/* * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. */ #include <QIcon> #include <QSize> #include <QDebug> #include "UBLibWidget.h" #include "UBLibActionBar.h" #include "core/UBApplication.h" #include "core/memcheck.h" /** * \brief Constructor * @param parent as the parent widget * @param name as the object name */ UBLibActionBar::UBLibActionBar(QWidget *parent, const char *name):QWidget(parent) , mCrntButtonSet(eButtonSet_Default) , mPreviousButtonSet(eButtonSet_Default) , mButtonGroup(NULL) , mSearchBar(NULL) , mLayout(NULL) , mpFavoriteAction(NULL) , mpSocialAction(NULL) , mpDeleteAction(NULL) , mpSearchAction(NULL) , mpCloseAction(NULL) , mpRemoveFavorite(NULL) , mpNewFolderAction(NULL) , mpFavoriteBtn(NULL) , mpSocialBtn(NULL) , mpDeleteBtn(NULL) , mpSearchBtn(NULL) , mpCloseBtn(NULL) , mpRemoveFavoriteBtn(NULL) , mpNewFolderBtn(NULL) , bFavorite(false) , bIsInTrash(false) { setObjectName(name); setStyleSheet(QString("background: #EEEEEE; border-radius : 10px; border : 2px solid #999999;")); setAcceptDrops(true); mButtonGroup = new QButtonGroup(this); mSearchBar = new QLineEdit(this); mSearchBar->setStyleSheet(QString("background-color:white; border-radius : 10px; padding : 2px;")); connect(mSearchBar, SIGNAL(returnPressed()), this, SLOT(onActionSearch())); mLayout = new QHBoxLayout(); setLayout(mLayout); setMaximumHeight(ACTIONBAR_HEIGHT); // Create the actions mpFavoriteAction = new QAction(QIcon(":/images/libpalette/miniFavorite.png"), tr("Add to favorites"), this); mpSocialAction = new QAction(QIcon(":/images/libpalette/social.png"), tr("Share"), this); mpSearchAction = new QAction(QIcon(":/images/libpalette/miniSearch.png"), tr("Search"), this); mpDeleteAction = new QAction(QIcon(":/images/libpalette/miniTrash.png"), tr("Delete"), this); mpCloseAction = new QAction(QIcon(":/images/close.svg"), tr("Back to folder"), this); mpRemoveFavorite = new QAction(QIcon(":/images/libpalette/trash_favorite.svg"), tr("Remove from favorites"), this); mpNewFolderAction = new QAction(QIcon(":/images/libpalette/miniNewFolder.png"), tr("Create new folder"), this); // Create the buttons mpFavoriteBtn = new UBActionButton(this, mpFavoriteAction); mpSocialBtn = new UBActionButton(this, mpSocialAction); mpSearchBtn = new UBActionButton(this, mpSearchAction); mpDeleteBtn = new UBActionButton(this, mpDeleteAction); mpCloseBtn = new UBActionButton(this, mpCloseAction); mpRemoveFavoriteBtn = new UBActionButton(this, mpRemoveFavorite); mpNewFolderBtn = new UBActionButton(this, mpNewFolderAction); // Initialize the buttons mpSearchBtn->setEnabled(false); mpNewFolderBtn->setEnabled(false); // Add the buttons to the button group mButtonGroup->addButton(mpFavoriteBtn); mButtonGroup->addButton(mpSocialBtn); mButtonGroup->addButton(mpSearchBtn); mButtonGroup->addButton(mpDeleteBtn); mButtonGroup->addButton(mpCloseBtn); mButtonGroup->addButton(mpRemoveFavoriteBtn); mButtonGroup->addButton(mpNewFolderBtn); // Connect signals & slots connect(mpFavoriteAction,SIGNAL(triggered()), this, SLOT(onActionFavorite())); connect(mpSocialAction,SIGNAL(triggered()), this, SLOT(onActionSocial())); connect(mpSearchAction,SIGNAL(triggered()), this, SLOT(onActionSearch())); connect(mpDeleteAction,SIGNAL(triggered()), this, SLOT(onActionTrash())); connect(mpCloseAction, SIGNAL(triggered()), this, SLOT(onActionClose())); connect(mpRemoveFavorite, SIGNAL(triggered()), this, SLOT(onActionRemoveFavorite())); connect(mSearchBar, SIGNAL(textChanged(QString)), this, SLOT(onSearchTextChanged(QString))); connect(mpNewFolderAction, SIGNAL(triggered()), this, SLOT(onActionNewFolder())); // Build the default toolbar mLayout->addWidget(mpFavoriteBtn); mLayout->addWidget(mpSocialBtn); mLayout->addWidget(mpNewFolderBtn); mLayout->addWidget(mSearchBar); mLayout->addWidget(mpSearchBtn); mLayout->addWidget(mpDeleteBtn); mLayout->addWidget(mpCloseBtn); mLayout->addWidget(mpRemoveFavoriteBtn); setButtons(eButtonSet_Default); } /** * \brief Destructor */ UBLibActionBar::~UBLibActionBar() { if(NULL != mpNewFolderAction) { delete mpNewFolderAction; mpNewFolderAction = NULL; } if(NULL != mpNewFolderBtn) { delete mpNewFolderBtn; mpNewFolderBtn = NULL; } if(NULL != mpRemoveFavorite) { delete mpRemoveFavorite; mpRemoveFavorite = NULL; } if(NULL != mpRemoveFavoriteBtn) { delete mpRemoveFavoriteBtn; mpRemoveFavoriteBtn = NULL; } if(NULL != mpCloseAction) { delete mpCloseAction; mpCloseAction = NULL; } if(NULL != mpDeleteAction) { delete mpDeleteAction; mpDeleteAction = NULL; } if(NULL != mpFavoriteAction) { delete mpFavoriteAction; mpFavoriteAction = NULL; } if(NULL != mpSearchAction) { delete mpSearchAction; mpSearchAction = NULL; } if(NULL != mpSocialAction) { delete mpSocialAction; mpSocialAction = NULL; } if(NULL != mpCloseBtn) { delete mpCloseBtn; mpCloseBtn = NULL; } if(NULL != mpDeleteBtn) { delete mpDeleteBtn; mpDeleteBtn = NULL; } if(NULL != mpFavoriteBtn) { delete mpFavoriteBtn; mpFavoriteBtn = NULL; } if(NULL != mpSearchBtn) { delete mpSearchBtn; mpSearchBtn = NULL; } if(NULL != mpSocialBtn) { delete mpSocialBtn; mpSocialBtn = NULL; } if(NULL != mButtonGroup) { delete mButtonGroup; mButtonGroup = NULL; } if(NULL != mSearchBar) { delete mSearchBar; mSearchBar = NULL; } if(NULL != mLayout) { delete mLayout; mLayout = NULL; } } /** * \brief Set the buttons of the action bar * @param setID as the button set */ void UBLibActionBar::setButtons(eButtonSet setID) { mPreviousButtonSet = mCrntButtonSet; mCrntButtonSet = setID; switch(setID) { case eButtonSet_Default: mpFavoriteBtn->show(); mpSocialBtn->hide(); mSearchBar->show(); mpSearchBtn->show(); mpDeleteBtn->show(); mpCloseBtn->hide(); mpRemoveFavoriteBtn->hide(); mpNewFolderBtn->show(); break; case eButtonSet_Properties: mpFavoriteBtn->show(); mpSocialBtn->hide(); mSearchBar->show(); mpSearchBtn->show(); mpDeleteBtn->hide(); mpCloseBtn->hide(); mpRemoveFavoriteBtn->hide(); mpNewFolderBtn->hide(); break; case eButtonSet_Favorite: mpFavoriteBtn->hide(); mpSocialBtn->hide(); mSearchBar->show(); mpSearchBtn->show(); mpDeleteBtn->hide(); mpCloseBtn->hide(); mpRemoveFavoriteBtn->show(); mpNewFolderBtn->hide(); break; default: break; } } /** * \brief (un)set the selected element to favorite */ void UBLibActionBar::onActionFavorite() { mpFavoriteBtn->setIcon(QIcon(":/images/libpalette/miniFavorite.png")); libraryController()->addToFavorite(mSelectedElements); } /** * \brief Handle the mouse enter event * @param event as the event */ void UBLibActionBar::enterEvent(QEvent *event) { Q_UNUSED(event); setCursor(Qt::ArrowCursor); } /** * \brief Handle the mouse leave event * @param event as the event */ void UBLibActionBar::leaveEvent(QEvent *event) { Q_UNUSED(event); unsetCursor(); } /** * \brief Perform the search */ void UBLibActionBar::onActionSearch() { emit searchElement(mSearchBar->text()); } /** * \brief Trigger the social action */ void UBLibActionBar::onActionSocial() { // To be implemented } /** * \brief Handles the close action */ void UBLibActionBar::onActionClose() { emit showFolderContent(); } /** * \brief Delete the selected element */ void UBLibActionBar::onActionTrash() { if(!bIsInTrash) { libraryController()->trashElements(mSelectedElements); } else { libraryController()->emptyElementsOnTrash(mSelectedElements); } emit deleteDone(); } /** * \brief Remove the selected favorite(s) */ void UBLibActionBar::onActionRemoveFavorite() { libraryController()->removeFromFavorite(mSelectedElements); emit deleteDone(); } /** * \brief Handles the selection change event * @param itemList as the list of selected items * @param isInTrash indicates if the current folder is the trash */ void UBLibActionBar::onSelectionChanged(QList<UBLibElement *> itemList, bool isInTrash) { bIsInTrash = isInTrash; mSelectedElements = itemList; bool bEnable = (itemList.count() != 0) ? true : false; if(mCrntButtonSet == eButtonSet_Favorite) { mpRemoveFavoriteBtn->setEnabled(bEnable); return; } mpFavoriteAction->setEnabled(bEnable); mpSocialAction->setEnabled(bEnable); mpDeleteAction->setEnabled(bEnable && libraryController()->canItemsOnElementBeDeleted(itemList.at(0))); } /** * \brief Get the library controller * @return a pointer on the library controller */ UBLibraryController* UBLibActionBar::libraryController() { UBLibWidget* libWidget = dynamic_cast<UBLibWidget*>(parentWidget()); return libWidget->libNavigator()->libraryWidget()->libraryController(); } /** * \brief Show the actions related to the Favorites folder */ void UBLibActionBar::onFavoritesEntered(bool bFav) { setButtons(bFav ? eButtonSet_Favorite : eButtonSet_Default); } /** * \brief Handles the drag enter event * @param event as the drag enter event */ void UBLibActionBar::dragEnterEvent(QDragEnterEvent *event) { event->acceptProposedAction(); } /** * \brief Handles the drag move event * @param event as the drag move event */ void UBLibActionBar::dragMoveEvent(QDragMoveEvent *event) { event->acceptProposedAction(); } /** * \brief Handles the drop event * @param event as the given drop event */ void UBLibActionBar::dropEvent(QDropEvent *event) { const QPoint droppedPoint = event->pos(); QWidget* pTargetW = widgetAtPos(droppedPoint); if(NULL != pTargetW) { if(mpFavoriteBtn == pTargetW) { onActionFavorite(); } else if(mpRemoveFavoriteBtn == pTargetW) { onActionRemoveFavorite(); } else if(mpDeleteBtn == pTargetW) { if(mpDeleteBtn->isEnabled()) { onActionTrash(); } } else if(mpSocialBtn == pTargetW) { onActionSocial(); } } event->acceptProposedAction(); } /** * \brief Get the widget at the given position * @param p as the given position * @return a pointer on the related QWidget */ QWidget* UBLibActionBar::widgetAtPos(const QPoint p) { Q_ASSERT(mpDeleteBtn != NULL); Q_ASSERT(mpFavoriteBtn != NULL); Q_ASSERT(mpRemoveFavoriteBtn != NULL); Q_ASSERT(mpSocialBtn != NULL); QList<UBActionButton*> qlBttns; qlBttns << mpFavoriteBtn; qlBttns << mpDeleteBtn; qlBttns << mpRemoveFavoriteBtn; qlBttns << mpSocialBtn; foreach(UBActionButton* bt, qlBttns) { if(bt->pos().x() <= p.x() && bt->pos().x() + bt->rect().width() >= p.x() && bt->pos().y() <= p.y() && bt->pos().y() + bt->rect().height() >= p.y()) { if(bt->isVisible()) { return bt; } } } // No interesting button has been found return NULL; } /** * \brief Handles the text changed event of the search bar */ void UBLibActionBar::onSearchTextChanged(QString txt) { Q_UNUSED(txt); onActionSearch(); } /** * \brief Add a new folder */ void UBLibActionBar::onActionNewFolder() { emit newFolderToCreate(); } /** * \brief Update the action bar elements * @param crntElem as the current element */ void UBLibActionBar::onNavigbarUpdate(UBLibElement *crntElem) { if(NULL != crntElem) { if(crntElem->type() == eUBLibElementType_Folder) { if(libraryController()->canItemsOnElementBeDeleted(crntElem) && !bIsInTrash) mpNewFolderBtn->setEnabled(true); else mpNewFolderBtn->setEnabled(false); } else { mpNewFolderBtn->setEnabled(false); } } } void UBLibActionBar::onItemChanged() { mSearchBar->setText(""); mpSearchBtn->setEnabled(false); } /** * \brief Construtor * @param parent as the parent widget * @param action as the related action * @param name as the related object name */ UBActionButton::UBActionButton(QWidget *parent, QAction* action, const char *name):QToolButton(parent) { setObjectName(name); addAction(action); setDefaultAction(action); setIconSize(QSize(BUTTON_SIZE, BUTTON_SIZE)); setToolButtonStyle(Qt::ToolButtonIconOnly); setStyleSheet(QString("QToolButton {color: white; font-weight: bold; font-family: Arial; background-color: transparent; border: none}")); setFocusPolicy(Qt::NoFocus); } /** * \brief Destructor */ UBActionButton::~UBActionButton() { }