(unsigned int leftBound, unsigned int rightBound);
	   Object *                    getChild(unsigned int objectNumber);
	   bool                        findObject(const std::string & token, Object* & foundObject, unsigned int & tokenPositionInContent);
	   std::vector<Object *>       getChildrenByBounds(unsigned int leftBound, unsigned int rightBound);
	   std::vector<Object *>       getSortedByPositionChildren(unsigned int leftBound, unsigned int rightBound);
	   void                        removeChildrenByBounds(unsigned int leftBound, unsigned int rightBound);
	   const                       Children & getChildren();

	   void                        removeHimself();

	   unsigned int                getObjectNumber() const;
	   unsigned int                getgenerationNumber() const;

	   std::string &               getObjectContent();

	   void                        setObjectContent(const std::string & objectContent);
	   void                        appendContent(const std::string & addToContent);
	   void                        eraseContent(unsigned int from, unsigned int size);
	   void                        insertToContent(unsigned int position, const char * insertedStr, unsigned int length);
	   void                        insertToContent(unsigned int position, const std::string & insertedStr);   

	   //vector <object number, its size>
	   void serialize(std::ofstream & out, std::map< unsigned int, std::pair<unsigned long long, unsigned int > > & sizesAndGenerationNumbers);

	   void recalculateObjectNumbers(unsigned int & newNumber);

	   bool isPassed()
		  return _isPassed;
	   void retrieveMaxObjectNumber(unsigned int & maxNumber);
	   void resetIsPassed()
			 _isPassed = false;
		  Children::iterator it;
		  for ( it=_children.begin() ; it != _children.end(); it++ )

	   unsigned int getOldNumber()
		  return _oldNumber;
	   void setObjectNumber(unsigned int objNumber)
		  _number = objNumber;
		  _oldNumber = objNumber;

	   bool getStream(std::string &);
	   bool hasStream();
	   bool getHeader(std::string &content);
	   void forgetStreamInFile()
			_hasStreamInContent = true;
			_hasStream = true;

	   std::string getNameSimpleValue(const std::string &content, const std::string &patten, size_t pos = 0);
	   unsigned int getChildPosition(const Object * child); //throw (Exception)
	   const std::set<Object *> & getParents()
		   return _parents;
      Object* findPatternInObjOrParents(const std::string &pattern);

	   Object(const Object & copy);
	   Object * _getClone(std::map<unsigned int, Object *> & clones);
	   void _addChild(Object * child, const ReferencePositionsInContent & childPositionsInContent);
	   void _setObjectNumber(unsigned int objectNumber);       
	   void _addParent(Object * child);
	   bool _findObject(const std::string & token, Object* & foundObject, unsigned int & tokenPositionInContent);
	   void _serialize(std::ofstream  & out, const std::string & stream);
	   void _recalculateObjectNumbers(unsigned int & maxNumber);
	   void _recalculateReferencePositions(unsigned int changedReference, int displacement);
	   void _retrieveMaxObjectNumber(unsigned int & maxNumber);
	   void _serialize(std::ofstream & out, std::map<unsigned int, unsigned long long> & sizes);	   
       bool _getStreamFromContent(std::string & stream);

	   unsigned int                          _number;
	   unsigned int                          _generationNumber;
	   unsigned int                          _oldNumber;
	   std::string                           _content;
	   std::set <Object *>                   _parents;
	   Children                              _children;
	   bool                                  _isPassed;
	   std::pair<unsigned int, unsigned int> _streamBounds;
	   std::string                           _fileName;
	   bool                                  _hasStream;
	   bool                                  _hasStreamInContent;
