/* * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. */ #include <QList> #include <QFileInfo> #include "UBLibraryWidget.h" #include "core/UBSettings.h" #include "core/UBSetting.h" #include "core/UBApplication.h" #include "board/UBBoardController.h" #include "board/UBLibraryController.h" #include "core/memcheck.h" /** * \brief Constructor * @param parent as the parent widget * @param name as the widget object name */ UBLibraryWidget::UBLibraryWidget(QWidget *parent, const char *name):UBThumbnailWidget(parent) , chainedElements(NULL) , mpCrntDir(NULL) , mpCrntElem(NULL) , mCrntPath("/") { setObjectName(name); setSpacing(5); setStyleSheet(QString("background: #EEEEEE; border-radius : 10px; border : 2px solid #999999;")); } /** * \brief Destructor */ UBLibraryWidget::~UBLibraryWidget() { // if(NULL != chainedElements) // { // delete chainedElements; // chainedElements = NULL; // } // if(NULL != mpCrntDir) // { // delete mpCrntDir; // mpCrntDir = NULL; // } // if(NULL != mpCrntElem) // { // delete mpCrntElem; // mpCrntElem = NULL; // } } /** * \brief Initialize the widget content */ void UBLibraryWidget::init() { setAcceptDrops(true); mpCrntElem = new UBLibElement(); mpCrntElem->setThumbnail(new QImage(":images/libpalette/home.png")); chainedElements = new UBChainedLibElement(mpCrntElem); QList<UBLibElement*> qlElems = libraryController()->getContent(mpCrntElem); mCurrentElems = qlElems; setCurrentElemsAndRefresh(chainedElements); connect(this, SIGNAL(mouseClick(QGraphicsItem*,int)), this, SLOT(onItemClicked(QGraphicsItem*,int))); connect(this, SIGNAL(selectionChanged()), this, SLOT(onSelectionChanged())); } /** * \brief Refresh the view */ void UBLibraryWidget::refreshView() { // Clear the view mItems.clear(); mLabels.clear(); mItemsPaths.clear(); mGraphicItems.clear(); // Generate the graphics items generateItems(); // Set the new items setGraphicsItems(mGraphicItems, mItemsPaths, mLabels); // Refresh the view refreshScene(); emit navigBarUpdate(mpCrntElem); bool bFavorite = false; if(NULL != mpCrntDir && libraryController()->favoritePath() == mpCrntDir->path().toLocalFile()) { bFavorite = true; } emit favoritesEntered(bFavorite); } /** * \brief Generate the graphic items related to the current directory */ void UBLibraryWidget::generateItems() { for(int i = 0; i < mCurrentElems.size(); i++) { UBLibElement* pElem = mCurrentElems.at(i); mLabels << pElem->name(); mItemsPaths << pElem->path(); QGraphicsPixmapItem *pixmapItem = new UBThumbnailPixmap(QPixmap::fromImage(*pElem->thumbnail())); mGraphicItems << pixmapItem; } } /** * \brief Handles the click on an item * @param item as the clicked item * @param index as the given index */ void UBLibraryWidget::onItemClicked(QGraphicsItem *item, int index) { Q_UNUSED(index); if(NULL != item) { int iItem = mGraphicItems.indexOf(item); if(0 <= iItem) { UBLibElement* pElem = mCurrentElems.at(iItem); if(NULL != pElem) { mpCrntElem = pElem; if(eUBLibElementType_Folder == pElem->type() || eUBLibElementType_VirtualFolder == pElem->type()) { // Add the clicked element to the end of the elements list // (at this level, the user can only go down in the path) UBChainedLibElement* pNextElem = new UBChainedLibElement(pElem); appendChainedElement(pNextElem, chainedElements); mpCrntDir = pElem; // Display the content of the folder QList<UBLibElement*> qlElems = libraryController()->getContent(pElem); mCurrentElems = qlElems; refreshView(); } else { // Display the properties view emit propertiesRequested(pElem); } } } } } /** * \brief Append the given element to the given chain * @param element as the element to append * @param toElem as the given chain */ void UBLibraryWidget::appendChainedElement(UBChainedLibElement *element, UBChainedLibElement *toElem) { if(NULL != toElem) { if(NULL != toElem->nextElement()) { appendChainedElement(element, toElem->nextElement()); } else { toElem->setNextElement(element); } } } /** * \brief Set the current element and refresh the scene * @param elem as the current element */ void UBLibraryWidget::setCurrentElemsAndRefresh(UBChainedLibElement *elem) { if(NULL != elem) { UBLibElement* pLibElem = elem->element(); if(NULL != pLibElem) { if(eUBLibElementType_Item != pLibElem->type()) { QList<UBLibElement*> qlElements = libraryController()->getContent(pLibElem); mCurrentElems = qlElements; mpCrntElem = pLibElem; refreshView(); mpCrntDir = pLibElem; bool bFavorite = false; if(NULL != mpCrntDir && libraryController()->favoritePath() == mpCrntDir->path().toLocalFile()) { bFavorite = true; } emit favoritesEntered(bFavorite); } } } } /** * \brief Handles the selection changed event */ void UBLibraryWidget::onSelectionChanged() { // Get the selected items QList<UBLibElement*> qlSelectedItems; QList<QGraphicsItem*> qlGI = selectedItems(); bCanDrag = true; foreach(QGraphicsItem* it, qlGI) { int itIndex = mGraphicItems.indexOf(it); if(0 <= itIndex) { UBLibElement* pElem = mCurrentElems.at(itIndex); if(NULL != pElem) { if(eUBLibElementType_Category != pElem->type() && eUBLibElementType_VirtualFolder != pElem->type()) { qlSelectedItems << pElem; } if(!pElem->isMoveable()) { bCanDrag = false; } } } } // Check if we are in the trash folder bool bInTrash = false; if(NULL != mpCrntDir) { if("Trash" == mpCrntDir->name()) { bInTrash = true; } } // Send the signal with these items emit itemsSelected(qlSelectedItems, bInTrash); } /** * \brief Handle the delete done event */ void UBLibraryWidget::onRefreshCurrentFolder() { // Refresh the current view mCurrentElems = libraryController()->getContent(mpCrntDir); refreshView(); } /** * \brief Handles the drag enter event * @param event as the drag enter event */ void UBLibraryWidget::dragEnterEvent(QDragEnterEvent *event) { event->acceptProposedAction(); } /** * \brief Handles the drag move event * @param event as the drag move event */ void UBLibraryWidget::dragMoveEvent(QDragMoveEvent *event) { UBLibElement* pElem = elementAt(event->pos()); if(NULL != pElem) { // We can only drop an item into a folder if(eUBLibElementType_Folder == pElem->type() || eUBLibElementType_VirtualFolder == pElem->type()) { event->acceptProposedAction(); } } } void UBLibraryWidget::onDropMe(const QMimeData *_data) { Q_UNUSED(_data); } /** * \brief Handles the drop event * @param event as the drop event */ void UBLibraryWidget::dropEvent(QDropEvent *event) { const QMimeData* pMimeData = event->mimeData(); if(event->source() == this) { event->accept(); // Get the destination item UBLibElement* pElem = elementAt(event->pos()); if(NULL != pElem) { if(eUBLibElementType_Folder == pElem->type()) { // The drag comes from this application, we have now to get the list of UBLibElements* QList<QString> qlDroppedElems; foreach(QUrl url, pMimeData->urls()) { qlDroppedElems << url.toString(); } if(!qlDroppedElems.empty()) onElementsDropped(qlDroppedElems, pElem); } } } else { bool bDropAccepted = false; if (pMimeData->hasImage()) { qDebug() << "hasImage"; QImage image = qvariant_cast<QImage>(pMimeData->imageData()); libraryController()->importImageOnLibrary(image); bDropAccepted = true; } else if (pMimeData->hasHtml()) { qDebug() << "hasHtml Unsupported yet"; } else if (pMimeData->hasText()) { // On linux external dragged element are considered as text; qDebug() << "hasText: " << pMimeData->text(); QString filePath = QUrl(pMimeData->text()).toLocalFile(); libraryController()->importItemOnLibrary(filePath); bDropAccepted = true; } else if (pMimeData->hasUrls()) { qDebug() << "hasUrls"; QList<QUrl> urlList = pMimeData->urls(); for (int i = 0; i < urlList.size() && i < 32; ++i) { QString filePath = QUrl(urlList.at(i).path()).toLocalFile(); libraryController()->importItemOnLibrary(filePath); bDropAccepted = true; } } else { qWarning() << "Cannot import data"; } if(bDropAccepted) { onRefreshCurrentFolder(); event->accept(); } else { event->ignore(); } } } /** * \brief Get the element at the given position * @param p as the given position * @return a pointer on the related element */ UBLibElement* UBLibraryWidget::elementAt(QPoint p) { QGraphicsItem* pItem = itemAt(p); if(NULL != pItem) { int iItem = mGraphicItems.indexOf(pItem); if(-1 != iItem) { return mCurrentElems.at(iItem); } } // If no element is found, return NULL return NULL; } /** * \brief Get the element from the given name * @param name as the given element name * @return the UBLibElement related to the given name */ UBLibElement* UBLibraryWidget::elementFromFilePath(const QString &filePath) { UBLibElement* pElem = NULL; foreach(UBLibElement* elem, mCurrentElems) { if(elem->path().toLocalFile() == QUrl(filePath).toLocalFile()) { return elem; } } return pElem; } /** * \brief Get a pointer on the library controller * @return a pointer on the library controller */ UBLibraryController* UBLibraryWidget::libraryController() { return UBApplication::boardController->libraryController(); } /** * \brief Update the thumbnails size * @param newSize as the thumbnail size */ void UBLibraryWidget::updateThumbnailsSize(int newSize) { setThumbnailWidth(newSize); refreshView(); } /** * \brief Handles the element dropped event * @param elements as the list of dropped elements * @param target as the drop target */ void UBLibraryWidget::onElementsDropped(QList<QString> elements, UBLibElement *target) { if(target != mpCrntDir) { QList<UBLibElement*> qlElements; foreach(QString qsElem, elements) qlElements << elementFromFilePath(qsElem); libraryController()->moveContent(qlElements, target); mCurrentElems = libraryController()->getContent(mpCrntDir); refreshView(); } } /** * \brief Search the element related to the given text * @param elem as the searched element name */ void UBLibraryWidget::onSearchElement(QString elem) { // Store the original list of items mOrigCurrentElems = libraryController()->getContent(mpCrntDir); // Build the filtered list mCurrentElems.clear(); if(elem.isEmpty()) { mCurrentElems = mOrigCurrentElems; } else { foreach(UBLibElement* ubLibElem, mOrigCurrentElems) { if(ubLibElem->name().toLower().contains(elem.toLower())) { mCurrentElems << ubLibElem; } } } refreshView(); } /** * \brief Create a new folder */ void UBLibraryWidget::onNewFolderToCreate() { // Create here a dialog asking the name of the new folder UBNewFolderDlg dlg; if(QDialog::Accepted == dlg.exec()) { libraryController()->createNewFolder(dlg.folderName(), mpCrntElem); onRefreshCurrentFolder(); } } /** * \brief Constructor * @param parent as the parent widget * @param name as the object name */ UBNewFolderDlg::UBNewFolderDlg(QWidget *parent, const char *name):QDialog(parent) , mpLabel(NULL) , mpLineEdit(NULL) , mpButtons(NULL) , mpLayout(NULL) , mpHLayout(NULL) { setObjectName(name); setWindowTitle(tr("Add new folder")); mpLabel = new QLabel(tr("New Folder name:"),this); mpLineEdit = new QLineEdit(this); mpButtons = new QDialogButtonBox(QDialogButtonBox::Ok | QDialogButtonBox::Cancel, Qt::Horizontal, this); mpLayout = new QVBoxLayout(this); mpHLayout = new QHBoxLayout(this); setLayout(mpLayout); mpLayout->addLayout(mpHLayout, 0); mpHLayout->addWidget(mpLabel, 0); mpHLayout->addWidget(mpLineEdit, 1); mpLayout->addWidget(mpButtons); connect(mpButtons->button(QDialogButtonBox::Ok), SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(accept())); connect(mpButtons->button(QDialogButtonBox::Cancel), SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(reject())); setMaximumHeight(100); setMinimumHeight(100); } /** * \brief Destructor */ UBNewFolderDlg::~UBNewFolderDlg() { if(NULL != mpButtons) { delete mpButtons; mpButtons = NULL; } if(NULL != mpLineEdit) { delete mpLineEdit; mpLineEdit = NULL; } if(NULL != mpLabel) { delete mpLabel; mpLabel = NULL; } if(NULL != mpHLayout) { delete mpHLayout; mpHLayout = NULL; } if(NULL != mpLayout) { delete mpLayout; mpLayout = NULL; } } /** * \brief Get the folder name * @return the entered folder name */ QString UBNewFolderDlg::folderName() { return mpLineEdit->text(); }