Commit e441f2c2 authored by Anatoly Mihalchenko's avatar Anatoly Mihalchenko


The annotations are erased when you select the Erase items
parent 5a8b650c
......@@ -1103,18 +1103,16 @@ void UBGraphicsScene::clearItems()
QGraphicsItem* item =;
if (!item->parentItem())
bool isGroup = qgraphicsitem_cast<UBGraphicsGroupContainerItem*>(item) != NULL;
bool isPolygon = qgraphicsitem_cast<UBGraphicsPolygonItem*>(item) != NULL;
bool isStrokesGroup = qgraphicsitem_cast<UBGraphicsStrokesGroup*>(item) != NULL;
if(!isPolygon && !isStrokesGroup && !mTools.contains(item) && !isBackgroundObject(item))
if(!isGroup && !isPolygon && !isStrokesGroup && !mTools.contains(item) && !isBackgroundObject(item))
removedItems << item;
// force refresh, QT is a bit lazy and take a lot of time (nb item ^2 ?) to trigger repaint
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