Commit ac754bb6 authored by Aleksei Kanash's avatar Aleksei Kanash

Last changes for download_thread

parents 6b1df01c 9b1d2932
......@@ -40,7 +40,7 @@ UBLibraryAPI::~UBLibraryAPI()
void UBLibraryAPI::addObject(QString pUrl, int width, int height, int x, int y, bool background)
if (UBApplication::boardController)
UBApplication::boardController->downloadURL(QUrl(pUrl), QPointF(x, y), QSize(width, height), background);
UBApplication::boardController->downloadURL(QUrl(pUrl), QString(), QPointF(x, y), QSize(width, height), background);
......@@ -201,7 +201,7 @@ void UBWidgetUniboardAPI::addObject(QString pUrl, int width, int height, int x,
if (UBApplication::boardController->activeScene() != mScene)
UBApplication::boardController->downloadURL(QUrl(pUrl), QPointF(x, y), QSize(width, height), background);
UBApplication::boardController->downloadURL(QUrl(pUrl), QString(), QPointF(x, y), QSize(width, height), background);
......@@ -506,7 +506,7 @@ void UBWidgetUniboardAPI::ProcessDropEvent(QGraphicsSceneDragDropEvent *event)
sDownloadFileDesc desc;
desc.dest = sDownloadFileDesc::graphicsWidget;
desc.modal = true;
desc.url = url;
desc.srcUrl = url;
desc.currentSize = 0; = QFileInfo(url).fileName();
desc.totalSize = 0; // The total size will be retrieved during the download
This diff is collapsed.
......@@ -193,8 +193,8 @@ class UBBoardController : public UBDocumentContainer
void firstScene();
void lastScene();
void groupButtonClicked();
void downloadURL(const QUrl& url, const QPointF& pPos = QPointF(0.0, 0.0), const QSize& pSize = QSize(), bool isBackground = false, bool internalData = false);
UBItem *downloadFinished(bool pSuccess, QUrl sourceUrl, QString pHeader,
void downloadURL(const QUrl& url, QString contentSourceUrl = QString(), const QPointF& pPos = QPointF(0.0, 0.0), const QSize& pSize = QSize(), bool isBackground = false, bool internalData = false);
UBItem *downloadFinished(bool pSuccess, QUrl sourceUrl, QUrl contentUrl, QString pHeader,
QByteArray pData, QPointF pPos, QSize pSize,
bool isBackground = false, bool internalData = false);
void changeBackground(bool isDark, bool isCrossed);
......@@ -210,8 +210,8 @@ class UBBoardController : public UBDocumentContainer
void setRegularPageSize(bool checked);
void stylusToolChanged(int tool);
void grabScene(const QRectF& pSceneRect);
UBGraphicsMediaItem* addVideo(const QUrl& pUrl, bool startPlay, const QPointF& pos);
UBGraphicsMediaItem* addAudio(const QUrl& pUrl, bool startPlay, const QPointF& pos);
UBGraphicsMediaItem* addVideo(const QUrl& pUrl, bool startPlay, const QPointF& pos, bool bUseSource = false);
UBGraphicsMediaItem* addAudio(const QUrl& pUrl, bool startPlay, const QPointF& pos, bool bUseSource = false);
UBGraphicsWidgetItem *addW3cWidget(const QUrl& pUrl, const QPointF& pos);
void cut();
......@@ -711,7 +711,7 @@ void UBFeaturesController::addItemToPage(const UBFeature &item)
void UBFeaturesController::addItemAsBackground(const UBFeature &item)
UBApplication::boardController->downloadURL( item.getFullPath(), QPointF(), QSize(), true );
UBApplication::boardController->downloadURL( item.getFullPath(), QString(), QPointF(), QSize(), true );
UBFeature UBFeaturesController::getDestinationFeatureForUrl( const QUrl &url )
......@@ -17,6 +17,7 @@
#include "gui/UBMainWindow.h"
#include "board/UBBoardController.h"
#include "board/UBBoardPaletteManager.h"
#include "frameworks/UBFileSystemUtils.h"
#include "core/memcheck.h"
......@@ -193,7 +194,8 @@ void UBDownloadManager::onDownloadProgress(int id, qint64 received, qint64 total
* \brief Called when the download of the given file is finished
* @param desc as the current downloaded file description
void UBDownloadManager::onDownloadFinished(int id, bool pSuccess, QUrl sourceUrl, QString pContentTypeHeader, QByteArray pData, QPointF pPos, QSize pSize, bool isBackground)
void UBDownloadManager::onDownloadFinished(int id, bool pSuccess, QUrl sourceUrl, QUrl contentUrl, QString pContentTypeHeader, QByteArray pData, QPointF pPos, QSize pSize, bool isBackground)
// Temporary data for dnd do not delete it please
......@@ -209,9 +211,9 @@ void UBDownloadManager::onDownloadFinished(int id, bool pSuccess, QUrl sourceUrl
desc.contentTypeHeader = pContentTypeHeader;
emit downloadFinished(pSuccess, desc, pData);
} else if(desc.modal) {
} else if(desc.dest == sDownloadFileDesc::board) {
// The downloaded file is modal so we must put it on the board
emit addDownloadedFileToBoard(pSuccess, sourceUrl, pContentTypeHeader, pData, pPos, pSize, isBackground);
emit addDownloadedFileToBoard(pSuccess, sourceUrl, contentUrl, pContentTypeHeader, pData, pPos, pSize, isBackground);
......@@ -302,15 +304,24 @@ void UBDownloadManager::updateFileCurrentSize(int id, qint64 received, qint64 to
void UBDownloadManager::startFileDownload(sDownloadFileDesc desc)
if (desc.srcUrl.startsWith("file://") || desc.srcUrl.startsWith("/"))
UBAsyncLocalFileDownloader * cpHelper = new UBAsyncLocalFileDownloader(desc, this);
connect(cpHelper, SIGNAL(signal_asyncCopyFinished(int, bool, QUrl, QUrl, QString, QByteArray, QPointF, QSize, bool)), this, SLOT(onDownloadFinished(int, bool, QUrl, QUrl,QString, QByteArray, QPointF, QSize, bool)));
UBDownloadHttpFile* http = new UBDownloadHttpFile(, this);
connect(http, SIGNAL(downloadProgress(int, qint64,qint64)), this, SLOT(onDownloadProgress(int,qint64,qint64)));
connect(http, SIGNAL(downloadFinished(int, bool, QUrl, QString, QByteArray, QPointF, QSize, bool)), this, SLOT(onDownloadFinished(int, bool, QUrl, QString, QByteArray, QPointF, QSize, bool)));
//the desc.url is encoded. So we have to decode it before.
//the desc.srcUrl is encoded. So we have to decode it before.
QUrl url;
// We send here the request and store its reply in order to be able to cancel it if needed
mReplies[] = http->get(url, desc.pos, desc.size, desc.isBackground);
......@@ -52,7 +52,8 @@ struct sDownloadFileDesc
int id;
int totalSize;
int currentSize;
QString url;
QString srcUrl;
QString originalSrcUrl;
QString contentTypeHeader;
bool modal;
QPointF pos; // For board drop only
......@@ -108,7 +109,7 @@ signals:
void downloadFinished(bool pSuccess, int id, QUrl sourceUrl, QString pContentTypeHeader, QByteArray pData);
void downloadFinished(bool pSuccess, sDownloadFileDesc desc, QByteArray pData);
void downloadModalFinished();
void addDownloadedFileToBoard(bool pSuccess, QUrl sourceUrl, QString pContentTypeHeader, QByteArray pData, QPointF pPos, QSize pSize, bool isBackground);
void addDownloadedFileToBoard(bool pSuccess, QUrl sourceUrl, QUrl contentUrl, QString pContentTypeHeader, QByteArray pData, QPointF pPos, QSize pSize, bool isBackground);
void addDownloadedFileToLibrary(bool pSuccess, QUrl sourceUrl, QString pContentTypeHeader, QByteArray pData);
void cancelAllDownloads();
void allDownloadsFinished();
......@@ -116,7 +117,7 @@ signals:
private slots:
void onUpdateDownloadLists();
void onDownloadProgress(int id, qint64 received, qint64 total);
void onDownloadFinished(int id, bool pSuccess, QUrl sourceUrl, QString pContentTypeHeader, QByteArray pData, QPointF pPos, QSize pSize, bool isBackground);
void onDownloadFinished(int id, bool pSuccess, QUrl sourceUrl, QUrl contentUrl, QString pContentTypeHeader, QByteArray pData, QPointF pPos, QSize pSize, bool isBackground);
void onDownloadError(int id);
......@@ -73,7 +73,11 @@ UBGraphicsMediaItem::UBGraphicsMediaItem(const QUrl& pMediaFileUrl, QGraphicsIte
mMediaObject = new Phonon::MediaObject(this);
if (pMediaFileUrl.toLocalFile().contains("videos"))
QString mediaPath = pMediaFileUrl.toString();
if ("" == mediaPath)
mediaPath = pMediaFileUrl.toLocalFile();
if (mediaPath.toLower().contains("videos"))
mMediaType = mediaType_Video;
......@@ -91,7 +95,7 @@ UBGraphicsMediaItem::UBGraphicsMediaItem(const QUrl& pMediaFileUrl, QGraphicsIte
haveLinkedImage = true;
if (pMediaFileUrl.toLocalFile().contains("audios"))
if (mediaPath.toLower().contains("audios"))
mMediaType = mediaType_Audio;
mAudioOutput = new Phonon::AudioOutput(Phonon::MusicCategory, this);
......@@ -191,7 +195,7 @@ void UBGraphicsMediaItem::setSourceUrl(const QUrl &pSourceUrl)
UBAudioPresentationWidget* pAudioWidget = dynamic_cast<UBAudioPresentationWidget*>(mAudioWidget);
if (pAudioWidget)
......@@ -1217,6 +1217,11 @@ void UBGraphicsScene::textUndoCommandAdded(UBGraphicsTextItem *textItem)
UBGraphicsMediaItem* UBGraphicsScene::addMedia(const QUrl& pMediaFileUrl, bool shouldPlayAsap, const QPointF& pPos)
qDebug() << pMediaFileUrl.toLocalFile();
if (!QFile::exists(pMediaFileUrl.toLocalFile()))
if (!QFile::exists(pMediaFileUrl.toString()))
return NULL;
UBGraphicsMediaItem* mediaItem = new UBGraphicsMediaItem(pMediaFileUrl);
connect(UBApplication::boardController, SIGNAL(activeSceneChanged()), mediaItem, SLOT(activeSceneChanged()));
......@@ -22,6 +22,8 @@
#include "board/UBBoardController.h"
#include "document/UBDocumentContainer.h"
#include "core/UBPersistenceManager.h"
#include "globals/UBGlobals.h"
......@@ -856,3 +858,55 @@ QString UBFileSystemUtils::readTextFile(QString path)
return "";
UBAsyncLocalFileDownloader::UBAsyncLocalFileDownloader(sDownloadFileDesc desc, QObject *parent)
: QThread(parent)
, mDesc(desc)
void UBAsyncLocalFileDownloader::download()
if (!QFile::exists(QUrl(mDesc.srcUrl).toLocalFile())) {
qDebug() << "file" << mDesc.srcUrl << "does not present in fs";
void UBAsyncLocalFileDownloader::run()
QString mimeType = UBFileSystemUtils::mimeTypeFromFileName(mDesc.srcUrl);
int position=mimeType.indexOf(";");
if(position != -1)
UBMimeType::Enum itemMimeType = UBFileSystemUtils::mimeTypeFromString(mimeType);
QString destDirectory;
if (UBMimeType::Video == itemMimeType)
destDirectory = UBPersistenceManager::videoDirectory;
if (UBMimeType::Audio == itemMimeType)
destDirectory = UBPersistenceManager::audioDirectory;
QString uuid = QUuid::createUuid();
if (mDesc.originalSrcUrl.isEmpty())
mDesc.originalSrcUrl = mDesc.srcUrl;
emit signal_asyncCopyFinished(, !mTo.isEmpty(), QUrl::fromLocalFile(mTo), QUrl::fromLocalFile(mDesc.originalSrcUrl), "", NULL, mDesc.pos, mDesc.size, mDesc.isBackground);
\ No newline at end of file
......@@ -17,14 +17,40 @@
#include <QtCore>
#include <QThread>
#include "core/UB.h"
#include "core/UBDownloadManager.h"
class UBAsyncLocalFileDownloader : public QThread
UBAsyncLocalFileDownloader(sDownloadFileDesc desc, QObject *parent = 0);
void download();
void run();
void finished(QString srcUrl, QString resUrl);
void signal_asyncCopyFinished(int id, bool pSuccess, QUrl sourceUrl, QUrl contentUrl, QString pContentTypeHeader, QByteArray pData, QPointF pPos, QSize pSize, bool isBackground);
sDownloadFileDesc mDesc;
QString mFrom;
QString mTo;
class QuaZipFile;
class UBProcessingProgressListener;
class UBFileSystemUtils
class UBFileSystemUtils : public QObject
......@@ -1048,8 +1048,8 @@ void UBFeatureProperties::onAddToLib()
desc.modal = false; = QFileInfo( mpElement->getFullPath().toString()).fileName();
qDebug() <<;
desc.url = mpElement->getFullPath().toString();
qDebug() << desc.url;
desc.srcUrl = mpElement->getFullPath().toString();
qDebug() << desc.srcUrl;
......@@ -200,7 +200,7 @@ void UBTrapFlashController::createWidget()
// flash widget
UBWebKitUtils::HtmlObject selectedObject = - 1);
UBApplication::boardController->downloadURL(QUrl(selectedObject.source), QPoint(0, 0), QSize(selectedObject.width, selectedObject.height));
UBApplication::boardController->downloadURL(QUrl(selectedObject.source), QString(), QPoint(0, 0), QSize(selectedObject.width, selectedObject.height));
QString freezedWidgetPath = UBPlatformUtils::applicationResourcesDirectory() + "/etc/freezedWidgetWrapper.html";
......@@ -281,7 +281,7 @@ void WBWebTrapWebView::trapElementAtPos(const QPoint& pos)
emit objectCaptured(QUrl(page()->currentFrame()->url().toString() + "/" + source), type,
htr.boundingRect().width(), htr.boundingRect().height());
UBApplication::boardController->downloadURL(QUrl(source), QPointF(0.0, 0.0));
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