Commit 720eb7eb authored by unknown's avatar unknown

upgraded interactivities

parent 9c8a49f8
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var lang = ""; //locale language
lang = sankore.locale().substr(0,2);
} else
lang = "en";
if(lang == "en"){
$("#ub-widget").append('<div id="mp_setup"></div><div id="mp_word"></div>');
</head> function returnStatus(lang){
type: 'POST',
url:'locales/' + lang + '/index.html',
statusCode: {
404: function() {
200: function(){
window.location.href = 'locales/' + lang + '/index.html';
<body> <body>
<div id="ub-widget"> <div id="ub-widget">
</div> </div>
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<script type="text/javascript" src="script/template2.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript">
$("#ub-widget").append('<div id="mp_setup"></div><div id="mp_word"></div>');
<div id="ub-widget">
\ No newline at end of file
Sankore API
function startEditing()
function stopEditing()
function initialize()
function checkResponse()
/ END sankore api
var sankoreLang = {
view: "D'affichage",
edit: "Modifier",
example: "il\ns'agit\nd'une\nphrase\nd'exemple"
var sentence = "";
var curSentence = "";
sentence = (sankore.preference("rightOrdPhrases", ""))?sankore.preference("rightOrdPhrases", ""):sankoreLang.example;
curSentence = (sankore.preference("currentOrdPhrases", ""))?sankore.preference("currentOrdPhrases", ""):"";
} else {
sentence = sankoreLang.example;
var doCheck = true;
// array of dom elements
var phrases = [];
var editMode = false; // just a flag
// if use the "edit" button or rely on the api instead
var isSankore = false;
// whether to do window.resize or not (window = widget area)
var isBrowser = ( typeof( widget ) == "undefined" );
// hardcoded parameters, not very good
var input_width = 606;
var widget_padding = 100;
function str_replace( w, b, s ){
while( s.indexOf( w ) != -1 ){
s = s.replace( w, b );
return s;
shuffles an array
function shuffle( arr )
var pos, tmp;
for( var i = 0; i < arr.length; i++ )
pos = Math.round( Math.random() * ( arr.length - 1 ) );
tmp = arr[pos];
arr[pos] = arr[i];
arr[i] = tmp;
return arr;
returns array of dom elements
function createElements( sentence )
var el;
var elements = [];
var phrases = sentence.split( "\n" );
for( i in phrases )
el = document.createElement( "div" );
$( el ).addClass( "phrase" ).text( phrases[i] );
elements.push( el );
return elements;
function checkSentence()
if( !doCheck )
var ph = [];
$( "#mp_word .phrase" ).each( function()
ph.push( $( this ).text() );
if( ph.join( "\n" ) == str_replace( "\r", "", sentence ) ){
$( "#mp_word .phrase" ).addClass( "right" );
turns the widget into the view mode
function modeView()
if( editMode ){
sentence = str_replace( "\r", "", $( "#mp_word textarea" ).attr( "value" ) );
var p = sentence.split( "\n" );
var p2 = [];
var t;
for( var i in p )
t = jQuery.trim( p[i] );
if( t ) p2.push( t );
sentence = p2.join( "\n" );
// if no sankore api, insert edit button
if( !isSankore ){
$( "#mp_setup" ).empty().append( '<input type="button" value="' + sankoreLang.edit + '">' );
$( "#mp_setup input:button" ).click( function(){
// clean the previous word
$( "#mp_word" ).empty();
var phrases;
// create new set of elements
if(window.sankore && curSentence && !editMode)
phrases = createElements( curSentence );
phrases = shuffle( createElements( sentence ) );
for( i in phrases ){
$("#mp_word").append( phrases[i] );
// in sankore api there would be a function to check
// the answer, so no update parameter would be needed
$( "#mp_word" ).sortable();
if( !isSankore ){
$( "#mp_word" ).sortable( {
update: checkSentence
} );
} else
$( "#mp_word" ).sortable();
// adjustHeight
var aHeight = $( phrases[0] ).outerHeight( true );
// apply new width
adjust( aHeight * phrases.length );
adjust width or height
function adjust( height )
$( "#mp_word" ).animate( {
height: height
} );
// if viewed as a widget, resize the window
if( !isBrowser ){
window.resizeTo( widget.width, height + widget_padding );
function modeEdit()
editMode = true;
// if no sankore api, insert ok button
if( !isSankore )
$( "#mp_setup" ).empty().append( '<input type="button" value="' + sankoreLang.view + '">' );
$( "#mp_setup input:button" ).click( function(){
$( "#mp_word").css( "margin-left", 0 ).empty()
.append('<textarea cols="50" rows="5">'+sentence+'</textarea>');
adjust( $( "#mp_word textarea" ).outerHeight() );
if (window.widget) {
window.widget.onleave = function(){
if($( "#mp_word textarea" ).val())
var ph = [];
$( "#mp_word .phrase" ).each( function()
ph.push( $( this ).text() );
sankore.setPreference("currentOrdPhrases", ph.join( "\n" ));
ph = [];
$( "#mp_word .phrase" ).each( function()
ph.push( $( this ).text() );
sankore.setPreference("currentOrdPhrases", ph.join( "\n" ));
sankore.setPreference("rightOrdPhrases", sentence);
\ No newline at end of file
<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN"
<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8">
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<script type="text/javascript" src="../../scripts/jquery-1.6.2.min.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src="../../scripts/jquery-ui-1.8.9.custom.min.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src="script/template2.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript">
$("#ub-widget").append('<div id="mp_setup"></div><div id="mp_word"></div>');
<div id="ub-widget">
\ No newline at end of file
Sankore API
function startEditing()
function stopEditing()
function initialize()
function checkResponse()
/ END sankore api
var sankoreLang = {
edit: "Изменить",
view: "Просмотр",
example: "это\nпример\nпредложения"
var sentence = "";
var curSentence = "";
sentence = (sankore.preference("rightOrdPhrases", ""))?sankore.preference("rightOrdPhrases", ""):sankoreLang.example;
curSentence = (sankore.preference("currentOrdPhrases", ""))?sankore.preference("currentOrdPhrases", ""):"";
} else {
sentence = sankoreLang.example;
var doCheck = true;
// array of dom elements
var phrases = [];
var editMode = false; // just a flag
// if use the "edit" button or rely on the api instead
var isSankore = false;
// whether to do window.resize or not (window = widget area)
var isBrowser = ( typeof( widget ) == "undefined" );
// hardcoded parameters, not very good
var input_width = 606;
var widget_padding = 100;
function str_replace( w, b, s ){
while( s.indexOf( w ) != -1 ){
s = s.replace( w, b );
return s;
shuffles an array
function shuffle( arr )
var pos, tmp;
for( var i = 0; i < arr.length; i++ )
pos = Math.round( Math.random() * ( arr.length - 1 ) );
tmp = arr[pos];
arr[pos] = arr[i];
arr[i] = tmp;
return arr;
returns array of dom elements
function createElements( sentence )
var el;
var elements = [];
var phrases = sentence.split( "\n" );
for( i in phrases )
el = document.createElement( "div" );
$( el ).addClass( "phrase" ).text( phrases[i] );
elements.push( el );
return elements;
function checkSentence()
if( !doCheck )
var ph = [];
$( "#mp_word .phrase" ).each( function()
ph.push( $( this ).text() );
if( ph.join( "\n" ) == str_replace( "\r", "", sentence ) ){
$( "#mp_word .phrase" ).addClass( "right" );
turns the widget into the view mode
function modeView()
if( editMode ){
sentence = str_replace( "\r", "", $( "#mp_word textarea" ).attr( "value" ) );
var p = sentence.split( "\n" );
var p2 = [];
var t;
for( var i in p )
t = jQuery.trim( p[i] );
if( t ) p2.push( t );
sentence = p2.join( "\n" );
// if no sankore api, insert edit button
if( !isSankore ){
$( "#mp_setup" ).empty().append( '<input type="button" value="' + sankoreLang.edit + '">' );
$( "#mp_setup input:button" ).click( function(){
// clean the previous word
$( "#mp_word" ).empty();
var phrases;
// create new set of elements
if(window.sankore && curSentence && !editMode)
phrases = createElements( curSentence );
phrases = shuffle( createElements( sentence ) );
for( i in phrases ){
$("#mp_word").append( phrases[i] );
// in sankore api there would be a function to check
// the answer, so no update parameter would be needed
$( "#mp_word" ).sortable();
if( !isSankore ){
$( "#mp_word" ).sortable( {
update: checkSentence
} );
} else
$( "#mp_word" ).sortable();
// adjustHeight
var aHeight = $( phrases[0] ).outerHeight( true );
// apply new width
adjust( aHeight * phrases.length );
adjust width or height
function adjust( height )
$( "#mp_word" ).animate( {
height: height
} );
// if viewed as a widget, resize the window
if( !isBrowser ){
window.resizeTo( widget.width, height + widget_padding );
function modeEdit()
editMode = true;
// if no sankore api, insert ok button
if( !isSankore )
$( "#mp_setup" ).empty().append( '<input type="button" value="' + sankoreLang.view + '">' );
$( "#mp_setup input:button" ).click( function(){
$( "#mp_word").css( "margin-left", 0 ).empty()
.append('<textarea cols="50" rows="5">'+sentence+'</textarea>');
adjust( $( "#mp_word textarea" ).outerHeight() );
if (window.widget) {
window.widget.onleave = function(){
if($( "#mp_word textarea" ).val())
var ph = [];
$( "#mp_word .phrase" ).each( function()
ph.push( $( this ).text() );
sankore.setPreference("currentOrdPhrases", ph.join( "\n" ));
ph = [];
$( "#mp_word .phrase" ).each( function()
ph.push( $( this ).text() );
sankore.setPreference("currentOrdPhrases", ph.join( "\n" ));
sankore.setPreference("rightOrdPhrases", sentence);
\ No newline at end of file
...@@ -26,16 +26,21 @@ function checkResponse() ...@@ -26,16 +26,21 @@ function checkResponse()
/ END sankore api / END sankore api
*/ */
var sankoreLang = {
edit: "Edit",
view: "View",
example: "this is\nan example\nsentence"
var sentence = ""; var sentence = "";
var curSentence = ""; var curSentence = "";
if(window.sankore){ if(window.sankore){
sentence = (sankore.preference("rightOrdPhrases", ""))?sankore.preference("rightOrdPhrases", ""):"this is\nan example\nsentence"; sentence = (sankore.preference("rightOrdPhrases", ""))?sankore.preference("rightOrdPhrases", ""):sankoreLang.example;
curSentence = (sankore.preference("currentOrdPhrases", ""))?sankore.preference("currentOrdPhrases", ""):""; curSentence = (sankore.preference("currentOrdPhrases", ""))?sankore.preference("currentOrdPhrases", ""):"";
} else { } else {
sentence = "this is\nan example\nsentence"; sentence = sankoreLang.example;
} }
var doCheck = true; var doCheck = true;
...@@ -143,7 +148,7 @@ function modeView() ...@@ -143,7 +148,7 @@ function modeView()
// if no sankore api, insert edit button // if no sankore api, insert edit button
if( !isSankore ){ if( !isSankore ){
$( "#mp_setup" ).empty().append( '<input type="button" value="Edit">' ); $( "#mp_setup" ).empty().append( '<input type="button" value="' + sankoreLang.edit + '">' );
$( "#mp_setup input:button" ).click( function(){ $( "#mp_setup input:button" ).click( function(){
modeEdit(); modeEdit();
}); });
...@@ -208,7 +213,7 @@ function modeEdit() ...@@ -208,7 +213,7 @@ function modeEdit()
// if no sankore api, insert ok button // if no sankore api, insert ok button
if( !isSankore ) if( !isSankore )
{ {
$( "#mp_setup" ).empty().append( '<input type="button" value="View">' ); $( "#mp_setup" ).empty().append( '<input type="button" value="' + sankoreLang.view + '">' );
$( "#mp_setup input:button" ).click( function(){ $( "#mp_setup input:button" ).click( function(){
modeView(); modeView();
}); });
...@@ -218,25 +223,27 @@ function modeEdit() ...@@ -218,25 +223,27 @@ function modeEdit()
adjust( $( "#mp_word textarea" ).outerHeight() ); adjust( $( "#mp_word textarea" ).outerHeight() );
} }
$(window).mouseout(function(){ if (window.widget) {
if(window.sankore){ window.widget.onleave = function(){
if($( "#mp_word textarea" ).val())
var ph = []; var ph = [];
$( "#mp_word .phrase" ).each( function() $( "#mp_word .phrase" ).each( function()
{ {
ph.push( $( this ).text() ); ph.push( $( this ).text() );
}); });
sankore.setPreference("currentOrdPhrases", ph.join( "\n" )); sankore.setPreference("currentOrdPhrases", ph.join( "\n" ));
ph = [];
$( "#mp_word .phrase" ).each( function()
ph.push( $( this ).text() );
sankore.setPreference("currentOrdPhrases", ph.join( "\n" ));
sankore.setPreference("rightOrdPhrases", sentence); sankore.setPreference("rightOrdPhrases", sentence);
} }
}); }
\ No newline at end of file
$("#ub-widget").append( '\
<div id="mp_setup"></div>\
<div id="mp_word"></div>\
\ No newline at end of file
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