Commit f9d482e1 authored by Claudio Valerio's avatar Claudio Valerio

comment some code to avoid crash on page change. To be reworked

parent a2a72d41
......@@ -1567,57 +1567,64 @@ void UBBoardController::moveSceneToIndex(int source, int target)
void UBBoardController::ClearUndoStack()
QSet<QGraphicsItem*> uniqueItems;
// go through all stack command
for(int i = 0; i < UBApplication::undoStack->count(); i++)
UBAbstractUndoCommand *abstractCmd = (UBAbstractUndoCommand*)UBApplication::undoStack->command(i);
if(abstractCmd->getType() != UBAbstractUndoCommand::undotype_GRAPHICITEM)
UBGraphicsItemUndoCommand *cmd = (UBGraphicsItemUndoCommand*)UBApplication::undoStack->command(i);
// go through all added and removed objects, for create list of unique objects
// grouped items will be deleted by groups, so we don't need do delete that items.
QSetIterator<QGraphicsItem*> itAdded(cmd->GetAddedList());
while (itAdded.hasNext())
QGraphicsItem* item =;
if( !uniqueItems.contains(item) && !(item->parentItem() && UBGraphicsGroupContainerItem::Type == item->parentItem()->type()))
QSetIterator<QGraphicsItem*> itRemoved(cmd->GetRemovedList());
while (itRemoved.hasNext())
QGraphicsItem* item =;
if( !uniqueItems.contains(item) && !(item->parentItem() && UBGraphicsGroupContainerItem::Type == item->parentItem()->type()))
// The code has been removed because it leads to a strange error and because the final goal has never been
// reached on tests and sound a little bit strange.
// Strange error: item->scene() crashes the application because item doesn't implement scene() method. I'm
// not able to give all the steps to reproduce this error sistematically but is quite frequent (~ twice per utilisation hours)
// strange goal: if item is on the undocommand, the item->scene() is null and the item is not on the deleted scene item list then
// then it's deleted.
// QSet<QGraphicsItem*> uniqueItems;
// // go through all stack command
// for(int i = 0; i < UBApplication::undoStack->count(); i++)
// {
// UBAbstractUndoCommand *abstractCmd = (UBAbstractUndoCommand*)UBApplication::undoStack->command(i);
// if(abstractCmd->getType() != UBAbstractUndoCommand::undotype_GRAPHICITEM)
// continue;
// UBGraphicsItemUndoCommand *cmd = (UBGraphicsItemUndoCommand*)UBApplication::undoStack->command(i);
// // go through all added and removed objects, for create list of unique objects
// // grouped items will be deleted by groups, so we don't need do delete that items.
// QSetIterator<QGraphicsItem*> itAdded(cmd->GetAddedList());
// while (itAdded.hasNext())
// {
// QGraphicsItem* item =;
// if( !uniqueItems.contains(item) && !(item->parentItem() && UBGraphicsGroupContainerItem::Type == item->parentItem()->type()))
// uniqueItems.insert(item);
// }
// QSetIterator<QGraphicsItem*> itRemoved(cmd->GetRemovedList());
// while (itRemoved.hasNext())
// {
// QGraphicsItem* item =;
// if( !uniqueItems.contains(item) && !(item->parentItem() && UBGraphicsGroupContainerItem::Type == item->parentItem()->type()))
// uniqueItems.insert(item);
// }
// }
// // go through all unique items, and check, ot on scene, or not.
// // if not on scene, than item can be deleted
// QSetIterator<QGraphicsItem*> itUniq(uniqueItems);
// while (itUniq.hasNext())
// {
// QGraphicsItem* item =;
// UBGraphicsScene *scene = NULL;
// if (item->scene()) {
// scene = dynamic_cast<UBGraphicsScene*>(item->scene());
// }
// if(!scene)
// {
// if (!mActiveScene->deleteItem(item))
// delete item;
// }
// }
// clear stack, and command list
// go through all unique items, and check, ot on scene, or not.
// if not on scene, than item can be deleted
QSetIterator<QGraphicsItem*> itUniq(uniqueItems);
while (itUniq.hasNext())
QGraphicsItem* item =;
UBGraphicsScene *scene = NULL;
if (item->scene()) {
scene = dynamic_cast<UBGraphicsScene*>(item->scene());
if (!mActiveScene->deleteItem(item))
delete item;
void UBBoardController::adjustDisplayViews()
......@@ -34,8 +34,10 @@ UBDocumentContainer::UBDocumentContainer(QObject * parent)
foreach(const QPixmap* pm, mDocumentThumbs)
foreach(const QPixmap* pm, mDocumentThumbs){
delete pm;
pm = NULL;
void UBDocumentContainer::setDocument(UBDocumentProxy* document, bool forceReload)
......@@ -92,12 +92,13 @@ void UBDocumentNavigator::generateThumbnails(UBDocumentContainer* source)
delete it;
it = NULL;
for(int i = 0; i < source->selectedDocument()->pageCount(); i++)
const QPixmap* pix = source->pageAt(i);
int pageIndex = UBDocumentContainer::pageFromSceneIndex(i);
UBSceneThumbnailNavigPixmap* pixmapItem = new UBSceneThumbnailNavigPixmap(*pix, source->selectedDocument(), i);
......@@ -154,6 +155,7 @@ void UBDocumentNavigator::updateSpecificThumbnail(int iPage)
delete oldItem;
oldItem = NULL;
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