Commit d86e3c01 authored by ivan.ilyin's avatar ivan.ilyin

Added initial sources for sff files import.

parent eaf2558d
#include <QRegExp>
#include <QSvgGenerator>
#include <QSvgRenderer>
#include "UBCFFSubsetAdaptor.h" #include "UBCFFSubsetAdaptor.h"
#include "core/UBPersistenceManager.h"
#include "document/UBDocumentProxy.h" #include "document/UBDocumentProxy.h"
#include "domain/UBItem.h"
#include "domain/UBGraphicsPolygonItem.h"
#include "domain/UBGraphicsStroke.h"
#include "UBMetadataDcSubsetAdaptor.h"
#include "UBThumbnailAdaptor.h"
#include "UBSvgSubsetAdaptor.h"
//enum of xmlparse status
//tag names definition
//use them everiwhere!
static char* tElement = "element";
static char* tEllipse = "ellipse";
static char* tIwb = "iwb";
static char* tMeta = "meta";
static char* tPage = "page";
static char* tPageset = "pageset";
static char* tPolygon = "polygon";
static char* tRect = "rect";
static char* tSvg = "svg";
static char* tTextarea = "textarea";
//attribute names definition
static char* aFill = "fill";
static char* aFillopacity = "fill-opacity";
static char* aX = "x";
static char* aY = "y";
static char* aWidth = "width";
static char* aHeight = "height";
static char* aStroke = "stroke";
static char* aStrokewidth = "stroke-width";
static char* aCx = "cx";
static char* aCy = "cy";
static char* aRx = "rx";
static char* aRy = "ry";
static char* aTransform = "transform";
static char* aViewbox = "viewbox";
UBCFFSubsetAdaptor::UBCFFSubsetAdaptor() UBCFFSubsetAdaptor::UBCFFSubsetAdaptor()
{ {
} }
void UBCFFSubsetAdaptor::ConvertCFFFileToUbz(QString &cffSourceFolder, QString &destinationFolder) bool UBCFFSubsetAdaptor::ConvertCFFFileToUbz(QString &cffSourceFile, UBDocumentProxy* pDocument)
{ {
//TODO create document proxy for destination file //TODO
// create document proxy with destination folder
// fill document proxy metadata // fill document proxy metadata
// create persistance manager to save data using proxy // create persistance manager to save data using proxy
// create UBCFFSubsetReader and make it parse cffSourceFolder // create UBCFFSubsetReader and make it parse cffSourceFolder
QFile file(cffSourceFile);
if (!
qWarning() << "Cannot open file " << cffSourceFile << " for reading ...";
return false;
QByteArray data = file.readAll();
if (data.length() == 0)
qWarning() << "Either content file " << cffSourceFile << " is empty or failed to read from file";
return false;
UBCFFSubsetReader cffReader(pDocument, data);
bool result = cffReader.parse();
return result;
} }
UBCFFSubsetAdaptor::UBCFFSubsetReader::UBCFFSubsetReader(UBDocumentProxy *proxy): UBCFFSubsetAdaptor::UBCFFSubsetReader::UBCFFSubsetReader(UBDocumentProxy *proxy, QByteArray &content):
mReader(), mProxy(proxy) mReader(content), mProxy(proxy), currentState(NONE)
{ {
//TODO parse //TODO parse
} }
bool UBCFFSubsetAdaptor::UBCFFSubsetReader::parse()
mIndent = "";
if (!getTempFileName())
return false;
bool result = parseDoc();
if (result)
result = mProxy->pageCount() != 0;
if (QFile::exists(mTempFilePath))
return result;
int UBCFFSubsetAdaptor::UBCFFSubsetReader::PopState()
if (stateStack.count() == 0)
currentState = NONE;
currentState = stateStack.pop();
return currentState;
void UBCFFSubsetAdaptor::UBCFFSubsetReader::PushState(int state)
if (currentState != NONE)
currentState = state;
bool UBCFFSubsetAdaptor::UBCFFSubsetReader::parseDoc()
while (!mReader.atEnd())
if (mReader.isStartElement())
if (!parseCurrentElementStart())
return false;
if (mReader.isCharacters())
if (!parseCurrentElementCharacters())
return false;
if (mReader.isEndElement())
if (!parseCurrentElementEnd())
return false;
return true;
bool UBCFFSubsetAdaptor::UBCFFSubsetReader::parseCurrentElementStart()
QStringRef elName =;
QString log = QString("%1<%2>").arg(mIndent).arg(elName.toString());
qDebug() << log;
mIndent += " ";
if ( elName == tIwb)
if (!parseIwb())
return false;
if ( elName == tMeta)
if (!parseIwbMeta())
return false;
if ( elName == tSvg)
if (!parseSvg())
return false;
if ( elName == tRect)
if (!parseRect())
return false;
if ( elName == tEllipse)
if (!parseEllipse())
return false;
if ( elName == tTextarea)
if (!parseTextArea())
return false;
if ( elName == tPolygon)
if (!parsePolygon())
return false;
if ( elName == tPage)
if (!parsePage())
return false;
if ( elName == tPageset)
if (!parsePageSet())
return false;
if ( elName == tElement)
if (!parseIwbElementRef())
return false;
return true;
bool UBCFFSubsetAdaptor::UBCFFSubsetReader::parseCurrentElementCharacters()
return true;
bool UBCFFSubsetAdaptor::UBCFFSubsetReader::parseCurrentElementEnd()
QStringRef elName =;
QString log = QString("%1</%2>").arg(mIndent).arg(elName.toString());
qDebug() << log;
if ( elName == tIwb)
if ( elName == tMeta)
if ( elName == tSvg)
if ( elName == tPage)
if ( elName == tPageset)
return true;
bool UBCFFSubsetAdaptor::UBCFFSubsetReader::parseIwb()
if (!stateStack.empty() || currentState != NONE)
qWarning() << "iwb content parse error, unexpected iwb tag at line" << mReader.lineNumber();
return false;
return true;
bool UBCFFSubsetAdaptor::UBCFFSubsetReader::parseIwbMeta()
if (currentState != IWB)
qWarning() << "iwb content parse error, unexpected meta tag at line" << mReader.lineNumber();
return false;
return true;
bool UBCFFSubsetAdaptor::UBCFFSubsetReader::parseSvg()
if (currentState != IWB)
qWarning() << "iwb content parse error, unexpected svg tag at line" << mReader.lineNumber();
return false;
mSize = QSize(mReader.attributes().value(aWidth).toString().toInt(),
return true;
bool UBCFFSubsetAdaptor::UBCFFSubsetReader::parseRect()
if (currentState != SVG && currentState != PAGE)
qWarning() << "iwb content parse error, unexpected rect tag at line" << mReader.lineNumber();
return false;
//create new scene if it's not created yet (for one page document case)
if (currentState == SVG && mCurrentScene == NULL)
//fill and stroke color
QColor fillColor = colorFromString(mReader.attributes().value(aFill).toString());
QColor strokeColor = colorFromString(mReader.attributes().value(aStroke).toString());
int strokeWidth = mReader.attributes().value(aStrokewidth).toString().toInt();
//rect lef top corner coordinates
qreal x1 = mReader.attributes().value(aX).toString().toDouble();
qreal y1 = mReader.attributes().value(aY).toString().toDouble();
//rect dimensions
qreal width = mReader.attributes().value(aWidth).toString().toDouble();
qreal height = mReader.attributes().value(aHeight).toString().toDouble();
//init svg generator with temp file
QSvgGenerator *generator = createSvgGenerator();
//init painter to paint to svg
QPainter painter;
//check if rect is rotated
if (mReader.attributes().hasAttribute(aTransform))
QTransform transform = transformFromString(mReader.attributes().value(aTransform).toString());
//change left top coordinates to correspond to transformation
x1 -= transform.dx();
y1 -= transform.dy();
painter.fillRect(x1, y1, width, height, fillColor);
QPen pen(strokeColor);
painter.drawRect(x1, y1, width, height);
//add resulting svg file to scene
delete generator;
return true;
bool UBCFFSubsetAdaptor::UBCFFSubsetReader::parseEllipse()
if (currentState != SVG && currentState != PAGE)
qWarning() << "iwb content parse error, unexpected ellipse tag at line" << mReader.lineNumber();
return false;
//create new scene if it's not created yet (for one page document case)
if (currentState == SVG && mCurrentScene == NULL)
QSvgGenerator *generator = createSvgGenerator();
//fill and stroke color
QColor fillColor = colorFromString(mReader.attributes().value(aFill).toString());
QColor strokeColor = colorFromString(mReader.attributes().value(aStroke).toString());
int strokeWidth = mReader.attributes().value(aStrokewidth).toString().toInt();
//ellipse center coordinates
qreal cx = mReader.attributes().value(aCx).toString().toDouble();
qreal cy = mReader.attributes().value(aCy).toString().toDouble();
//ellipse horisontal and vertical radius
qreal rx = mReader.attributes().value(aRx).toString().toDouble();
qreal ry = mReader.attributes().value(aRy).toString().toDouble();
//we should change cx and cy by rx and ry because qpainter
//draws ellipse by its rect coordinates
cx -= rx;
cy -= ry;
//init painter to paint to svg
QPainter painter;
//check if ellipse is rotated
if (mReader.attributes().hasAttribute(aTransform))
QTransform transform = transformFromString(mReader.attributes().value(aTransform).toString());
//change cx and cy to correspond to transformation
cx -= transform.dx();
cy -= transform.dy();
QPen pen(strokeColor);
painter.drawEllipse(cx, cy, rx * 2, ry * 2);
//add resulting svg file to scene
delete generator;
return true;
bool UBCFFSubsetAdaptor::UBCFFSubsetReader::parseTextArea()
if (currentState != SVG && currentState != PAGE)
qWarning() << "iwb content parse error, unexpected textarea tag at line" << mReader.lineNumber();
return false;
//create new scene if it's not created yet (for one page document case)
if (currentState == SVG && mCurrentScene == NULL)
return true;
bool UBCFFSubsetAdaptor::UBCFFSubsetReader::parsePolygon()
if (currentState != SVG && currentState != PAGE)
qWarning() << "iwb content parse error, unexpected polygon tag at line" << mReader.lineNumber();
return false;
//create new scene if it's not created yet (for one page document case)
if (currentState == SVG && mCurrentScene == NULL)
return true;
bool UBCFFSubsetAdaptor::UBCFFSubsetReader::parsePage()
if (currentState != PAGESET && currentState != SVG)
qWarning() << "iwb content parse error, unexpected page tag at line" << mReader.lineNumber();
return false;
return true;
bool UBCFFSubsetAdaptor::UBCFFSubsetReader::parsePageSet()
if (currentState != SVG)
qWarning() << "iwb content parse error, unexpected page tag at line" << mReader.lineNumber();
return false;
return true;
bool UBCFFSubsetAdaptor::UBCFFSubsetReader::parseIwbElementRef()
if (currentState != IWB)
qWarning() << "iwb content parse error, unexpected element tag at line" << mReader.lineNumber();
return false;
return true;
bool UBCFFSubsetAdaptor::UBCFFSubsetReader::createNewScene()
mCurrentScene = UBPersistenceManager::persistenceManager()->createDocumentSceneAt(mProxy, mProxy->pageCount());
return true;
bool UBCFFSubsetAdaptor::UBCFFSubsetReader::persistCurrentScene()
if (mCurrentScene != 0 && mCurrentScene->isModified())
UBThumbnailAdaptor::persistScene(mProxy->persistencePath(), mCurrentScene, mProxy->pageCount() - 1);
UBSvgSubsetAdaptor::persistScene(mProxy, mCurrentScene, mProxy->pageCount() - 1);
mCurrentScene = 0;
return true;
QColor UBCFFSubsetAdaptor::UBCFFSubsetReader::colorFromString(const QString& clrString)
//init regexp with pattern
//pattern corresponds to strings like 'rgb(1,2,3) or rgb(10%,20%,30%)'
QRegExp regexp("rgb\\(([0-9]+%{0,1}),([0-9]+%{0,1}),([0-9]+%{0,1})\\)");
if (regexp.exactMatch(clrString))
if (regexp.capturedTexts().count() == 4 && regexp.capturedTexts().at(0).length() == clrString.length())
int r = regexp.capturedTexts().at(1).toInt();
if (regexp.capturedTexts().at(1).indexOf("%") != -1)
r = r * 255 / 100;
int g = regexp.capturedTexts().at(2).toInt();
if (regexp.capturedTexts().at(2).indexOf("%") != -1)
g = g * 255 / 100;
int b = regexp.capturedTexts().at(3).toInt();
if (regexp.capturedTexts().at(3).indexOf("%") != -1)
b = b * 255 / 100;
return QColor(r, g, b);
return QColor();
return QColor(clrString);
QTransform UBCFFSubsetAdaptor::UBCFFSubsetReader::transformFromString(const QString trString)
//check pattern for strings like 'rotate(10)'
QRegExp regexp("rotate\\(([-+]{0,1}[0-9]*\\.{0,1}[0-9]*)\\)");
if (regexp.exactMatch(trString))
if (regexp.capturedTexts().count() == 2 && regexp.capturedTexts().at(0).length() == trString.length())
qreal angle = regexp.capturedTexts().at(1).toDouble();
return QTransform().rotate(angle);
//check pattern for strings like 'rotate(10,20,20)' or 'rotate(10.1,10.2,34.2)'
if (regexp.exactMatch(trString))
if (regexp.capturedTexts().count() == 4 && regexp.capturedTexts().at(0).length() == trString.length())
qreal angle = regexp.capturedTexts().at(1).toDouble();
qreal dx = regexp.capturedTexts().at(2).toDouble();
qreal dy = regexp.capturedTexts().at(3).toDouble();
return QTransform().translate(dx, dy).rotate(angle);
return QTransform();
bool UBCFFSubsetAdaptor::UBCFFSubsetReader::getViewBoxDimenstions(const QString& viewBox)
//check pattern for strings like 'rotate(10)'
QRegExp regexp("([0-9]+) ([0-9]+) ([0-9]+) ([0-9]+)");
if (regexp.exactMatch(viewBox))
int capturesCount = regexp.capturedTexts().count();
if (capturesCount == 5 && regexp.capturedTexts().at(0).length() == viewBox.length())
mViewBox = QRectF(0, 0, regexp.capturedTexts().at(3).toDouble(), regexp.capturedTexts().at(4).toDouble());
return true;
mViewBox = QRectF(0, 0, 1000, 1000);
return false;
QSvgGenerator* UBCFFSubsetAdaptor::UBCFFSubsetReader::createSvgGenerator()
QSvgGenerator* generator = new QSvgGenerator();
return generator;
bool UBCFFSubsetAdaptor::UBCFFSubsetReader::getTempFileName()
int tmpNumber = 0;
QDir rootDir;
while (true)
mTempFilePath = QString("%1/sanksvg%2.%3")
if (!QFile::exists(mTempFilePath))
return true;
if (tmpNumber == 100000)
qWarning() << "Import failed. Failed to create temporary file for svg objects";
return false;
...@@ -3,24 +3,83 @@ ...@@ -3,24 +3,83 @@
#include <QtXml> #include <QtXml>
#include <QString> #include <QString>
#include <QStack>
class UBDocumentProxy; class UBDocumentProxy;
class UBGraphicsScene;
class QSvgGenerator;
class UBCFFSubsetAdaptor class UBCFFSubsetAdaptor
{ {
public: public:
UBCFFSubsetAdaptor(); UBCFFSubsetAdaptor();
static void ConvertCFFFileToUbz(QString &cffSourceFolder, QString &destinationFolder); static bool ConvertCFFFileToUbz(QString &cffSourceFile, UBDocumentProxy* pDocument);
private: private:
class UBCFFSubsetReader class UBCFFSubsetReader
{ {
//xml parse states definition
public: public:
UBCFFSubsetReader(UBDocumentProxy *proxy); UBCFFSubsetReader(UBDocumentProxy *proxy, QByteArray &content);
QXmlStreamReader mReader; QXmlStreamReader mReader;
UBDocumentProxy *mProxy; UBDocumentProxy *mProxy;
bool parse();
QString mTempFilePath;
UBGraphicsScene *mCurrentScene;
QString mIndent;
QRectF mViewBox;
QSize mSize;
//methods to store current xml parse state
int PopState();
void PushState(int state);
//elements parsing methods
bool parseDoc();
bool parseCurrentElementStart();
bool parseCurrentElementCharacters();
bool parseCurrentElementEnd();
bool parseIwb();
bool parseIwbMeta();
bool parseSvg();
bool parseRect();
bool parseEllipse();
bool parseTextArea();
bool parsePolygon();
bool parsePage();
bool parsePageSet();
bool parseIwbElementRef();
bool createNewScene();
bool persistCurrentScene();
QStack<int> stateStack;
int currentState;
//helper methods
QColor colorFromString(const QString& clrString);
QTransform transformFromString(const QString trString);
bool getViewBoxDimenstions(const QString& viewBox);
QSvgGenerator* createSvgGenerator();
bool getTempFileName();
}; };
}; };
...@@ -5,14 +5,15 @@ ...@@ -5,14 +5,15 @@
#include "core/UBApplication.h" #include "core/UBApplication.h"
#include "core/UBPersistenceManager.h" #include "core/UBPersistenceManager.h"
#include "core/UBDocumentManager.h" #include "core/UBDocumentManager.h"
#include "core/memcheck.h"
#include "core/UBPersistenceManager.h"
#include "frameworks/UBFileSystemUtils.h"
#include "domain/UBGraphicsPDFItem.h" #include "domain/UBGraphicsPDFItem.h"
#include "pdf/PDFRenderer.h" #include "pdf/PDFRenderer.h"
#include "core/memcheck.h"
#include "core/UBPersistenceManager.h"
#include "UBCFFSubsetAdaptor.h" #include "UBCFFSubsetAdaptor.h"
...@@ -63,25 +64,53 @@ QString UBImportCFF::importFileFilter() ...@@ -63,25 +64,53 @@ QString UBImportCFF::importFileFilter()
bool UBImportCFF::addFileToDocument(UBDocumentProxy* pDocument, const QFile& pFile) bool UBImportCFF::addFileToDocument(UBDocumentProxy* pDocument, const QFile& pFile)
{ {
//TODO add cff file import here QFileInfo fi(pFile);
/* int res = UBDocumentManager::documentManager()->addImageAsPageToDocument(QStringList(QFileInfo(pFile).absoluteFilePath()), pDocument); UBApplication::showMessage(tr("Importing file %1...").arg(fi.baseName()), true);
if (res == 0)
{ // first unzip the file to the correct place
UBApplication::showMessage(tr("Image import failed.")); //TODO create temporary path for iwb file content
return false; QString path = QDir::tempPath();
QString documentRootFolder = expandFileToDir(pFile, path);
QString contentFile;
if (documentRootFolder.isEmpty()) //if file has failed to unzip it is probably just xml file
contentFile = pFile.fileName();
else //get path to content xml (according to iwbcff specification)
contentFile = documentRootFolder.append("/content.xml");
UBApplication::showMessage(tr("Import of file %1 failed.").arg(fi.baseName()));
return false;
//TODO convert expanded CFF file content to the destination document
//create destination document proxy
//fill metadata and save
UBDocumentProxy* destDocument = new UBDocumentProxy(UBPersistenceManager::persistenceManager()->generateUniqueDocumentPath());
QDir dir;
//try to import cff to document
if (UBCFFSubsetAdaptor::ConvertCFFFileToUbz(contentFile, destDocument))
UBPersistenceManager::persistenceManager()->addDirectoryContentToDocument(destDocument->persistencePath(), pDocument);
delete destDocument;
UBApplication::showMessage(tr("Import successful."));
return true;
delete destDocument;
UBApplication::showMessage(tr("Import failed."));
return false;
} }
UBApplication::showMessage(tr("Image import successful."));
return true;
return true;
} }
QString UBImportCFF::expandFileToDir(const QFile& pZipFile, const QString& pDir) QString UBImportCFF::expandFileToDir(const QFile& pZipFile, const QString& pDir)
{ {
QDir rootDir(pDir);
QuaZip zip(pZipFile.fileName()); QuaZip zip(pZipFile.fileName());
if(! if(!
...@@ -94,10 +123,34 @@ QString UBImportCFF::expandFileToDir(const QFile& pZipFile, const QString& pDir) ...@@ -94,10 +123,34 @@ QString UBImportCFF::expandFileToDir(const QFile& pZipFile, const QString& pDir)
QuaZipFileInfo info; QuaZipFileInfo info;
QuaZipFile file(&zip); QuaZipFile file(&zip);
// TODO UB 4.x implement a mechanism that can replace an existing //create unique cff document root fodler
// document based on the UID of the document. //use current date/time and temp number for folder name
bool createNewDocument = true;
QString documentRootFolder; QString documentRootFolder;
int tmpNumber = 0;
QDir rootDir;
while (true)
QString tempPath = QString("%1/sank%2.%3")
if (!rootDir.exists(tempPath))
documentRootFolder = tempPath;
if (tmpNumber == 100000)
qWarning() << "Import failed. Failed to create temporary directory for iwb file";
return "";
if (!rootDir.mkdir(documentRootFolder))
qWarning() << "Import failed. Couse: failed to create temp folder for cff package";
// first we search the metadata.rdf to check the document properties // first we search the metadata.rdf to check the document properties
for(bool more = zip.goToFirstFile(); more; more = zip.goToNextFile()) for(bool more = zip.goToFirstFile(); more; more = zip.goToNextFile())
...@@ -111,9 +164,6 @@ QString UBImportCFF::expandFileToDir(const QFile& pZipFile, const QString& pDir) ...@@ -111,9 +164,6 @@ QString UBImportCFF::expandFileToDir(const QFile& pZipFile, const QString& pDir)
QFileInfo currentFileInfo(pDir + "/" + file.getActualFileName()); QFileInfo currentFileInfo(pDir + "/" + file.getActualFileName());
} }
if (createNewDocument)
documentRootFolder = UBPersistenceManager::persistenceManager()->generateUniqueDocumentPath();
QFile out; QFile out;
char c; char c;
...@@ -208,22 +258,49 @@ UBDocumentProxy* UBImportCFF::importFile(const QFile& pFile, const QString& pGro ...@@ -208,22 +258,49 @@ UBDocumentProxy* UBImportCFF::importFile(const QFile& pFile, const QString& pGro
QString path = QDir::tempPath(); QString path = QDir::tempPath();
QString documentRootFolder = expandFileToDir(pFile, path); QString documentRootFolder = expandFileToDir(pFile, path);
QString contentFile;
if (documentRootFolder.isEmpty()) if (documentRootFolder.isEmpty())
documentRootFolder = pFile.fileName(); //if file has failed to umzip it is probably just xml file
contentFile = pFile.fileName();
else else
documentRootFolder = path.append("\\content.xml"); //get path to content xml
contentFile = QString("%1/content.xml").arg(documentRootFolder);
if(!documentRootFolder.length()){ if(!contentFile.length()){
UBApplication::showMessage(tr("Import of file %1 failed.").arg(fi.baseName())); UBApplication::showMessage(tr("Import of file %1 failed.").arg(fi.baseName()));
return 0; return 0;
} }
else{ else{
//TODO convert expanded CFF file content to ubz destination folder //create destination document proxy
QString temporaryFolder = QDir::tempPath(); //fill metadata and save
UBCFFSubsetAdaptor::ConvertCFFFileToUbz(documentRootFolder, temporaryFolder); UBDocumentProxy* destDocument = new UBDocumentProxy(UBPersistenceManager::persistenceManager()->generateUniqueDocumentPath());
// create document proxy for destination folder and return QDir dir;
UBDocumentProxy* newDocument = UBPersistenceManager::persistenceManager()->createDocumentFromDir(temporaryFolder); dir.mkdir(destDocument->persistencePath());
UBApplication::showMessage(tr("Import successful.")); if (pGroup.length() > 0)
destDocument->setMetaData(UBSettings::documentGroupName, pGroup);
if (fi.baseName() > 0)
destDocument->setMetaData(UBSettings::documentName, fi.baseName());
destDocument->setMetaData(UBSettings::documentVersion, UBSettings::currentFileVersion);
destDocument->setMetaData(UBSettings::documentUpdatedAt, UBStringUtils::toUtcIsoDateTime(QDateTime::currentDateTime()));
UBDocumentProxy* newDocument = NULL;
//try to import cff to document
if (UBCFFSubsetAdaptor::ConvertCFFFileToUbz(contentFile, destDocument))
newDocument = UBPersistenceManager::persistenceManager()->createDocumentFromDir(destDocument->persistencePath());
UBApplication::showMessage(tr("Import successful."));
UBApplication::showMessage(tr("Import failed."));
delete destDocument;
if (documentRootFolder.length() != 0)
return newDocument; return newDocument;
} }
} }
HEADERS += src/adaptors/UBExportAdaptor.h\ HEADERS += src/adaptors/UBExportAdaptor.h\
src/adaptors/UBExportPDF.h \ src/adaptors/UBExportPDF.h \
src/adaptors/UBExportFullPDF.h \ src/adaptors/UBExportFullPDF.h \
src/adaptors/UBExportDocument.h \ src/adaptors/UBExportDocument.h \
src/adaptors/UBSvgSubsetAdaptor.h \ src/adaptors/UBSvgSubsetAdaptor.h \
src/adaptors/UBMetadataDcSubsetAdaptor.h \ src/adaptors/UBMetadataDcSubsetAdaptor.h \
src/adaptors/UBImportAdaptor.h \ src/adaptors/UBImportAdaptor.h \
src/adaptors/UBImportDocument.h \ src/adaptors/UBImportDocument.h \
src/adaptors/UBThumbnailAdaptor.h \ src/adaptors/UBThumbnailAdaptor.h \
src/adaptors/UBImportPDF.h \ src/adaptors/UBImportPDF.h \
src/adaptors/UBImportImage.h \ src/adaptors/UBImportImage.h \
src/adaptors/UBIniFileParser.h \ src/adaptors/UBIniFileParser.h \
src/adaptors/UBExportWeb.h \ src/adaptors/UBExportWeb.h \
src/adaptors/UBWebPublisher.h src/adaptors/UBWebPublisher.h \
src/adaptors/UBImportCFF.h \
HEADERS += src/adaptors/publishing/UBDocumentPublisher.h \ src/adaptors/UBCFFSubsetAdaptor.h
src/adaptors/publishing/UBCapturePublisher.h \
src/adaptors/publishing/UBAbstractPublisher.h \ HEADERS += src/adaptors/publishing/UBDocumentPublisher.h \
src/adaptors/publishing/UBSvgSubsetRasterizer.h src/adaptors/publishing/UBCapturePublisher.h \
src/adaptors/publishing/UBAbstractPublisher.h \
HEADERS += src/adaptors/voting/UBAbstractVotingSystem.h src/adaptors/publishing/UBSvgSubsetRasterizer.h
HEADERS += src/adaptors/voting/UBAbstractVotingSystem.h
SOURCES += src/adaptors/UBExportAdaptor.cpp\
src/adaptors/UBExportPDF.cpp \
src/adaptors/UBExportFullPDF.cpp \ SOURCES += src/adaptors/UBExportAdaptor.cpp\
src/adaptors/UBExportDocument.cpp \ src/adaptors/UBExportPDF.cpp \
src/adaptors/UBSvgSubsetAdaptor.cpp \ src/adaptors/UBExportFullPDF.cpp \
src/adaptors/UBMetadataDcSubsetAdaptor.cpp \ src/adaptors/UBExportDocument.cpp \
src/adaptors/UBImportAdaptor.cpp \ src/adaptors/UBSvgSubsetAdaptor.cpp \
src/adaptors/UBImportDocument.cpp \ src/adaptors/UBMetadataDcSubsetAdaptor.cpp \
src/adaptors/UBThumbnailAdaptor.cpp \ src/adaptors/UBImportAdaptor.cpp \
src/adaptors/UBImportPDF.cpp \ src/adaptors/UBImportDocument.cpp \
src/adaptors/UBImportImage.cpp \ src/adaptors/UBThumbnailAdaptor.cpp \
src/adaptors/UBIniFileParser.cpp \ src/adaptors/UBImportPDF.cpp \
src/adaptors/UBExportWeb.cpp \ src/adaptors/UBImportImage.cpp \
src/adaptors/UBWebPublisher.cpp src/adaptors/UBIniFileParser.cpp \
src/adaptors/UBExportWeb.cpp \
SOURCES += src/adaptors/publishing/UBDocumentPublisher.cpp \ src/adaptors/UBWebPublisher.cpp \
src/adaptors/publishing/UBCapturePublisher.cpp \ src/adaptors/UBImportCFF.cpp \
src/adaptors/publishing/UBAbstractPublisher.cpp \ src/adaptors/UBCFFSubsetAdaptor.cpp
SOURCES += src/adaptors/publishing/UBDocumentPublisher.cpp \
SOURCES += src/adaptors/voting/UBAbstractVotingSystem.cpp src/adaptors/publishing/UBCapturePublisher.cpp \
src/adaptors/publishing/UBAbstractPublisher.cpp \
win32 {
SOURCES += src/adaptors/voting/UBAbstractVotingSystem.cpp
SOURCES += src/adaptors/voting/UBReply2005VotingSystem.cpp \
win32 {
HEADERS += src/adaptors/voting/UBReply2005VotingSystem.h \
src/adaptors/voting/UBReplyWRS970VotingSystem.h SOURCES += src/adaptors/voting/UBReply2005VotingSystem.cpp \
} src/adaptors/voting/UBReplyWRS970VotingSystem.cpp
HEADERS += src/adaptors/voting/UBReply2005VotingSystem.h \
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