Commit 50a3bd95 authored by Claudio Valerio's avatar Claudio Valerio

fixed issue on load

parent 3a401c1f
......@@ -31,7 +31,7 @@
<body onLoad="recevoirPays('')" onClick="coords = coords + (event.clientX-13) + ',' + (event.clientY-13) + ','">
<body onClick="coords = coords + (event.clientX-13) + ',' + (event.clientY-13) + ','">
<!-- Div contenant le point d'interrogation pour les satistiques-->
<div class="question">
......@@ -143,6 +143,7 @@ SOAPClient._loadWsdl = function(url, method, parameters, async, callback)
if (!async)
return SOAPClient._onLoadWsdl(url, method, parameters, async, callback, xmlHttp);
......@@ -154,6 +155,7 @@ SOAPClient._onLoadWsdl = function(url, method, parameters, async, callback, req)
SOAPClient._sendSoapRequest = function(url, method, parameters, async, callback, wsdl)
// get namespace
var ns = (wsdl.documentElement.attributes["targetNamespace"] + "" == "undefined") ? wsdl.documentElement.attributes.getNamedItem("targetNamespace").nodeValue : wsdl.documentElement.attributes["targetNamespace"].value;
// build SOAP request
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