 * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
 * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
 * the Free Software Foundation, either version 2 of the License, or
 * (at your option) any later version.
 * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
 * GNU General Public License for more details.
 * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
 * along with this program.  If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
#include <QRegExp>
#include <QSvgGenerator>
#include <QSvgRenderer>
#include <QPixmap>

#include "core/UBPersistenceManager.h"

#include "document/UBDocumentProxy.h"

#include "domain/UBItem.h"
#include "domain/UBGraphicsPolygonItem.h"
#include "domain/UBGraphicsStroke.h"
#include "domain/UBGraphicsTextItem.h"
#include "domain/UBGraphicsSvgItem.h"
#include "domain/UBGraphicsPixmapItem.h"
#include "domain/UBGraphicsMediaItem.h"
#include "domain/UBGraphicsWidgetItem.h"
#include "domain/UBGraphicsTextItem.h"
#include "domain/UBGraphicsTextItemDelegate.h"
#include "domain/UBW3CWidget.h"

#include "frameworks/UBFileSystemUtils.h"

#include "UBCFFSubsetAdaptor.h"
#include "UBMetadataDcSubsetAdaptor.h"
#include "UBThumbnailAdaptor.h"
#include "UBSvgSubsetAdaptor.h"

#include "core/UBApplication.h"
#include "QFile"

#include "core/memcheck.h"
//#include "qtlogger.h"

//tag names definition. Use them everiwhere!
static QString tElement         = "element";
static QString tGroup           = "group";
static QString tEllipse         = "ellipse";
static QString tIwb             = "iwb";
static QString tMeta            = "meta";
static QString tPage            = "page";
static QString tPageset         = "pageset";
static QString tG               = "g";
static QString tSwitch          = "switch";
static QString tPolygon         = "polygon";
static QString tPolyline        = "polyline";
static QString tRect            = "rect";
static QString tSvg             = "svg";
static QString tText            = "text";
static QString tTextarea        = "textarea";
static QString tTspan           = "tspan";
static QString tBreak           = "tbreak";
static QString tImage           = "image";
static QString tFlash           = "flash";
static QString tAudio           = "a";
static QString tVideo           = "video";

//attribute names definition
static QString aFill            = "fill";
static QString aFillopacity     = "fill-opacity";
static QString aX               = "x";
static QString aY               = "y";
static QString aWidth           = "width";
static QString aHeight          = "height";
static QString aStroke          = "stroke";
static QString aStrokewidth     = "stroke-width";
static QString aCx              = "cx";
static QString aCy              = "cy";
static QString aRx              = "rx";
static QString aRy              = "ry";
static QString aTransform       = "transform";
static QString aViewbox         = "viewbox";
static QString aFontSize        = "font-size";
static QString aFontfamily      = "font-family";
static QString aFontstretch     = "font-stretch";
static QString aFontstyle       = "font-style";
static QString aFontweight      = "font-weight";
static QString aTextalign       = "text-align";
static QString aPoints          = "points";
static QString svgNS            = "http://www.w3.org/2000/svg";
static QString iwbNS            = "http://www.becta.org.uk/iwb";
static QString aId              = "id";
static QString aRef             = "ref";
static QString aHref            = "href";
static QString aBackground      = "background";
static QString aLocked          = "locked";
static QString aEditable        = "editable";

//attributes part names
static QString apRotate         = "rotate";
static QString apTranslate      = "translate";


bool UBCFFSubsetAdaptor::ConvertCFFFileToUbz(QString &cffSourceFile, UBDocumentProxy* pDocument)
    // fill document proxy metadata
    // create persistance manager to save data using proxy
    // create UBCFFSubsetReader and make it parse cffSourceFolder
    QFile file(cffSourceFile);

    if (!file.open(QIODevice::ReadOnly))
        qWarning() << "Cannot open file " << cffSourceFile << " for reading ...";
        return false;

    UBCFFSubsetReader cffReader(pDocument, &file);
    bool result =  cffReader.parse();

    return result;
UBCFFSubsetAdaptor::UBCFFSubsetReader::UBCFFSubsetReader(UBDocumentProxy *proxy, QFile *content):
    int errorLine, errorColumn;
    QString errorStr;
    if(!mDOMdoc.setContent(content, true, &errorStr, &errorLine, &errorColumn)){
        qWarning() << "Error:Parseerroratline" << errorLine << ","
                  << "column" << errorColumn << ":" << errorStr;
    } else {
        qDebug() << "well parsed to DOM";
        pwdContent = QFileInfo(content->fileName()).dir().absolutePath();
    qDebug() << "tmp path is" << pwdContent;
bool UBCFFSubsetAdaptor::UBCFFSubsetReader::parse()

    mIndent = "";
    if (!getTempFileName() || !createTempFlashPath())
        return false;

    if (mDOMdoc.isNull())
        return false;

    bool result = parseDoc();
    if (result)
        result = mProxy->pageCount() != 0;

    if (QFile::exists(mTempFilePath))

//    if (mTmpFlashDir.exists())
//        UBFileSystemUtils::deleteDir(mTmpFlashDir.path());

    return result;

bool UBCFFSubsetAdaptor::UBCFFSubsetReader::parseGSection(const QDomElement &element)
    QDomElement currentSvgElement = element.firstChildElement();
    while (!currentSvgElement.isNull()) {
        if (!parseSvgElement(currentSvgElement))
            return false;

        currentSvgElement = currentSvgElement.nextSiblingElement();

    return true;
bool UBCFFSubsetAdaptor::UBCFFSubsetReader::parseSvgSwitchSection(const QDomElement &element)

    QDomElement currentSvgElement = element.firstChildElement();
    while (!currentSvgElement.isNull()) {
        if (parseSvgElement(currentSvgElement))
            return true;

    return false;

bool UBCFFSubsetAdaptor::UBCFFSubsetReader::parseSvgRect(const QDomElement &element)
    qreal x1 = element.attribute(aX).toDouble();
    qreal y1 = element.attribute(aY).toDouble();
    //rect dimensions
    qreal width = element.attribute(aWidth).toDouble();
    qreal height = element.attribute(aHeight).toDouble();

    QString textFillColor = element.attribute(aFill);
    QString textStrokeColor = element.attribute(aStroke);
    QString textStrokeWidth = element.attribute(aStrokewidth);

    QColor fillColor = !textFillColor.isNull() ? colorFromString(textFillColor) : QColor();
    QColor strokeColor = !textStrokeColor.isNull() ? colorFromString(textStrokeColor) : QColor();
    int strokeWidth = textStrokeWidth.toInt();

    x1 -= strokeWidth/2;
    y1 -= strokeWidth/2;
    width += strokeWidth;
    height += strokeWidth;

    //init svg generator with temp file
    QSvgGenerator *generator = createSvgGenerator(width, height);

    //init painter to paint to svg
    QPainter painter;


    //fill rect
    if (fillColor.isValid()) {
        painter.fillRect(0, 0, width, height, fillColor);
    QPen pen;
    if (strokeColor.isValid()) {
    if (strokeWidth)
    painter.drawRect(0, 0, width, height);


    UBGraphicsSvgItem *svgItem = mCurrentScene->addSvg(QUrl::fromLocalFile(generator->fileName()));
    QTransform transform;
    QString textTransform = element.attribute(aTransform);

    if (!textTransform.isNull()) {
        transform = transformFromString(textTransform, svgItem);

    repositionSvgItem(svgItem, width, height, x1, y1, transform);
    hashSceneItem(element, svgItem);

    delete generator;

    return true;
bool UBCFFSubsetAdaptor::UBCFFSubsetReader::parseSvgEllipse(const QDomElement &element)
    //ellipse horisontal and vertical radius
    qreal rx = element.attribute(aRx).toDouble();
    qreal ry = element.attribute(aRy).toDouble();
    QSvgGenerator *generator = createSvgGenerator(rx * 2, ry * 2);

    //fill and stroke color
    QColor fillColor = colorFromString(element.attribute(aFill));
    QColor strokeColor = colorFromString(element.attribute(aStroke));
    int strokeWidth = element.attribute(aStrokewidth).toInt();

    //ellipse center coordinates
    qreal cx = element.attribute(aCx).toDouble();
    qreal cy = element.attribute(aCy).toDouble();

    //init painter to paint to svg
    QPainter painter;

    QPen pen(strokeColor);

    painter.drawEllipse(0, 0, rx * 2, ry * 2);


    UBGraphicsSvgItem *svgItem = mCurrentScene->addSvg(QUrl::fromLocalFile(generator->fileName()));
    QTransform transform;
    QString textTransform = element.attribute(aTransform);

    if (!textTransform.isNull()) {
        transform = transformFromString(textTransform, svgItem);

    repositionSvgItem(svgItem, rx * 2, ry * 2, cx - 2*rx, cy+ry, transform);
    hashSceneItem(element, svgItem);

    delete generator;

    return true;
bool UBCFFSubsetAdaptor::UBCFFSubsetReader::parseSvgPolygon(const QDomElement &element)
    QString svgPoints = element.attribute(aPoints);
    QPolygonF polygon;

    if (!svgPoints.isNull()) {
        QStringList ts = svgPoints.split(QLatin1Char(' '), QString::SkipEmptyParts);

        foreach(const QString sPoint, ts) {
            QStringList sCoord = sPoint.split(QLatin1Char(','), QString::SkipEmptyParts);
            if (sCoord.size() == 2) {
                QPointF point;
                polygon << point;
            else if (sCoord.size() == 4){
                //This is the case on system were the "," is used to seperate decimal
                QPointF point;
                QString x = sCoord.at(0) + "." + sCoord.at(1);
                QString y = sCoord.at(2) + "." + sCoord.at(3);
                polygon << point;
            else {
                qWarning() << "cannot make sense of a 'point' value" << sCoord;

    //bounding rect lef top corner coordinates
    qreal x1 = polygon.boundingRect().topLeft().x();
    qreal y1 = polygon.boundingRect().topLeft().y();
    //bounding rect dimensions
    qreal width = polygon.boundingRect().width();
    qreal height = polygon.boundingRect().height();

    QString strokeColorText = element.attribute(aStroke);
    QString fillColorText = element.attribute(aFill);
    QString strokeWidthText = element.attribute(aStrokewidth);

    QColor strokeColor = !strokeColorText.isEmpty() ? colorFromString(strokeColorText) : QColor();
    QColor fillColor = !fillColorText.isEmpty() ? colorFromString(fillColorText) : QColor();
    int strokeWidth = strokeWidthText.toDouble();

    QPen pen;

    QBrush brush;

    QSvgGenerator *generator = createSvgGenerator(width + pen.width(), height + pen.width());
    QPainter painter;

    painter.begin(generator); //drawing to svg tmp file

    painter.translate(pen.widthF() / 2 - x1, pen.widthF() / 2 - y1);


    //add resulting svg file to scene
    UBGraphicsSvgItem *svgItem = mCurrentScene->addSvg(QUrl::fromLocalFile(generator->fileName()));
    QTransform transform;
    QString textTransform = element.attribute(aTransform);

    if (!textTransform.isNull()) {
        transform = transformFromString(textTransform, svgItem);
    repositionSvgItem(svgItem, width +strokeWidth, height + strokeWidth, x1 - strokeWidth/2 + transform.m31(), y1 + strokeWidth/2 + transform.m32(), transform);
    hashSceneItem(element, svgItem);

    delete generator;

    return true;
bool UBCFFSubsetAdaptor::UBCFFSubsetReader::parseSvgPolyline(const QDomElement &element)
    QString svgPoints = element.attribute(aPoints);
    QPolygonF polygon;

    if (!svgPoints.isNull()) {
        QStringList ts = svgPoints.split(QLatin1Char(' '),

        foreach(const QString sPoint, ts) {
            QStringList sCoord = sPoint.split(QLatin1Char(','), QString::SkipEmptyParts);
            if (sCoord.size() == 2) {
                QPointF point;
                polygon << point;
            else if (sCoord.size() == 4){
                //This is the case on system were the "," is used to seperate decimal
                QPointF point;
                QString x = sCoord.at(0) + "." + sCoord.at(1);
                QString y = sCoord.at(2) + "." + sCoord.at(3);
                polygon << point;
            else {
                qWarning() << "cannot make sense of a 'point' value" << sCoord;

    //bounding rect lef top corner coordinates
    qreal x1 = polygon.boundingRect().topLeft().x();
    qreal y1 = polygon.boundingRect().topLeft().y();
    //bounding rect dimensions
    qreal width = polygon.boundingRect().width();
    qreal height = polygon.boundingRect().height();

    QString strokeColorText = element.attribute(aStroke);
    QString strokeWidthText = element.attribute(aStrokewidth);

    QColor strokeColor = !strokeColorText.isEmpty() ? colorFromString(strokeColorText) : QColor();
    int strokeWidth = strokeWidthText.toDouble();

    width += strokeWidth;
    height += strokeWidth;

    QPen pen;

    QSvgGenerator *generator = createSvgGenerator(width + pen.width(), height + pen.width());
    QPainter painter;

    painter.begin(generator); //drawing to svg tmp file

    painter.translate(pen.widthF()/2 - x1, pen.widthF()/2- y1);


    //add resulting svg file to scene
    UBGraphicsSvgItem *svgItem = mCurrentScene->addSvg(QUrl::fromLocalFile(generator->fileName()));
    QTransform transform;
    QString textTransform = element.attribute(aTransform);

    if (!textTransform.isNull()) {
        transform = transformFromString(textTransform, svgItem);
    repositionSvgItem(svgItem, width +strokeWidth, height + strokeWidth, x1 + transform.m31() - strokeWidth/2, y1 + transform.m32() + strokeWidth/2, transform);
    hashSceneItem(element, svgItem);

    delete generator;

    return true;
void UBCFFSubsetAdaptor::UBCFFSubsetReader::parseTextAttributes(const QDomElement &element,
                                                                qreal &fontSize, QColor &fontColor, QString &fontFamily,
                                                                QString &fontStretch, bool &italic, int &fontWeight,
                                                                int &textAlign, QTransform &fontTransform)
    //consider inch has 72 liens
    //since svg font size is given in pixels, divide it by pixels per line
    QString fontSz = element.attribute(aFontSize);
    if (!fontSz.isNull()) fontSize = fontSz.toDouble() * 72 / QApplication::desktop()->physicalDpiY();

    QString fontColorText = element.attribute(aFill);
    if (!fontColorText.isNull()) fontColor = colorFromString(fontColorText);

    QString fontFamilyText = element.attribute(aFontfamily);
    if (!fontFamilyText.isNull()) fontFamily = fontFamilyText;

    QString fontStretchText = element.attribute(aFontstretch);
    if (!fontStretchText.isNull()) fontStretch = fontStretchText;

    if (!element.attribute(aFontstyle).isNull())
        italic = (element.attribute(aFontstyle) == "italic");

    QString weight = element.attribute(aFontweight);
    if (!weight.isNull()) {
        if      (weight == "normal")   fontWeight = QFont::Normal;
        else if (weight == "light")    fontWeight = QFont::Light;
        else if (weight == "demibold") fontWeight = QFont::DemiBold;
        else if (weight == "bold")     fontWeight = QFont::Bold;
        else if (weight == "black")    fontWeight = QFont::Black;
    QString align = element.attribute(aTextalign);
    if (!align.isNull()) {
        if      (align == "middle" || align == "center") textAlign = Qt::AlignHCenter;
        else if (align == "start")                       textAlign = Qt::AlignLeft;
        else if (align == "end")                         textAlign = Qt::AlignRight;

    if (!element.attribute(aTransform).isNull())
        fontTransform = transformFromString(element.attribute(aTransform));
void UBCFFSubsetAdaptor::UBCFFSubsetReader::readTextBlockAttr(const QDomElement &element, QTextBlockFormat &format)
    QString fontStretchText = element.attribute(aFontstretch);
    if (!fontStretchText.isNull()) format.setAlignment(Qt::AlignJustify);

    QString align = element.attribute(aTextalign);
    if (!align.isNull()) {
        if      (align == "middle" || align == "center") format.setAlignment(Qt::AlignHCenter);
        else if (align == "start")                       format.setAlignment(Qt::AlignLeft);
        else if (align == "end")                         format.setAlignment(Qt::AlignRight);
        else if (align == "justify")                     format.setAlignment(Qt::AlignJustify);
void UBCFFSubsetAdaptor::UBCFFSubsetReader::readTextCharAttr(const QDomElement &element, QTextCharFormat &format)
    QString fontSz = element.attribute(aFontSize);
    if (!fontSz.isNull()) {
        qreal fontSize = fontSz.toDouble() * 72 / QApplication::desktop()->physicalDpiY();
    QString fontColorText = element.attribute(aFill);
    if (!fontColorText.isNull()) {
        QColor fontColor = colorFromString(fontColorText);
        if (fontColor.isValid()) format.setForeground(fontColor);
    QString fontFamilyText = element.attribute(aFontfamily);
    if (!fontFamilyText.isNull()) {
    if (!element.attribute(aFontstyle).isNull()) {
        bool italic = (element.attribute(aFontstyle) == "italic");
    QString weight = element.attribute(aFontweight);
    if (!weight.isNull())  {
        if      (weight == "normal")   format.setFontWeight(QFont::Normal);
        else if (weight == "light")    format.setFontWeight(QFont::Light);
        else if (weight == "demibold") format.setFontWeight(QFont::DemiBold);
        else if (weight == "bold")     format.setFontWeight(QFont::Bold);
        else if (weight == "black")    format.setFontWeight(QFont::Black);

bool UBCFFSubsetAdaptor::UBCFFSubsetReader::parseSvgText(const QDomElement &element)
    qreal x = element.attribute(aX).toDouble();
    qreal y = element.attribute(aY).toDouble();
    qreal width = element.attribute(aWidth).toDouble();
    qreal height = element.attribute(aHeight).toDouble();

    qreal fontSize = 12;
    QColor fontColor(qApp->palette().foreground().color());
    QString fontFamily = "Arial";
    QString fontStretch = "normal";
    bool italic = false;
    int fontWeight = QFont::Normal;
    int textAlign = Qt::AlignLeft;
    QTransform fontTransform;
    parseTextAttributes(element, fontSize, fontColor, fontFamily, fontStretch, italic, fontWeight, textAlign, fontTransform);

    QFont startFont(fontFamily, fontSize, fontWeight, italic);
    height = QFontMetrics(startFont).height();
    width = QFontMetrics(startFont).width(element.text()) + 5;

    QSvgGenerator *generator = createSvgGenerator(width, height);
    QPainter painter;

    qreal curY = 0.0;
    qreal curX = 0.0;
    qreal linespacing = QFontMetricsF(painter.font()).leading();

//    remember if text area has transform
//    QString transformString;
    QTransform transform = fontTransform;

    QRectF lastDrawnTextBoundingRect;
    //parse text area tags

    //recursive call any tspan in text svg element
    parseTSpan(element, painter
               , curX, curY, width, height, linespacing, lastDrawnTextBoundingRect
               , fontSize, fontColor, fontFamily, fontStretch, italic, fontWeight, textAlign, fontTransform);


    //add resulting svg file to scene
    UBGraphicsSvgItem *svgItem = mCurrentScene->addSvg(QUrl::fromLocalFile(generator->fileName()));

    repositionSvgItem(svgItem, width, height, x + transform.m31(), y + transform.m32(), transform);
    hashSceneItem(element, svgItem);

    delete generator;
    return true;

void UBCFFSubsetAdaptor::UBCFFSubsetReader::parseTSpan(const QDomElement &parent, QPainter &painter
                , qreal &curX, qreal &curY, qreal &width, qreal &height, qreal &linespacing, QRectF &lastDrawnTextBoundingRect
                , qreal &fontSize, QColor &fontColor, QString &fontFamily, QString &fontStretch, bool &italic
                , int &fontWeight, int &textAlign, QTransform &fontTransform)
    QDomNode curNode = parent.firstChild();
    while (!curNode.isNull()) {
        if (curNode.toElement().tagName() == tTspan) {
            QDomElement curTSpan = curNode.toElement();
            parseTextAttributes(curTSpan, fontSize, fontColor, fontFamily, fontStretch, italic
                                , fontWeight, textAlign, fontTransform);
            painter.setFont(QFont(fontFamily, fontSize, fontWeight, italic));
            linespacing = QFontMetricsF(painter.font()).leading();
            parseTSpan(curTSpan, painter
                       , curX, curY, width, height, linespacing, lastDrawnTextBoundingRect
                       , fontSize, fontColor, fontFamily, fontStretch, italic, fontWeight, textAlign, fontTransform);
        } else if (curNode.nodeType() == QDomNode::CharacterDataNode
                   || curNode.nodeType() == QDomNode::CDATASectionNode
                   || curNode.nodeType() == QDomNode::TextNode) {

            QDomCharacterData textData = curNode.toCharacterData();
            QString text = textData.data().trimmed();
//            width = painter.fontMetrics().width(text);
            //get bounding rect to obtain desired text height
            lastDrawnTextBoundingRect = painter.boundingRect(QRectF(curX, curY, width, height - curY), textAlign|Qt::TextWordWrap, text);
            painter.drawText(curX, curY, width, lastDrawnTextBoundingRect.height(), textAlign|Qt::TextWordWrap, text);
            curX += lastDrawnTextBoundingRect.x() + lastDrawnTextBoundingRect.width();
        } else if (curNode.nodeType() == QDomNode::ElementNode
                   && curNode.toElement().tagName() == tBreak) {

            curY += lastDrawnTextBoundingRect.height() + linespacing;
            curX = 0.0;
            lastDrawnTextBoundingRect = QRectF(0,0,0,0);
        curNode = curNode.nextSibling();
void UBCFFSubsetAdaptor::UBCFFSubsetReader::parseTSpan(const QDomElement &element, QTextCursor &cursor
                                                       , QTextBlockFormat &blockFormat, QTextCharFormat &charFormat)
    QDomNode curNode = element.firstChild();
    while (!curNode.isNull()) {
        if (curNode.toElement().tagName() == tTspan) {
            QDomElement curTspan = curNode.toElement();
            readTextBlockAttr(curTspan, blockFormat);
            readTextCharAttr(curTspan, charFormat);
            parseTSpan(curTspan, cursor, blockFormat, charFormat);

        } else if (curNode.nodeType() == QDomNode::CharacterDataNode
                   || curNode.nodeType() == QDomNode::CDATASectionNode
                   || curNode.nodeType() == QDomNode::TextNode) {

            QDomCharacterData textData = curNode.toCharacterData();
            QString text = textData.data().trimmed();
            cursor.insertText(text, charFormat);

        } else if (curNode.nodeType() == QDomNode::ElementNode
                   && curNode.toElement().tagName() == tBreak) {
        curNode = curNode.nextSibling();

bool UBCFFSubsetAdaptor::UBCFFSubsetReader::parseSvgTextarea(const QDomElement &element)
    qreal x = element.attribute(aX).toDouble();
    qreal y = element.attribute(aY).toDouble();
    qreal width = element.attribute(aWidth).toDouble();
    qreal height = element.attribute(aHeight).toDouble();

    QTextBlockFormat blockFormat;

    QTextCharFormat textFormat;
    textFormat.setFontPointSize(12 * 72 / QApplication::desktop()->physicalDpiY());

    readTextBlockAttr(element, blockFormat);
    readTextCharAttr(element, textFormat);

    QTextDocument doc;
    QTextCursor tCursor(&doc);

    parseTSpan(element, tCursor, blockFormat, textFormat);

    UBGraphicsTextItem *svgItem = mCurrentScene->addTextHtml(doc.toHtml());
    svgItem->resize(width, height);

    QTransform transform;
    QString textTransform = element.attribute(aTransform);

    if (!textTransform.isNull()) {
        transform = transformFromString(textTransform, svgItem);

    //by default all the textAreas are not editable
    UBGraphicsTextItemDelegate *curDelegate = dynamic_cast<UBGraphicsTextItemDelegate*>(svgItem->Delegate());
    if (curDelegate) {

    repositionSvgItem(svgItem, width, height, x + transform.m31(), y + transform.m32(), transform);
    hashSceneItem(element, svgItem);

    return true;
bool UBCFFSubsetAdaptor::UBCFFSubsetReader::parseSvgImage(const QDomElement &element)
    qreal x = element.attribute(aX).toDouble();
    qreal y = element.attribute(aY).toDouble();
    qreal width = element.attribute(aWidth).toDouble();
    qreal height = element.attribute(aHeight).toDouble();

    QString itemRefPath = element.attribute(aHref);

    QPixmap pix;
    if (!itemRefPath.isNull()) {
        QString imagePath = pwdContent + "/" + itemRefPath;
        if (!QFile::exists(imagePath)) {
            qDebug() << "can't load file" << pwdContent + "/" + itemRefPath << "maybe file corrupted";
            return false;
        } else {
//            qDebug() << "size of file" << itemRefPath << QFileInfo(itemRefPath).size();
        if (pix.isNull()) {
            qDebug() << "can't create pixmap for file" << pwdContent + "/" + itemRefPath << "maybe format does not supported";

   UBGraphicsPixmapItem *pixItem = mCurrentScene->addPixmap(pix, NULL);
   QTransform transform;
   QString textTransform = element.attribute(aTransform);

   if (!textTransform.isNull()) {
       transform = transformFromString(textTransform, pixItem);
   repositionSvgItem(pixItem, width, height, x + transform.m31(), y + transform.m32(), transform);
   hashSceneItem(element, pixItem);

   return true;
bool UBCFFSubsetAdaptor::UBCFFSubsetReader::parseSvgFlash(const QDomElement &element)
    QString itemRefPath = element.attribute(aHref);

    qreal x = element.attribute(aX).toDouble();
    qreal y = element.attribute(aY).toDouble();
    qreal width = element.attribute(aWidth).toDouble();
    qreal height = element.attribute(aHeight).toDouble();

    QUrl urlPath;
    QString flashPath;
    if (!itemRefPath.isNull()) {
        flashPath = pwdContent + "/" + itemRefPath;
        if (!QFile::exists(flashPath)) {
            qDebug() << "can't load file" << pwdContent + "/" + itemRefPath << "maybe file corrupted";
            return false;
        urlPath = QUrl::fromLocalFile(flashPath);
    QDir tmpFlashDir(mTmpFlashDir);
    if (!tmpFlashDir.exists()) {
        qDebug() << "Can't create temporary directory to put flash";
        return false;

    QString flashUrl = UBW3CWidget::createNPAPIWrapperInDir(flashPath, tmpFlashDir, "application/x-shockwave-flash"
                                                            ,QSize(mCurrentSceneRect.width(), mCurrentSceneRect.height()));
    UBGraphicsWidgetItem *flashItem = mCurrentScene->addW3CWidget(QUrl::fromLocalFile(flashUrl));

    QTransform transform;
    QString textTransform = element.attribute(aTransform);

    if (!textTransform.isNull()) {
        transform = transformFromString(textTransform, flashItem);
    repositionSvgItem(flashItem, width, height, x + transform.m31(), y + transform.m32(), transform);
    hashSceneItem(element, flashItem);

    return true;

bool UBCFFSubsetAdaptor::UBCFFSubsetReader::parseSvgAudio(const QDomElement &element)
    QDomElement parentOfAudio = element.firstChild().toElement();
    qreal x = parentOfAudio.attribute(aX).toDouble();
    qreal y = parentOfAudio.attribute(aY).toDouble();

    QString itemRefPath = element.attribute(aHref);

    QUrl concreteUrl;
    if (!itemRefPath.isNull()) {
        QString audioPath = pwdContent + "/" + itemRefPath;
        if (!QFile::exists(audioPath)) {
            qDebug() << "can't load file" << pwdContent + "/" + itemRefPath << "maybe file corrupted";
            return false;
        concreteUrl = QUrl::fromLocalFile(audioPath);

    QUuid uuid = QUuid::createUuid();

    concreteUrl = QUrl::fromLocalFile(UBPersistenceManager::persistenceManager()
        ->addAudioFileToDocument(mCurrentScene->document(), concreteUrl.toLocalFile(), uuid));
    UBGraphicsMediaItem *audioItem = mCurrentScene->addAudio(concreteUrl, false);
    QTransform transform;
    QString textTransform = parentOfAudio.attribute(aTransform);

    if (!textTransform.isNull()) {
        transform = transformFromString(textTransform, audioItem);
    repositionSvgItem(audioItem, audioItem->boundingRect().width(), audioItem->boundingRect().height(), x + transform.m31(), y + transform.m32(), transform);
    hashSceneItem(element, audioItem);

    return true;
bool UBCFFSubsetAdaptor::UBCFFSubsetReader::parseSvgVideo(const QDomElement &element)
    QString itemRefPath = element.attribute(aHref);
    if (itemRefPath.startsWith(tFlash + "/") && itemRefPath.endsWith(".swf")) {
        if (parseSvgFlash(element)) return true;
        else return false;
    qreal x = element.attribute(aX).toDouble();
    qreal y = element.attribute(aY).toDouble();

    QUrl concreteUrl;
    if (!itemRefPath.isNull()) {
        QString videoPath = pwdContent + "/" + itemRefPath;
        if (!QFile::exists(videoPath)) {
            qDebug() << "can't load file" << pwdContent + "/" + itemRefPath << "maybe file corrupted";
            return false;
        concreteUrl = QUrl::fromLocalFile(videoPath);

    QUuid uuid = QUuid::createUuid();

    concreteUrl = QUrl::fromLocalFile(UBPersistenceManager::persistenceManager()
        ->addVideoFileToDocument(mCurrentScene->document(), concreteUrl.toLocalFile(), uuid));

    UBGraphicsMediaItem *videoItem = mCurrentScene->addVideo(concreteUrl, false);
    QTransform transform;
    QString textTransform = element.attribute(aTransform);

    if (!textTransform.isNull()) {
        transform = transformFromString(textTransform, videoItem);
    repositionSvgItem(videoItem, videoItem->boundingRect().width(), videoItem->boundingRect().height(), x + transform.m31(), y + transform.m32(), transform);
    hashSceneItem(element, videoItem);

    return true;

void UBCFFSubsetAdaptor::UBCFFSubsetReader::parseSvgSectionAttr(const QDomElement &svgSection)
    mSize = QSize(svgSection.attribute(aWidth).toInt(),

void UBCFFSubsetAdaptor::UBCFFSubsetReader::hashSceneItem(const QDomElement &element, UBGraphicsItem *item)
//    adding element pointer to hash to refer if needed
    QString key = element.attribute(aId);
    if (!key.isNull()) {
        persistedItems.insert(key, item);

bool UBCFFSubsetAdaptor::UBCFFSubsetReader::parseSvgElement(const QDomElement &parent)
    QString tagName = parent.tagName();
    if (parent.namespaceURI() != svgNS) {
        qDebug() << "Incorrect namespace, error at content file, line number" << parent.lineNumber();
        return false;

    if      (tagName == tG          &&  !parseGSection(parent))             return false;
    else if (tagName == tSwitch     &&  !parseSvgSwitchSection(parent))     return false;
    else if (tagName == tRect       &&  !parseSvgRect(parent))              return false;    
    else if (tagName == tEllipse    &&  !parseSvgEllipse(parent))           return false;
    else if (tagName == tPolygon    &&  !parseSvgPolygon(parent))           return false;
    else if (tagName == tPolyline   &&  !parseSvgPolyline(parent))          return false;
    else if (tagName == tText       &&  !parseSvgText(parent))              return false;
    else if (tagName == tTextarea   &&  !parseSvgTextarea(parent))          return false;
    else if (tagName == tImage      &&  !parseSvgImage(parent))             return false;
    else if (tagName == tFlash      &&  !parseSvgFlash(parent))             return false;
    else if (tagName == tAudio      &&  !parseSvgAudio(parent))             return false;
    else if (tagName == tVideo      &&  !parseSvgVideo(parent))             return false;

    return true;

bool UBCFFSubsetAdaptor::UBCFFSubsetReader::parseSvgPage(const QDomElement &parent)
    QDomElement currentSvgElement = parent.firstChildElement();
    while (!currentSvgElement.isNull()) {
        if (!parseSvgElement(currentSvgElement))
            return false;

        currentSvgElement = currentSvgElement.nextSiblingElement();

    return true;
bool UBCFFSubsetAdaptor::UBCFFSubsetReader::parseSvgPageset(const QDomElement &parent)
    QDomElement currentPage = parent.firstChildElement(tPage);
    while (!currentPage.isNull()) {
        if (!parseSvgPage(currentPage))
            return false;
        currentPage = currentPage.nextSiblingElement(tPage);
    return true;

bool UBCFFSubsetAdaptor::UBCFFSubsetReader::parseIwbMeta(const QDomElement &element)
    if (element.namespaceURI() != iwbNS) {
        qDebug() << "incorrect meta namespace, incorrect document";
        return false;

    return true;
bool UBCFFSubsetAdaptor::UBCFFSubsetReader::parseSvg(const QDomElement &svgSection)
    if (svgSection.namespaceURI() != svgNS) {
        qDebug() << "incorrect svg namespace, incorrect document";
        return false;

    QDomElement currentSvg = svgSection.firstChildElement();

    if (currentSvg.tagName() != tPageset) {
    } else if (currentSvg.tagName() == tPageset){

    return true;

bool UBCFFSubsetAdaptor::UBCFFSubsetReader::parseIwbGroup(QDomElement &parent)
    //TODO. Create groups from elements parsed by parseIwbElement() function
    if (parent.namespaceURI() != iwbNS) {
        qDebug() << "incorrect iwb group namespace, incorrect document";
        return false;

    return true;

bool UBCFFSubsetAdaptor::UBCFFSubsetReader::strToBool(QString str)
    return str == "true";

bool UBCFFSubsetAdaptor::UBCFFSubsetReader::parseIwbElement(QDomElement &element)
    if (element.namespaceURI() != iwbNS) {
        qDebug() << "incorrect iwb element namespace, incorrect document";
        return false;

    bool locked = false;
    bool isEditableItem = false;
    bool isEditable = false; //Text items to convert to UBGraphicsTextItem only

    QString IDRef = element.attribute(aRef);
    if (!IDRef.isNull()) {
        element.hasAttribute(aBackground) ? strToBool(element.attribute(aBackground)) : false;
        locked = element.hasAttribute(aBackground) ? strToBool(element.attribute(aBackground)) : false;
        isEditableItem = element.hasAttribute(aEditable);
        if (isEditableItem)
            isEditable = strToBool(element.attribute(aEditable));

        UBGraphicsItem *referedItem(0);
        QHash<QString, UBGraphicsItem*>::iterator iReferedItem;
        iReferedItem = persistedItems.find(IDRef);
        if (iReferedItem != persistedItems.end()) {
            referedItem = *iReferedItem;
        if (isEditableItem) {
            UBGraphicsTextItemDelegate *textDelegate = dynamic_cast<UBGraphicsTextItemDelegate*>(referedItem->Delegate());
            if (textDelegate) {

    return true;
bool UBCFFSubsetAdaptor::UBCFFSubsetReader::parseDoc()
    QDomElement currentTopElement = mDOMdoc.documentElement().firstChildElement();
    while (!currentTopElement.isNull()) {
        QString tagName = currentTopElement.tagName();
        if      (tagName == tMeta       && !parseIwbMeta(currentTopElement))    return false;
        else if (tagName == tSvg        && !parseSvg(currentTopElement))        return false;
        else if (tagName == tGroup      && !parseIwbGroup(currentTopElement))   return false;
        else if (tagName == tElement    && !parseIwbElement(currentTopElement)) return false;

        currentTopElement = currentTopElement.nextSiblingElement();
    if (!persistScenes()) return false;

    return true;

void UBCFFSubsetAdaptor::UBCFFSubsetReader::repositionSvgItem(QGraphicsItem *item, qreal width, qreal height,
                                                              qreal x, qreal y,
                                                              QTransform &transform)
    //First using viebox coordinates, then translate them to scene coordinates

    QRectF itemBounds = item->boundingRect();

    qreal xScale = width  / itemBounds.width();
    qreal yScale = height / itemBounds.height();

    qreal fullScaleX = mVBTransFactor * xScale;
    qreal fullScaleY = mVBTransFactor * yScale;

    QPointF oldVector((x - transform.dx()), (y - transform.dy()));
    QTransform rTransform;
    QPointF newVector = rTransform.map(oldVector);

    QRectF sr = mCurrentScene->sceneRect();
    QRectF sr1 = mCurrentSceneRect;
    QRectF sr2 = mCurrentScene->normalizedSceneRect();

    QTransform tr = item->sceneTransform();
    item->setTransform(rTransform.scale(fullScaleX, fullScaleY), true);
    tr = item->sceneTransform();
    QPoint pos ((int)((x + mShiftVector.x() + (newVector - oldVector).x()) * mVBTransFactor), (int)((y +mShiftVector.y() + (newVector - oldVector).y()) * mVBTransFactor));

bool UBCFFSubsetAdaptor::UBCFFSubsetReader::createNewScene()
    mCurrentScene = UBPersistenceManager::persistenceManager()->createDocumentSceneAt(mProxy, mProxy->pageCount());
    if ((mCurrentScene->sceneRect().topLeft().x() >= 0) || (mCurrentScene->sceneRect().topLeft().y() >= 0)) {
        mShiftVector = -mViewBox.center();
    mCurrentSceneRect = mViewBox;
    mVBTransFactor = qMin(mCurrentScene->normalizedSceneRect().width()  / mViewPort.width(),
                          mCurrentScene->normalizedSceneRect().height() / mViewPort.height());
    return true;

bool UBCFFSubsetAdaptor::UBCFFSubsetReader::persistCurrentScene()
    if (mCurrentScene != 0 && mCurrentScene->isModified())
        UBThumbnailAdaptor::persistScene(mProxy->persistencePath(), mCurrentScene, mProxy->pageCount() - 1);
        UBSvgSubsetAdaptor::persistScene(mProxy, mCurrentScene, mProxy->pageCount() - 1);

        mCurrentScene = 0;
    return true;
bool UBCFFSubsetAdaptor::UBCFFSubsetReader::persistScenes()
    if (!mProxy->pageCount()) {
        qDebug() << "No pages created";
        return false;
    for (int i = 0; i < mProxy->pageCount(); i++) {
        mCurrentScene = UBPersistenceManager::persistenceManager()->getDocumentScene(mProxy, i);
        if (!mCurrentScene) {
            qDebug() << "can't allocate scene, loading failed";
            return false;

        UBSvgSubsetAdaptor::persistScene(mProxy, mCurrentScene, i);
        UBGraphicsScene *tmpScene = UBSvgSubsetAdaptor::loadScene(mProxy, i);
        UBThumbnailAdaptor::persistScene(mProxy->persistencePath(), tmpScene, i);
        delete tmpScene;


    return true;

QColor UBCFFSubsetAdaptor::UBCFFSubsetReader::colorFromString(const QString& clrString)
    //init regexp with pattern
    //pattern corresponds to strings like 'rgb(1,2,3) or rgb(10%,20%,30%)'
    QRegExp regexp("rgb\\(([0-9]+%{0,1}),([0-9]+%{0,1}),([0-9]+%{0,1})\\)");
    if (regexp.exactMatch(clrString))
        if (regexp.capturedTexts().count() == 4 && regexp.capturedTexts().at(0).length() == clrString.length())
            int r = regexp.capturedTexts().at(1).toInt();
            if (regexp.capturedTexts().at(1).indexOf("%") != -1)
                r = r * 255 / 100;
            int g = regexp.capturedTexts().at(2).toInt();
            if (regexp.capturedTexts().at(2).indexOf("%") != -1)
                g = g * 255 / 100;
            int b = regexp.capturedTexts().at(3).toInt();
            if (regexp.capturedTexts().at(3).indexOf("%") != -1)
                b = b * 255 / 100;
            return QColor(r, g, b);
            return QColor();
        return QColor(clrString);

QTransform UBCFFSubsetAdaptor::UBCFFSubsetReader::transformFromString(const QString trString, QGraphicsItem *item)
    qreal dxr = 0.0;
    qreal dyr = 0.0;
    qreal dx = 0.0;
    qreal dy = 0.0;
    qreal angle = 0.0;
    QTransform tr;

    foreach(QString trStr, trString.split(" ", QString::SkipEmptyParts))
        //check pattern for strings like 'rotate(10)'
        QRegExp regexp("rotate\\( *([-+]{0,1}[0-9]*\\.{0,1}[0-9]*) *\\)");
        if (regexp.exactMatch(trStr)) {
            angle = regexp.capturedTexts().at(1).toDouble();
            if (item)
                item->setTransformOriginPoint(QPointF(0, 0));
        //check pattern for strings like 'rotate(10,20,20)' or 'rotate(10.1,10.2,34.2)'
        regexp.setPattern("rotate\\( *([-+]{0,1}[0-9]*\\.{0,1}[0-9]*) *, *([-+]{0,1}[0-9]*\\.{0,1}[0-9]*) *, *([-+]{0,1}[0-9]*\\.{0,1}[0-9]*) *\\)");
        if (regexp.exactMatch(trStr)) {
            angle = regexp.capturedTexts().at(1).toDouble();
            dxr = regexp.capturedTexts().at(2).toDouble();
            dyr = regexp.capturedTexts().at(3).toDouble();
            if (item)
                item->setTransformOriginPoint(QPointF(dxr, dyr)-item->pos());

        //check pattern for strings like 'translate(11.0, 12.34)'
        regexp.setPattern("translate\\( *([-+]{0,1}[0-9]*\\.{0,1}[0-9]*) *,*([-+]{0,1}[0-9]*\\.{0,1}[0-9]*)*\\)");
        if (regexp.exactMatch(trStr)) {
            dx = regexp.capturedTexts().at(1).toDouble();
            dy = regexp.capturedTexts().at(2).toDouble();
    return tr;

bool UBCFFSubsetAdaptor::UBCFFSubsetReader::getViewBoxDimenstions(const QString& viewBox)
    QStringList capturedTexts = viewBox.split(" ", QString::SkipEmptyParts);
    if (capturedTexts.count())
        if (4 == capturedTexts.count())
            mViewBox = QRectF(capturedTexts.at(0).toDouble(), capturedTexts.at(1).toDouble(), capturedTexts.at(2).toDouble(), capturedTexts.at(3).toDouble());
            mViewPort = mViewBox;
            mViewPort.translate(- mViewPort.center());
            mViewBoxCenter.setX(mViewBox.width() / 2);
            mViewBoxCenter.setY(mViewBox.height() / 2);

            return true;

    mViewBox = QRectF(0, 0, 1000, 1000);
    mViewBoxCenter = QPointF(500, 500);
    return false;

QSvgGenerator* UBCFFSubsetAdaptor::UBCFFSubsetReader::createSvgGenerator(qreal width, qreal height)
    QSvgGenerator* generator = new QSvgGenerator();
//    qWarning() << QString("Making generator with file %1, size (%2, %3) and viewbox (%4 %5 %6 %7)").arg(mTempFilePath)
//        .arg(width).arg(height).arg(0.0).arg(0.0).arg(width).arg(width);
    generator->setSize(QSize(width, height));
    generator->setViewBox(QRectF(0, 0, width, height));

    return generator;

bool UBCFFSubsetAdaptor::UBCFFSubsetReader::getTempFileName()
    int tmpNumber = 0;
    QDir rootDir;
    while (true)
        mTempFilePath = QString("%1/sanksvg%2.%3")
        if (!QFile::exists(mTempFilePath))
            return true;
        if (tmpNumber == 100000)
            qWarning() << "Import failed. Failed to create temporary file for svg objects";
            return false;
bool UBCFFSubsetAdaptor::UBCFFSubsetReader::createTempFlashPath()
    int tmpNumber = 0;
    QDir systemTmp = QDir::temp();

    while (true) {
        QString dirName = QString("SankTmpFlash%1.%2")
        if (!systemTmp.exists(dirName)) {
            if (systemTmp.mkdir(dirName)) {
                mTmpFlashDir = QDir(systemTmp.absolutePath() + "/" + dirName);
                return true;
            } else {
                qDebug() << "Can't create temporary dir maybe due to permissions";
                return false;
        } else if (tmpNumber == 1000) {
            qWarning() << "Import failed. Failed to create temporary file for svg objects";
            return false;

    return true;
//    QList<int> pages;
//    for (int i = 0; i < mProxy->pageCount(); i++) {
//        pages << i;
//    }
//    UBPersistenceManager::persistenceManager()->deleteDocumentScenes(mProxy, pages);