Commit 3d28de75 authored by shibakaneki's avatar shibakaneki

Fixed issue 1112

parent 69fec641
......@@ -169,6 +169,7 @@ void UBExportFullPDF::persistsDocument(UBDocumentProxy* pDocumentProxy, const QS
MergeDescription mergeInfo;
int existingPageCount = pDocumentProxy->pageCount();
for(int pageIndex = 0 ; pageIndex < existingPageCount; pageIndex++)
UBGraphicsScene* scene = UBPersistenceManager::persistenceManager()->loadDocumentScene(pDocumentProxy, pageIndex);
......@@ -180,18 +181,42 @@ void UBExportFullPDF::persistsDocument(UBDocumentProxy* pDocumentProxy, const QS
QString pdfName = UBPersistenceManager::objectDirectory + "/" + pdfItem->fileUuid().toString() + ".pdf";
QString backgroundPath = pDocumentProxy->persistencePath() + "/" + pdfName;
QRectF annotationsRect = scene->itemsBoundingRect();
// Original datas
double xAnnotation = qRound(annotationsRect.x());
double yAnnotation = qRound(annotationsRect.y());
double xPdf = qRound(pdfItem->sceneBoundingRect().x());
double yPdf = qRound(pdfItem->sceneBoundingRect().y());
double hPdf = qRound(pdfItem->sceneBoundingRect().height());
// Exportation-transformed datas
double hScaleFactor = pageSize.width()/scene->itemsBoundingRect().width();
double vScaleFactor = pageSize.height()/scene->itemsBoundingRect().height();
double scaleFactor = qMin(hScaleFactor, vScaleFactor);
double xAnnotationsOffset = 0;
double yAnnotationsOffset = 0;
double hPdfTransformed = qRound(hPdf * scaleFactor);
qDebug() << "scene->itemsBoundingRect()" << scene->itemsBoundingRect();
qDebug() << "pdfItem->boundingRect()" << pdfItem->boundingRect();
qDebug() << "pdfItem->sceneBoundingRect()" << pdfItem->sceneBoundingRect();
// Here, we force the PDF page to be on the topleft corner of the page
double xPdfOffset = 0;
double yPdfOffset = (hPdf - hPdfTransformed) * mScaleFactor;
// Now we align the items
xPdfOffset += (xPdf - xAnnotation) * scaleFactor * mScaleFactor;
yPdfOffset -= (yPdf - yAnnotation) * scaleFactor * mScaleFactor;
TransformationDescription pdfTransform(xPdfOffset, yPdfOffset, scaleFactor, 0);
TransformationDescription annotationTransform(xAnnotationsOffset, yAnnotationsOffset, 1, 0);
MergePageDescription pageDescription(pageSize.width() * mScaleFactor,
pageSize.height() * mScaleFactor,
pageIndex + 1,
false, false);
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